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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import QtQuick 2.12
 import Felgo 3.0

 Item {
   id: gameLogic

   property bool singlePlayer: false
   property bool initialized: false
   onInitializedChanged: console.debug("GameLogic.initialized changed to:", initialized)
   // the remaining turn time for the active player
   property double remainingTime
   // turn time for the active player, in seconds
   // do not set this too low, otherwise players with higher latency could run into problems as they get skipped by the leader
   property int userInterval: multiplayer.myTurn && !multiplayer.amLeader ? 7 : 10
   // turn time for AI players, in milliseconds
   property int aiTurnTime: 600
   // restart the game at the end after a few seconds
   property int restartTime: 8000
   // whether the user has already drawn cards this turn or not
   property bool cardsDrawn: false
   property bool acted: false
   property bool gameOver: false

   property int messageSyncGameState: 0
   property int messageRequestGameState: 1
   property int messageMoveCardsHand: 2
   property int messageMoveCardsDepot: 3
   property int messageSetEffect: 4
   property int messageSetSkipped: 5
   property int messageSetReverse: 6
   property int messageSetDrawAmount: 7
   property int messagePickColor: 8
   property int messagePressONU: 9
   property int messageEndGame: 10 // we could replace this custom message with the new endGame() function from multiplayer, custom end game message was sent before this functionality existed
   property int messagePrintChat: 11
   property int messageSetPlayerInfo: 12
   property int messageTriggerTurn: 13
   property int messageRequestPlayerTags: 14

   // gets set to true when a message is received before the game state got synced. in that case, request a new game state
   property bool receivedMessageBeforeGameStateInSync: false

   // bling sound effect when selecting a color for wild or wild4 cards
   SoundEffect {
     volume: 0.5
     id: colorSound
     source: "../../assets/snd/color.wav"

   // timer decreases the remaining turn time for the active player
   Timer {
     id: timer
     repeat: true
     running: !gameOver
     interval: 1000

     onTriggered: {
       remainingTime -= 1
       // let the AI play for the connected player after 10 seconds
       if (remainingTime === 0) {
       // mark the valid card options for the active player
       if (multiplayer.myTurn){
       // repaint the timer circle on the playerTag every second
       for (var i = 0; i < playerTags.children.length; i++){

   // AI takes over after a few seconds if the player is not connected
   Timer {
     id: aiTimeOut
     interval: aiTurnTime
     onTriggered: {

   // start a new match after a few seconds
   Timer {
     id: restartGameTimer
     interval: restartTime
     onTriggered: {

   // connect to the FelgoMultiplayer object and handle all messages
   Connections {
     // this is important! only handle the messages when we are currently in the game scene
     // otherwise, we would handle the playerJoined signal when the player is still in matchmaking view!
     // do not use the visible property here! as visible only gets triggered with the opacity animation in SceneBase
     target: multiplayer
     enabled: activeScene === gameScene

     onGameStarted: {
       // the gameStarted signal is received by the client as well not only by the leader, otherwise we would not realize when a new game starts
       // otherwise only the leader would trigger a "User.RestartGame" event
       // this is called internally though, thus make it a system event
       if(gameRestarted) {
         flurry.logEvent("System.GameReStarted", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
         flurry.logTimedEvent("Game.TimeInGameSingleMatch", {"singlePlayer": multiplayer.singlePlayer})
       } else {
         flurry.logEvent("System.GameStarted", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
         flurry.logTimedEvent("Game.TimeInGameTotal", {"singlePlayer": multiplayer.singlePlayer})

     onAmLeaderChanged: {
       if (multiplayer.leaderPlayer){
         console.debug("Current Leader is: " + multiplayer.leaderPlayer.userId)
       if(multiplayer.amLeader) {
         console.debug("this player just became the new leader")
         if(!timer.running && !gameOver) {
           console.debug("New leader selected, but the timer is currently not running, thus trigger a new turn now")
           // even when we comment this, the game does not stall 100%, thus it is likely that we would skip a player here. but better to skip a player once and make sure the game is continued than stalling the game. hard to reproduce, as it does not happen every time the leader changes!
         } else if (!timer.running){

     onMessageReceived: {
       console.debug("onMessageReceived with code", code, "initialized:", initialized)
       // not relevant for google analytics, causes to exceed the free limit
       //ga.logEvent("System", "Receive Message", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
       flurry.logEvent("System.MessageReceived", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

       if(!initialized && code !== messageSyncGameState) {
         console.debug("ERROR: received message before gameState was synced and user is not initialized:", code, message)

         if (message.receiverPlayerId === multiplayer.localPlayer.userId && !compareGameStateWithLeader(message.playerHands)) {
           receivedMessageBeforeGameStateInSync = true

