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Doodle Jump Game

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 EntityBase {
   id:frogEntity // the id we use as a reference inside this class

   entityType: "Frog" // always name your entityTypes

   state: frogCollider.linearVelocity.y < 0 ?  "jumping" : "falling" // change state according to the frog's y velocity

   property int impulse: y-frogCollider.linearVelocity.y // to move platforms

   property alias controller: twoAxisController // we make the frog's twoAxisController visible and accessible for the scene

   // frogCollider uses TwoAxisController to move the frog left or right.
   TwoAxisController {
     id: twoAxisController

   // sprite for the frog, he can either be sitting or jumping
   GameSpriteSequence {
     id: frogAnimation

     defaultSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/spritesheet.png")
     scale: 0.35 // our image is too big so we reduce the size of the original image to 35%
     anchors.centerIn: frogCollider
     // when frog jumps it turns to the direction he moves
     rotation: frogEntity.state == "jumping" ?
                  (system.desktopPlatform ?
                     twoAxisController.xAxis * 15
                     : (accelerometer.reading !== null ? -accelerometer.reading.x * 10 : 0))
                 : 0

     GameSprite {
       name: "sitting"
       frameWidth: 128
       frameHeight: 128
       startFrameColumn: 2

     GameSprite {
       name: "jumping"
       frameCount: 4
       frameRate: 8

       frameWidth: 128
       frameHeight: 256
       frameX: 0
       frameY: 128

   // collider to check for collisions and apply gravity
   BoxCollider {
     id: frogCollider

     width: 25 // width of the frog collider
     height: 5 // height of the frog collider

     bodyType: gameScene.state == "playing" ?  Body.Dynamic : Body.Static // do not apply gravity when the frog is dead or the game is not started

     // move the frog left and right
     linearVelocity.x: system.desktopPlatform ?
                         twoAxisController.xAxis * 200 :  //  for desktop
                         (accelerometer.reading !== null ? -accelerometer.reading.x * 100 : 0)   // for mobile

     fixture.onContactChanged: other => {
       var otherEntity = other.getBody().target
       var otherEntityType = otherEntity.entityType

       if(otherEntityType === "Border") {
       else if(otherEntityType === "Platform" && frogEntity.state == "falling") {
         frogCollider.linearVelocity.y = -400


   // animations handling
   onStateChanged: {
     if(frogEntity.state == "jumping") {
       frogAnimation.jumpTo("jumping") // change the current animation to jumping
     if(frogEntity.state == "falling") {
       frogAnimation.jumpTo("sitting") // change the current animation to sitting

   onYChanged: {
     if(y < 200) {
       y = 200 // limit the frog's y value

       score += 1 // increase score

   // die and restart game
   function die() {
     // reset position
     frogEntity.x = gameScene.width / 2
     frogEntity.y = 220

     // reset velocity
     frogCollider.linearVelocity.y = 0

     // reset animation

     gameNetwork.reportScore(score) // report the current score to the gameNetwork
     score = 0

     gameScene.state = "gameOver"

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