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Crazy Carousel Game

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 QtObject {
     id: logic

     // properties for handling game speed and bullet/coin timeouts
     // can be used to speed up the game
     property double speedUp: 1.0
     property int minBulletTimeout: 1000
     property int minCoinTimeout: 2000
     property int bulletTimeout: 4000
     property int coinTimeout: 2000

     // increasePoints is called by coins when they are collected
     function increasePoints() {

     // is called by bullets when game is over
     function gameOver() {
         gameWindow.state = "gameover"

     // timer for dynamic bullet creation
     property Timer bulletTimer: Timer {
         id: bulletTimer
         interval : Math.random() * logic.bulletTimeout + logic.minBulletTimeout
         running: gameScene.visible // start running from the beginning, when the scene is loaded

         onTriggered: {
             // calculate bullet properties
             var randomLane = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 + 1)
             var enemyWidth = gameScene.laneWidth * 0.74
             var laneOffset = gameScene.width * 0.13
             var xPosition = Math.round(laneOffset + (randomLane * enemyWidth) - (enemyWidth / 2))
             var xGoal = randomLane * gameScene.laneWidth - (gameScene.laneWidth / 2)

             var newEntityProperties = {
                     x: xPosition,
                     y: 95, // position at height of enemies,
                     z: 12,
                     goalX: xGoal,
                     startX: xPosition,
                     startY: 95,
                     speed: 3000 / (1 + logic.speedUp / 8 * 1.5) // multiplier between 1 and 2.5

             // add bullet to scene

             // calculate random interval for next bullet
             interval = Math.random() * logic.bulletTimeout + logic.minBulletTimeout

             // restart the timer

     // timer for dynamic coin creation
     property Timer coinTimer: Timer {
         id: coinTimer
         interval : Math.random() * logic.coinTimeout + logic.minCoinTimeout
         running: gameScene.visible // start running from the beginning, when the scene is loaded

         onTriggered: {
             // calculate coin properties
             var randomLane = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1)
             var enemyWidth = gameScene.laneWidth * 0.74
             var laneOffset = gameScene.width * 0.13
             var xPosition = Math.round(laneOffset + (randomLane * enemyWidth))
             var xGoal = randomLane * gameScene.laneWidth

             var newEntityProperties = {
                     x: xPosition ,
                     y: 75, // position slightly above enemies
                     z: 12,
                     goalX: xGoal,
                     startX: xPosition,
                     startY: 75,
                     speed: 3000 / (1 + logic.speedUp / 8 * 2) // multiplier between 1 and 3

             // add coin to scene

             // calculate random interval for next coin
             interval = Math.random() * logic.coinTimeout + logic.minCoinTimeout

             // restart the timer

     // timer for speeding up the game
     property Timer speedUpTimer: Timer {
         id: speedUpTimer
         interval: 15000 // speed up every 15 seconds
         running: gameScene.visible // timer is only active when gameScene is running

         onTriggered: {
             logic.speedUp += 0.7 // speed up game

             // stop bulletTimer, reduce timeout and restart timer
             logic.bulletTimeout -= 300
             bulletTimer.interval = Math.random() * logic.bulletTimeout +

             // stop coinTimer, reduce timeout and restart timer
             logic.coinTimeout -= 100
             coinTimer.interval = Math.random() * logic.coinTimeout +

             // stop after speed up limit is reached
             if(logic.speedUp < 8)
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