       // sync the game state for existing and newly joined players
       if (code == messageSyncGameState) {
         if (!message.receiverPlayerId || message.receiverPlayerId === multiplayer.localPlayer.userId || !compareGameStateWithLeader(message.playerHands)) {
           console.debug("Sync Game State now")
           console.debug("Received Message: " + JSON.stringify(message))
           // NOTE: the activePlayer can be undefined here, when the player makes a late-join! thus add a check in syncDepot() -> depositCard() and handle the case that it is undefined!
           console.debug("multiplayer.activePlayer when syncing game state:", multiplayer.activePlayer)

           depot.syncDepot(message.depot, message.current, message.currentCardColor, message.skipped, message.clockwise, message.effect, message.drawAmount)

           // join a game which is already over
           gameOver = message.gameOver
           gameScene.gameOver.visible = gameOver
           timer.running = !gameOver

           console.debug("finished syncGameState, setting initialized to true now")
           initialized = true

           // if we before received a message before game state was in sync, do request a new game state from the leader now
           if(receivedMessageBeforeGameStateInSync) {
             console.debug("requesting a new game state from server now, as receivedMessageBeforeGameStateInSync was true")
             multiplayer.sendMessage(messageRequestGameState, multiplayer.localPlayer.userId)
             receivedMessageBeforeGameStateInSync = false

           // request the detailed playerTag info from the other players (highscore, level and badge)
           // if the message was specifically sent to the local user (for example when he or she joins)
           if (message.receiverPlayerId){
             multiplayer.sendMessage(messageRequestPlayerTags, multiplayer.localPlayer.userId)
       // send a new game state to the requesting user
       else if (code == messageRequestGameState){
         multiplayer.leaderCode(function() {
       // move card to hand
       else if (code == messageMoveCardsHand){
         // if there is an active player with a different userId, the message is invalid
         // the message was probably sent after the leader triggered the next turn
         if (multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId != message.userId){
           multiplayer.leaderCode(function() {

         getCards(message.cards, message.userId)
       // move card to depot
       else if (code == messageMoveCardsDepot){
         // if there is an active player with a different userId, the message is invalid
         // the message was probably sent after the leader triggered the next turn
         if (multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId != message.userId){
           multiplayer.leaderCode(function() {

         depositCard(message.cardId, message.userId)
       // lasting card effect
       else if (code == messageSetEffect){
         // if the message wasn't sent by the leader and
         // if it wasn't sent by the active player, the message is invalid
         // the message was probably sent after the leader triggered the next turn
         if (multiplayer.leaderPlayer.userId != message.userId &&
             multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId != message.userId){

         depot.effect = message.effect
       // sync skipped state
       else if (code == messageSetSkipped){
         // if the message wasn't sent by the leader and
         // if it wasn't sent by the active player, the message is invalid
         // the message was probably sent after the leader triggered the next turn
         if (multiplayer.leaderPlayer.userId != message.userId &&
             multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId != message.userId){

         depot.skipped = message.skipped
       // sync turn direction
       else if (code == messageSetReverse){
         // if the message wasn't sent by the leader and
         // if it wasn't sent by the active player, the message is invalid
         // the message was probably sent after the leader triggered the next turn
         if (multiplayer.leaderPlayer.userId != message.userId &&
             multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId != message.userId){

         depot.clockwise = message.clockwise
       // current drawAmount
       else if (code == messageSetDrawAmount){
         // if the message wasn't sent by the leader and
         // if it wasn't sent by the active player, the message is invalid
         // the message was probably sent after the leader triggered the next turn
         if (multiplayer.leaderPlayer.userId != message.userId &&
             multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId != message.userId){

         depot.drawAmount = message.amount
       // wild color picked
       else if (code == messagePickColor){
         // if the message wasn't sent by the leader and
         // if it wasn't sent by the active player, the message is invalid
         // the message was probably sent after the leader triggered the next turn
         if (multiplayer.leaderPlayer.userId != message.userId &&
             multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId != message.userId){

