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Todo List Demo App

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../ui"

 Page {
   id: page
   title: qsTr("Todo List") // use qsTr for strings you want to translate

   leftBarItem: IconButtonBarItem {
     icon: IconType.gear
     onClicked: settingsDialog.open()

   rightBarItem: NavigationBarRow {
     // network activity indicator
     ActivityIndicatorBarItem {
       enabled: dataModel.isBusy
       visible: enabled
       showItem: showItemAlways

     // add new todo
     IconButtonBarItem {
       icon: IconType.plus
       showItem: showItemAlways
       onClicked: {
         // use qsTr for strings you want to translate
         var title = qsTr("New Todo")

         // this logic helper function adds a new draft

   // when draft is created, we open the draft and optionally store it
   Connections {
     target: dataModel
     onDraftTodoCreated: {
       // open draft if split view is active (on tablets)
         page.navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(detailPageComponent, { todoId: todo.id })

       // if activated, we store drafts whenever a draft is created

   // JsonListModel
   // A ViewModel for JSON data that offers best integration and performance with list views
   JsonListModel {
     id: myJsonListModel
     source: dataModel.draftTodos.concat(dataModel.todos) // show both draft todos and stored todos
     keyField: "id"
     fields: ["id", "title", "completed"]

   // SortFilterProxyModel
   // Proxy ViewModel for sorting or filtering ListModel data, also works with JsonListModel
   SortFilterProxyModel {
     id: filteredModel
     sourceModel: myJsonListModel

     // configure sorters
     sorters: [
       StringSorter {
         id: titleSorter
         roleName: "title"
         enabled: sortFilterSettings.sortTitleActive

     // configure filters
     filters: [
       ValueFilter {
         id: completedFilter
         roleName: "completed"
         value: true
         enabled: sortFilterSettings.filterCompletedActive

   // show sorted/filterd todos of data model
   AppListView {
     id: listView
     anchors.fill: parent

     // the model specifies the data for the list view
     model: filteredModel

     // the delegate is the template item for each entry of the list
     delegate: SimpleRow {
       text: viewHelper.formatTodoId(model)
       detailText: "Title: "+title
       style.textColor: dataModel.isDraft(model) ? "grey" : Theme.listItem.textColor

       // push detail page when selected, pass chosen todo id
       onSelected: page.navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(detailPageComponent, { todoId: model.id })

       // show marker for completed todos
       Rectangle {
         anchors.left: parent.left
         anchors.top: parent.top
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
         anchors.margins: dp(4)
         width: dp(4)
         color: completed ? "lightgreen" : Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

     // item animations, supported by list view for view model types like JsonListModel, ListModel or SortFilterProxyModel
     add: Transition {
       NumberAnimation {
         property: "opacity";
         from: 0;
         to: 1;
         duration: 200
         easing.type: Easing.OutQuad;

     addDisplaced: Transition {
       NumberAnimation {
         properties: "x,y";
         duration: 200
         easing.type: Easing.OutQuad;

     remove: Transition {
       NumberAnimation {
         property: "opacity";
         from: 1;
         to: 0;
         duration: 200
         easing.type: Easing.OutQuad;

     removeDisplaced: Transition {
       NumberAnimation {
         properties: "x,y";
         duration: 200
         easing.type: Easing.OutQuad;

     // hide scroll indicator, we automatically load more when bottom is reached
     scrollIndicatorVisible: false

     // load more todos
     footer: VisibilityRefreshHandler {
       canRefresh: !dataModel.isFetchingTodos
       onRefresh: logic.fetchNextPage()

     // fetch todos when pulling list view for refresh
     PullToRefreshHandler {
       refreshing: dataModel.isFetchingTodos
       onRefresh: logic.fetchTodos()

   // component for creating detail pages
   Component {
     id: detailPageComponent
     TodoDetailPage { }

   // dialog for filter settings
   Dialog {
     id: settingsDialog
     title: qsTr("Settings")
     positiveAction: false
     negativeActionLabel: qsTr("Close")
     onCanceled: close()
     mainWindow: getApplication()

     SortFilterSettings {
       id: sortFilterSettings
       anchors.centerIn: parent
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