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ChickenOutbreak2 Demo

 var newRoostCenterPos = Qt.point(0,0)
 var newWheelCenterPos = Qt.point(0,0)
 var randomValue
 var coinCenterPos = Qt.point(0,0)
 var coinPositionModifier = 0.7*scene.gridSize
 var gridSizeHalf = scene.gridSize/2
 var newWindowTopleftPos = Qt.point(0,0)
 var newWindowCenterPos = Qt.point(0,0)
 var roostUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/Roost.qml")
 var wheelUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/Wheel.qml")
 var coinUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/Coin.qml")
 var doublePointsUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/DoublePoints.qml")
 var parachuteUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/Parachute.qml")
 var trippleCoinUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/TrippleCoin.qml")
 var badCoinUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/BadCoin.qml")
 var coinTypeUrl
 var windowUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/HenhouseWindow.qml")
 var newElementProperties = {}

 function createRandomRowForRowNumber(rowNumber) {
   for(var i=0; i<roostColumns; i++) {
         randomValue = Math.random()
         if(randomValue < wheelCreationProbability ) {
             newWheelCenterPos.x = i*gridSize + 43
             newWheelCenterPos.y = rowNumber*gridSize + 43

             if(newWheelCenterPos.y-lastWheelY < minimumWheelHeightDifference) {
                 console.debug("difference between last Window and current to create one too small!")

             if(physicsWorld.bodyAt(newWheelCenterPos)) {
                 console.debug("no Wheel can be created because there is something already");
             newElementProperties.x = newWheelCenterPos.x
             newElementProperties.y = newWheelCenterPos.y

             lastWheelY = newWheelCenterPos.y;
         randomValue = Math.random()
         if(randomValue < platformCreationProbability ) {
             newRoostCenterPos.x = i*gridSize + gridSizeHalf
             newRoostCenterPos.y = rowNumber*gridSize + gridSizeHalf

             if(physicsWorld.bodyAt(newRoostCenterPos)) {
                 console.debug("no Roost can be created because there is something already");
             //console.debug("creating a new Roost at position", i*gridSize + gridSize/2, ",", rowNumber*gridSize + gridSize/2);

             newElementProperties.x = newRoostCenterPos.x
             newElementProperties.y = newRoostCenterPos.y
             newElementProperties.rotation = Math.random() < platformRotationProbability ? (Math.floor(Math.random() * 70) -34) : 0

             // create a coin in 30% of all created blocks
             randomValue = Math.random()
             if(randomValue < coinCreationPropability) {
                 // look at 1 grid position above
                 coinCenterPos.x = newRoostCenterPos.x
                 coinCenterPos.y = newRoostCenterPos.y-scene.gridSize

                 // test if one grid above is an empty field (so if no block is built there) - if so, a coin can be created
                 if(physicsWorld.bodyAt(coinCenterPos)) {
                     console.debug("there is a block above the to create block, don't create a coin here!")

                 randomValue = Math.random()
                 if(randomValue < doublePointsCreationPropability) {
                   newElementProperties.x = coinCenterPos.x
                   newElementProperties.y = coinCenterPos.y+0.6*scene.gridSize // move slightly up, so it looks better
                   coinTypeUrl = doublePointsUrl
                 else if(Math.random() < parachuteCreationPropability) {
                   newElementProperties.x = coinCenterPos.x
                   newElementProperties.y = coinCenterPos.y+0.6*scene.gridSize // move slightly up, so it looks better
                   coinTypeUrl = parachuteUrl
                 else if(Math.random() < trippleCoinCreationPropability) {
                   newElementProperties.x = coinCenterPos.x-6
                   newElementProperties.y = coinCenterPos.y+0.5*scene.gridSize
                   coinTypeUrl = trippleCoinUrl
                 } else if(Math.random() < badCoinCreationPropability) {
                   newElementProperties.x = coinCenterPos.x
                   newElementProperties.y = coinCenterPos.y+0.6*scene.gridSize // move slightly up, so it looks better
                   coinTypeUrl = badCoinUrl
                 } else {
                   newElementProperties.x = coinCenterPos.x
                   newElementProperties.y = coinCenterPos.y+0.65*scene.gridSize // move slightly up, so it looks better
                   coinTypeUrl = coinUrl
             // reset rotation to zero windows and wheels should not be rotated
             newElementProperties.rotation = 0
         } else if(i < roostColumns-1 && randomValue < windowCreationProbability ) {
             // the i<columns-1 check is required, because the window has a size of 2 grids, and its anchor is top left
             newWindowTopleftPos.x = i*gridSize
             newWindowTopleftPos.y = rowNumber*gridSize
             newWindowCenterPos.x = i*gridSize+32
             newWindowCenterPos.y = rowNumber*gridSize+30

             //console.debug("newWindowTopleftPos.y-lastWindowY:", newWindowTopleftPos.y-lastWindowY)
             // this avoids creating too many windows, so not possible to have more than 2 on a scene with this code!
             if(newWindowTopleftPos.y-lastWindowY < minimumWindowHeightDifference) {
                 console.debug("difference between last Window and current to create one too small!")

             // this might happen if a window was already created at this position
             if(physicsWorld.bodyAt(newWindowTopleftPos) || physicsWorld.bodyAt(newWindowCenterPos)) {
                 console.debug("body at position x:", newWindowTopleftPos.x, ", y:", newWindowTopleftPos.y, physicsWorld.bodyAt(newWindowTopleftPos))
                 console.debug("there is a window at the position where to create a window, so no creation is done");

             newElementProperties.x = newWindowCenterPos.x
             newElementProperties.y = newWindowCenterPos.y

             lastWindowY = newWindowTopleftPos.y;
             // windows uses 2 grids, fast forward
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