       // someone pressed onu
       else if (code == messagePressONU){
         var playerHand = getHand(message.userId)
         if (playerHand) {
           playerHand.onu = message.onu
       // game ends
       else if (code == messageEndGame){
         // if the message wasn't sent by the leader and
         // if it wasn't a desktop test and
         // if it wasn't sent by the active player, the message is invalid
         // the message was probably sent after the leader triggered the next turn
         if (multiplayer.leaderPlayer.userId != message.userId &&
             multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId != message.userId && !message.test){

       // chat message
       else if (code == messagePrintChat){
         if (!chat.gConsole.visible){
           chat.chatButton.buttonImage.source = "../../assets/img/Chat2.png"
       // set highscore and level from other players
       else if (code == messageSetPlayerInfo){
         updateTag(message.userId, message.level, message.highscore, message.rank)
       // let the leader trigger a new turn
       else if (code == messageTriggerTurn){
         multiplayer.leaderCode(function() {
           // the leader only stops the turn early if the requesting user is still the active player
           if (multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.userId == message){
           // if the requesting user is no longer active, it means that he timed out according to the leader
           // his last action happened after his turn and is therefore invalid
           // the leader has to send the user a new game state
           else {
       // reset player tag info and send it to other player because it was requested
          Only the local user can access their highscore and rank from the leaderboard.
          This is the reason why we sync this information with messageSetPlayerInfo messages.
          Late join users have to request this information again after they initialize the game with a messageSyncGameState message.
          Another option would be to let the leader send highscore, rank and level of each user via messageSyncGameState.
       else if (code == messageRequestPlayerTags){

   // connect to the gameScene and handle all signals
   Connections {
     target: gameScene

     // the player selected the stack
     onStackSelected: {
       // draw cards if it is the player's turn
       if (multiplayer.myTurn && !depot.skipped && !acted && !cardsDrawn) {
         if (hasValidCards(multiplayer.localPlayer)){
           acted = true

         var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
         getCards(depot.drawAmount, userId)
         multiplayer.sendMessage(messageMoveCardsHand, {cards: depot.drawAmount, userId: userId})

         if (acted || !hasValidCards(multiplayer.localPlayer)){
           acted = true
         } else {
           // reset the drawAmount during the player's turn
           depot.drawAmount = 1
           depot.effect = false
           multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetDrawAmount, {amount: 1, userId: userId})

           // scale and mark the newly aquired cards according to the playerHand
           // check if the player has two or less cards left

         // not relevant for google analytics, causes to exceed the free limit
         //ga.logEvent("User", "Stack Selected", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
         flurry.logEvent("User.StackSelected", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

     // the player selected a card
     onCardSelected: {
       // if the selected card is from the stack, signal it
       if (colorPicker.chosingColor) return
       if (entityManager.getEntityById(cardId).state === "stack"){
         // deposit the valid card
       } else if (entityManager.getEntityById(cardId).state === "player"){
         if (multiplayer.myTurn && !depot.skipped && !acted) {
           // not relevant for google analytics, causes to exceed the free limit
           //ga.logEvent("User", "Card Selected", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
           flurry.logEvent("User.CardSelected", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

           if (depot.validCard(cardId)){
             // the user can act only once unless the selected card was a wild card
             // this allows the user to chose a color as well
             var currentType = entityManager.getEntityById(cardId).variationType
             if (currentType !== "wild" && currentType !== "wild4") acted = true

             depositCard(cardId, multiplayer.localPlayer.userId)
             multiplayer.sendMessage(messageMoveCardsDepot, {cardId: cardId, userId: multiplayer.localPlayer.userId})

             // the active player increases the drawAmount after playing a draw2 or wild4 card
             if (depot.current.variationType === "draw2") depot.draw(2)
             if (depot.current.variationType === "wild4") depot.draw(4)

