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A single-line TextField input control. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0
Since: Felgo 2.7.0




Detailed Description

AppTextField is an extension of the basic QML TextField for getting single-line text input from the user.

It implements a default platform-specific styling. Use the properties background, font and others to customize the appearance.

How do I set a placeholder for the text field?

Input controls like AppTextInput or AppTextField, which extends the QML TextField type, own a placeholderText property, which you can use for your placeholder text.

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {
   AppPage {

     // remove focus from textedit if background is clicked
     MouseArea {
       anchors.fill: parent
       onClicked: textEdit.focus = false

     // background for input
     Rectangle {
       anchors.fill: textEdit
       anchors.margins: -dp(8)
       color: "lightgrey"

     // input
     AppTextField {
       id: textEdit
       width: dp(200)
       placeholderText: "What's your name?"
       anchors.centerIn: parent

How do I show validation errors?

The text input components provide predefined validators that you can use, they are called inputMethodHints.

You can also add custom validators to restrict the accepted input to a certain input type or expression. Input that does not match the validator is not accepted. To do custom validations and show errors for accepted input, you can add simple checks and control the visibility of errors with property bindings:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {
   // background for input
   Rectangle {
     anchors.fill: textInput
     anchors.margins: -dp(8)
     color: "lightgrey"

   // input
   AppTextField {
     id: textInput
     width: dp(200)
     placeholderText: "What's your name?"
     anchors.centerIn: parent

     // only allow letters and check length
     validator: RegularExpressionValidator {
       regularExpression: /[A-Za-z]+/
     property bool isTooLong: textInput.text.length >= 6

   // show error if too long
   AppText {
     text: "Error: Use less than 6 letters."
     color: "red"
     anchors.top: textInput.bottom
     anchors.topMargin: dp(16)
     anchors.left: textInput.left
     visible: textInput.isTooLong

More Frequently Asked Development Questions

Find more examples for frequently asked development questions and important concepts in the following guides:

Property Documentation

backgroundColor : color

The background color of the text field. If the background is transparent and the text field's borderWidth is 0, the control uses a native look on Android.

The default value for Android is transparent, otherwise it is Theme::backgroundColor.

borderColor : color

The color of the text field's border.

The default value is Theme::dividerColor.

borderWidth : real

The width of the text field's border. If the text field has no border and the backgroundColor is transparent, the control uses a native look on Android.

The default value is 0.

[since Felgo 3.9.1] clearButton : alias

An alias to the IconButton that removes the current input text.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.9.1.

See also showClearButton.

[since Felgo 2.7.0] clearsOnBeginEditing : bool

If set to true, the text field's current text is cleared when the user selects the text field to begin editing. If false, the text field places an insertion point at the place where the user tapped the field.

The default value is false.

This property was introduced in Felgo 2.7.0.

[since Felgo 3.3.0] clickEnabled : bool

This property is used for text fields without manual input. When the user selects this text field, the clicked signal is fired instead of setting focus to the text field. This makes sense e.g. for date input fields, where you can show a date picker when the field is selected.

 import QtQuick
 import Felgo

 App {
   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "AppTextField::clickEnabled"

       AppTextField {
         id: textField
         width: parent.width
         placeholderText: "Select date"
         clickEnabled: true
         onClicked: {

         Connections {
           target: NativeUtils
           onDatePickerFinished: {
             if(accepted) textField.text = date

The default value is false.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.3.0.

[since Felgo 2.7.0] cursorColor : color

The color of the cursor that marks the current position in the text field. Matches Theme::inputCursorColor by default.

This property was introduced in Felgo 2.7.0.

[since Felgo 3.3.0] inputMode : int

You can use a set of predefined input modes for different types of text fields:

  • inputModeDefault: Default text input without any special features.
  • inputModeUsername: Displays a clear button by default if the field is not empty and has focus, which can be changed with showClearButton.
  • inputModeEmail: Only accepts characters allowed in Emails using the TextInput::validator property. Displays a clear button by default if the field is not empty and has focus, which can be changed with showClearButton.
  • inputModeUrl: Only accepts characters allowed in URLs using the TextInput::validator property. Displays a clear button by default if the field is not empty and has focus, which can be changed with showClearButton.
  • inputModePassword: Hides the input using disc characters instead using the TextInput::echoMode property. Shows a button to display the password by default, which can be changed using showPasswordVisibleButton. The password can also be displayed using the passwordVisible property.
 import QtQuick
 import Felgo

 App {
   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "AppTextField::inputMode"

       AppTextField {
         width: parent.width
         inputMode: inputModeEmail

The default value is inputModeDefault.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.3.0.

[since Felgo 3.3.0] passwordVisible : bool

Set this to display the password instead of showing disc characters. This only has an effect if the text field is used with inputModePassword.

This property is also used by the show password button, which can be enabled/disabled using showPasswordVisibleButton.

The default value is false.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.3.0.

[since Felgo 3.9.1] passwordVisibleButton : alias

An alias to the IconButton that toggles password visibility when in inputModePassword.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.9.1.

See also showPasswordVisibleButton.

placeholderColor : color

The color for the placeholder text that is displayed when the field is empty.

The default value is Theme::placeholderTextColor.

radius : real

The Rectangle::radius of the background.

The default value is 0.

[since Felgo 2.7.0] showClearButton : bool

If set to true, a clear button is displayed at the right side of the text field as soon as the text field has contents, as a way for the user to remove the current text.

The default value is false.

This property was introduced in Felgo 2.7.0.

[since Felgo 3.3.0] showPasswordVisibleButton : bool

This property is used to show a button to display the password instead of showing disc characters.

The default value is true if the text field is used with inputModePassword, else false.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.3.0.

textColor : color

An alias to the color property of the inherited TextField.

The default value is Theme.colors.textColor.

[since Felgo 3.7.0] underlineColor : color

The color of the text field underline for Android. By default matches Theme::inputCursorColor on focus and Theme::placeholderTextColor otherwise.

This property was introduced in Felgo 3.7.0.

Signal Documentation

[since Felgo 3.3.0] clicked()

This signal is fired if the text field uses clickEnabled and is selected.

Note: The corresponding handler is onClicked.

This signal was introduced in Felgo 3.3.0.

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