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Twitter Demo App

 import QtQuick 2.4
 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2

 import Felgo 3.0
 import "."
 import "../widgets"

 Page {
   id: twitterMainPage

   // These can be used from anywhere in the app - this way the QML files are parsed only once
   Component { id: mainPageComponent; MainPage { } }
   Component { id: detailPageComponent; DetailPage { } }
   Component { id: profilePageComponent; ProfilePage { } }
   Component { id: listsPageComponent; ListsPage { } }

   // make page navigation public, so app-demo launcher can track navigation changes and log screens with Google Analytics
   property alias navigation: navigation

   useSafeArea: false // fill full screen

   Navigation {
     id: navigation
     drawer.drawerPosition: drawer.drawerPositionLeft
     headerView: NavHeader {}
     footerView: NavFooter {}

     //this overrides the default mode of drawer on android and tabs elsewhere
     //navigationMode: navigationModeTabsAndDrawer

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Home"
       icon: IconType.home

       NavigationStack {
         MainPage { }

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Lists"
       icon: IconType.bars

       NavigationStack {
         ListsPage { }

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Messages"
       icon: IconType.envelope

       NavigationStack {
         MessagesPage { }

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Me"
       icon: IconType.user

       NavigationStack {

         // manually push profilePage to fix initial scroll position of profile page
         // (due to bug when using ListView::headerItem)
         Component.onCompleted: {
           push(profilePageComponent, { profile: dataModel.currentProfile })
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