             // end the turn unless the connected player has to pick a color
             if (depot.current.cardColor !== "black" && multiplayer.myTurn){

     // the player selected a color
     onColorPicked: {
       if (multiplayer.myTurn && !acted){
         acted = true
         multiplayer.sendMessage(messagePickColor, {color: pickedColor, userId: multiplayer.localPlayer.userId})
         // not relevant for google analytics, causes to exceed the free limit
         //ga.logEvent("User", "Color Picked", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
         flurry.logEvent("User.ColorPicked", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

   // sync deck with leader and set up the game
   function syncDeck(cardInfo){
     // takes off 1st card

     // reset all values at the start of the game
     gameOver = false
     gameScene.gameOver.visible = false
     gameScene.leaveGame.visible = false
     gameScene.switchName.visible = false
     playerInfoPopup.visible = false
     onuButton.button.enabled = false

   // deposit the selected card
   function depositCard(cardId, userId){
     // unmark all highlighted cards
     // scale down the active localPlayer playerHand
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       // find the playerHand for the active player
       // if the selected card is in the playerHand of the active player
       if (playerHands.children[i].inHand(cardId)){
         // remove and deposit the card

         if (depot.current.variationType === "reverse"){
           multiplayer.leaderCode(function() {

         // if the card was a wild or wild4 card
         if (depot.current.cardColor === "black"){
           // show the colorPicker for the active connected player
           if (multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.connected && remainingTime > 0){
             if (multiplayer.myTurn){
               colorPicker.visible = true
             colorPicker.chosingColor = true
             // leader choses a random color for disconnected players
             multiplayer.leaderCode(function() {
               if (!multiplayer.activePlayer || !multiplayer.activePlayer.connected) {
                 var color = colorPicker.randomColor()
                 multiplayer.sendMessage(messagePickColor, {color: color, userId: userId})
         // uncover the card for disconnected players after chosing the color
         if (!multiplayer.activePlayer || !multiplayer.activePlayer.connected){
           depot.current.hidden = false

   // let AI take over if the player is not skipped
   function executeAIMove() {

   // play a random valid card from the playerHand of the active player
   function playRandomValid() {
     // find the playerHand of the active player
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       if (playerHands.children[i].player === multiplayer.activePlayer && !cardsDrawn){
         var validCardId = playerHands.children[i].randomValidId()
         var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
         // deposit the valid card or draw cards from the stack
         if (validCardId){
           multiplayer.sendMessage(messageMoveCardsDepot, {cardId: validCardId, userId: userId})
           depositCard(validCardId, userId)

           if (depot.current.variationType === "draw2") depot.draw(2)
           if (depot.current.variationType === "wild4") depot.draw(4)
           // let the ai only draw cards if the user hasn't already done it
         } else {
           getCards(depot.drawAmount, userId)
           multiplayer.sendMessage(messageMoveCardsHand, {cards: depot.drawAmount, userId: userId})

   // check whether a user with a specific id has valid cards or not
   function hasValidCards(userId){
     var playerHand = getHand(multiplayer.localPlayer.userId)
     var valids = playerHand.getValidCards()
     return valids.length > 0

   // give the connected player 10 seconds until the AI takes over
   function startTurnTimer() {
     // 7 seconds
     remainingTime = userInterval
     if (!gameOver) {

   // start the turn for the active player
   function turnStarted(playerId) {
     console.debug("turnStarted() called")

     if(!multiplayer.activePlayer) {
       console.debug("ERROR: activePlayer not valid in turnStarted!")

     console.debug("multiplayer.activePlayer.userId: " + multiplayer.activePlayer.userId)
     console.debug("Turn started")
     // start the timer
     // the player didn't act yet
     acted = false
     cardsDrawn = false
     // reset the colorPicker
     colorPicker.visible = false
     colorPicker.chosingColor = false
     // check if the current card has an effect for the active player
     // zoom in on the hand of the active local player
     if (!depot.skipped && multiplayer.myTurn) scaleHand(1.6)
     // check if the player has two or less cards left
     // mark the valid card options
     // repaint the timer circle
     for (var i = 0; i < playerTags.children.length; i++){
     // schedule AI to take over in 3 seconds in case the player is gone
     multiplayer.leaderCode(function() {
       if (!multiplayer.activePlayer || !multiplayer.activePlayer.connected) {

