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Doodle Jump Game

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtSensors 5.5
 import "../"

 SceneBase {
   id: gameScene

   // actual scene size
   width: 320
   height: 480

   state: "start"

   property int score: 0

   signal menuScenePressed

   // increment achievement whenever game scene is created (once per app start)
   Component.onCompleted: gameNetwork.incrementAchievement("5opens")

   // background image
   Image {
     anchors.fill: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/background.png")

   // key input will be handled by the controller in our frog-entity
   Keys.forwardTo: frog.controller

   // accelerometer can be used to react to tilting the phone
   Accelerometer {
     id: accelerometer
     active: true

   // add physics world to use gravity and collision detection
   PhysicsWorld {
     debugDrawVisible: false // turn it on for debugging
     updatesPerSecondForPhysics: 60
     gravity.y: 20 // how much gravity do you want?

   // the repeater adds ten platforms to the scene
   Repeater {
     model: 10 // every platorm gets recycled so we define only ten of them
     Platform {
       x: utils.generateRandomValueBetween(0, gameScene.width) // random value
       y: gameScene.height / 10 * index // distribute the platforms across the screen

   // this platform is placed directly under the frog for the start
   Platform {
     x: 120
     y: 300

   // the frog entity (player character)
   Frog {
     id: frog
     x: gameScene.width / 2 // place the frog in the horizontal center
     y: 220

   // border at the bottom of the screen, used to check game-over
   Border {
     id: border
     x: -gameScene.width*2
     y: gameScene.height-10 // subtract a small value to make the border just visible in our scene

   // show current player score
   Image {
     id: scoreCounter
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/scoreCounter.png")
     height: 80
     x: -15
     y: -15
     // text component to show the score
     Text {
       id: scoreText
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       color: "white"
       font.pixelSize: 32
       text: score

   // start the game when user touches the screen
   MouseArea {
     id: mouseArea
     anchors.fill: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
     onClicked: {
       if(gameScene.state === "start") { // if the game is ready and the screen is clicked we start the game
         gameScene.state = "playing"
       if(gameScene.state === "gameOver") // if the frog is dead and the screen is clicked we restart the game
         gameScene.state = "start"

   // show info text depending on state (gameover, start)
   Image {
     id: infoText
     anchors.centerIn: parent
     source: gameScene.state == "gameOver" ? "../../assets/gameOverText.png" : "../../assets/clickToPlayText.png"
     visible: gameScene.state !== "playing"

   // options button to jump back to menu
   Image {
     id: menuButton
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/optionsButton.png")
     x: gameScene.width - 96
     y: -40
     scale: 0.5

     MouseArea {
       id: menuButtonMouseArea
       anchors.fill: parent
       onClicked: {

         // reset the gameScene
         gameScene.state = "start"
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