   // schedule AI to take over after 10 seconds if the connected player is inactive
   function turnTimedOut(){
     if (multiplayer.myTurn && !acted){
       acted = true
     // clean up our UI
     timer.running = false
     // player timed out, so leader should take over
     multiplayer.leaderCode(function () {
       // if the player is in the process of chosing a color
       if (!colorPicker.chosingColor){
         // play an AI bone if this player never played anything (this happens in the case where the player left some time during his turn, and so the early 3 second AI move didn't get scheduled

   function createGame(){

   // stop the timers and reset the deck at the end of the game
   function leaveGame(){
     timer.running = false
     initialized = false
     receivedMessageBeforeGameStateInSync = false

     ga.logEvent("User", "Exit Game", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
     flurry.logEvent("User.ExitGame", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
     flurry.endTimedEvent("Game.TimeInGameTotal", {"singlePlayer": multiplayer.singlePlayer})

   function joinGame(room){

   // initialize the game
   // is called from GameOverWindow when the leader restarts the game, and from GameScene when it got visible from GameScene.onVisibleChanged
   function initGame(calledFromGameOverScreen){
     ga.logEvent("System", "Start Game", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
     flurry.logEvent("System.StartGame", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

     // add own event whether the game was started new from the main menu or re-started - this is only sent from the leader and not from the clients!
     // for the client events, see System.GameRestarted and System.GameStarted in the onGameStarted handler
     if(calledFromGameOverScreen) {
       ga.logEvent("User", "Restart Game", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
       flurry.logEvent("User.RestartGame", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
     } else {
       ga.logEvent("User", "Start New Game", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
       flurry.logEvent("User.StartNewGame", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

     if(!multiplayer.initialized && !multiplayer.singlePlayer){

     console.debug("multiplayer.localPlayer " + multiplayer.localPlayer)
     //console.debug("multiplayer.localPlayer.userId " + multiplayer.localPlayer.userId)
     console.debug("multiplayer.players.length " + multiplayer.players.length)
     for (var i = 0; i < multiplayer.players.length; i++){
       console.debug("multiplayer.players[" + i +"].userId " + multiplayer.players[i].userId)
     console.debug("multiplayer.myTurn " + multiplayer.myTurn)

     // reset all values at the start of the game
     gameOver = false
     gameScene.gameOver.visible = false
     gameScene.leaveGame.visible = false
     gameScene.switchName.visible = false
     playerInfoPopup.visible = false
     onuButton.button.enabled = false

     // initialize the players, the deck and the individual hands
     // reset all tags and set tag data of the leader

     // set the game state for all players
     multiplayer.leaderCode(function () {
       // NOTE: only the leader must set this to true! the clients only get initialized after the initial syncing game state message is received
       initialized = true

       // if we call this here, gameStarted is called twice. it is not needed to call, because it is already called when the room is setup
       // thus we must not call this! forceStartGame() is called from the MatchMakingView, not from the GameScene!
       if(calledFromGameOverScreen) {
         // by calling restartGame, we emit a gameStarted call on the leader and the clients

       // we want to send the state to all players in this case, thus set the playerId to undefined and this case is handled in onMessageReceived so all players handle the game state syncing if playerId is undefined
       // send game state after forceStartGame, otherwise the message will not be received by the initial players!
       if (!multiplayer.singlePlayer) {

       // only the leader needs to call this
       // lets always the leader take the first turn, otherwise the same player that ended the game before would be the first to make a turn

     // start by scaling the playerHand of the active localPlayer
     // check if the player has two or less cards left

     ga.logEvent("User", "Restart Game", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
     flurry.logEvent("User.RestartGame", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

     console.debug("InitGame finished!")

     Is only called if leader. The leader does not receive the messageSyncGameState message anyway, because messages are not sent to self.
     Used to sync the game in the beginning and for every newly joined player.
     Is called from leader initially when starting a game and when a new player joins.
     If playerId is undefined, it is handled by all players. Use this for initial syncing with players already in the matchmaking room.
   function sendGameStateToPlayer(playerId) {
     console.debug("sendGameStateToPlayer() with playerId", playerId)
     // save all needed game sync data
     var message = {}

     // save all current hands of the other players
     var currentPlayerHands = []
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       // the hand of a single player
       var currentPlayerHand = {}
       // save the userId to assign the information to the correct player
       currentPlayerHand.userId = playerHands.children[i].player.userId
       // save the ids of player's cards
       currentPlayerHand.handIds = []
       for (var j = 0; j < playerHands.children[i].hand.length; j++){
         currentPlayerHand.handIds[j] = playerHands.children[i].hand[j].entityId
       // add the hand information of a single player
     // save the hand information of all players
     message.playerHands = currentPlayerHands
     // save the deck information to create an identical one
     message.deck = deck.cardInfo
     // sync the depot variables
     message.current = depot.current.entityId
     message.currentCardColor = depot.current.cardColor

     message.skipped = depot.skipped
     message.clockwise = depot.clockwise
     message.effect = depot.effect
     message.drawAmount = depot.drawAmount
     message.gameOver = gameOver

     // save all card ids of the current depot
     var depotIDs = []
     for (var k = 0; k < deck.cardDeck.length; k++){
       if (deck.cardDeck[k].state === "depot" && deck.cardDeck[k].entityId !== depot.current.entityId){
     message.depot = depotIDs

     // send the message to the newly joined player
     message.receiverPlayerId = playerId

     console.debug("Send Message: " + JSON.stringify(message))
     multiplayer.sendMessage(messageSyncGameState, message)

   // compares the amount of cards in each player's hand with the leader's game state
   // used to check whether to sync with the leader or not
   function compareGameStateWithLeader(messageHands){
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++){
       var currentUserId = playerHands.children[i].player.userId
       for (var j = 0; j < messageHands.length; j++){
         var messageUserId = messageHands[j].userId
         if (currentUserId == messageUserId){
           if (playerHands.children[i].hand.length != messageHands[j].handIds.length){
             // returns false if the amount of cards differentiate
             console.debug("ERROR: game state differentiates from the one of the leader because of the different amount of cards - resync the game of this player!")
             return false
     // returns true if all hands are synced
     return true

   // the leader initializes all players and positions them at the borders of the game
   function initPlayers(){
     multiplayer.leaderCode(function () {
       console.debug("Leader Init Players")
       var clientPlayers = multiplayer.players
       var playerInfo = []
       for (var i = 0; i < clientPlayers.length; i++) {
         playerTags.children[i].player = clientPlayers[i]
         playerHands.children[i].player = clientPlayers[i]
         playerInfo[i] = clientPlayers[i].userId

   // find player by userId
   function getPlayer(userId){
     for (var i = 0; i < multiplayer.players.length; i++){
       console.debug("All UserIDs: " + multiplayer.players[i].userId + ", Looking for: " + userId)
       if (multiplayer.players[i].userId == userId){
         return multiplayer.players[i]
     console.debug("ERROR: could not find player with id", userId, "in the multiplayer.players list!")
     return undefined

   // find hand by userId
   function getHand(userId){
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++){
       if (playerHands.children[i].player.userId == userId){
         return playerHands.children[i]
     console.debug("ERROR: could not find player with id", userId, "in the multiplayer.players list!")
     return undefined

   // update tag by player userId
   function updateTag(userId, level, highscore, rank){
     for (var i = 0; i < playerTags.children.length; i++){
       if (playerHands.children[i].player.userId == userId){
         playerTags.children[i].level = level
         playerTags.children[i].highscore = highscore
         playerTags.children[i].rank = rank

   // the other players position the players at the borders of the game field
   function syncPlayers(){
     // it can happen that the multiplayer.players array is different than the one from the local user
     // possible reasons are, that a player meanwhile joined the game but this did not get forwarded to the room, or not forwarded to the leader yet

     // assign the players to the positions at the borders of the game field
     for (var j = 0; j < multiplayer.players.length; j++) {
       playerTags.children[j].player = multiplayer.players[j]
       playerHands.children[j].player = multiplayer.players[j]

   // the leader creates the deck and depot
   function initDeck(){
     multiplayer.leaderCode(function () {

   // the leader hands out the cards to the other players
   function initHands(){
     multiplayer.leaderCode(function () {
       for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
         // start the hand for each player

   // sync all hands according to the leader
   function syncHands(messageHands){
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++){
       var currentUserId = playerHands.children[i].player.userId
       for (var j = 0; j < messageHands.length; j++){
         var messageUserId = messageHands[j].userId
         if (currentUserId == messageUserId){

   // reset all tags and init the tag for the local player
   function initTags(){
     for (var i = 0; i < playerTags.children.length; i++){
       if (playerHands.children[i].player && playerHands.children[i].player.userId == multiplayer.localPlayer.userId){

   // draw the specified amount of cards
   function getCards(cards, userId){
     cardsDrawn = true

     // find the playerHand of the active player and pick up cards
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       if (playerHands.children[i].player.userId === userId){

   // change the current depot wild or wild4 card to the selected color and update the image
   function pickColor(pickedColor){
     if ((depot.current.variationType === "wild4" || depot.current.variationType === "wild")
         && depot.current.cardColor === "black"){
       depot.current.cardColor = pickedColor

   // check if the active player is close to winning (2 or less cards in the hand)
   function closeToWin(){
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       if (playerHands.children[i].player === multiplayer.activePlayer){

   // find the playerHand of the active player and mark all valid card options
   function markValid(){
     if (multiplayer.myTurn && !acted && !colorPicker.chosingColor){
       for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
         if (playerHands.children[i].player === multiplayer.activePlayer){
     } else {

   // unmark all valid card options of all players
   function unmark(){
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
     // unmark the highlighted deck card

   // scale the playerHand of the active localPlayer
   function scaleHand(scale){
     if (!scale) scale = multiplayer.myTurn && !acted && !depot.skipped && !colorPicker.chosingColor ? 1.6 : 1.0
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++){
       if (playerHands.children[i].player && playerHands.children[i].player.userId == multiplayer.localPlayer.userId){

   // end the turn of the active player
   function endTurn(){
     // unmark all highlighted valid card options
     // scale down the hand of the active local player

     var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
     // check if the active player has won the game and end it in that case
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       if (playerHands.children[i].player === multiplayer.activePlayer){
         if (playerHands.children[i].checkWin()){
           multiplayer.sendMessage(messageEndGame, {userId: userId})
           // make the player pick up two cards if he forgot to press the active onu button
         }else if (playerHands.children[i].missedOnu()){
           getCards(2, userId)
           multiplayer.sendMessage(messageMoveCardsHand, {cards: 2, userId: userId})
           if (multiplayer.myTurn) onuHint.visible = true
     // continue if the game is still going
     if (!gameOver){
       console.debug("trigger new turn in endTurn, clockwise: " + depot.clockwise)
       if (multiplayer.amLeader){
         console.debug("Still Leader?")
       } else {
         // send message to leader to trigger new turn
         multiplayer.sendMessage(messageTriggerTurn, userId)

   function triggerNewTurn(userId){
     if (depot.clockwise){
     } else {

   // calculate the points for each player
   function calculatePoints(userId){
     // calculate the winner's score by adding all card values
     var score = 0
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       score += playerHands.children[i].points()
     if (multiplayer.singlePlayer){
       score = Math.round(score/3)

     // set the name of the winner
     if (userId == undefined) {
       // calculate the ranking of the other three players
       var tmpPlayers = [playerHands.children[0], playerHands.children[1], playerHands.children[2], playerHands.children[3]]
       var points = [score, 15, 10, 5]
       tmpPlayers.sort(function(a, b) {
         return a.hand.length - b.hand.length

       var winnerHand = getHand(tmpPlayers[0].player.userId)
       if (winnerHand) gameScene.gameOver.winner = winnerHand.player

       for (var i = 0; i < tmpPlayers.length; i++){
         // get player by userId
         var tmpPlayer = getHand(tmpPlayers[i].player.userId)
         if (tmpPlayer) tmpPlayer.score = points[i]

         // check if two players had the same amount of cards
         if (i > 0){
           var prevPlayer = getHand(tmpPlayers[i-1].player.userId)
           if (prevPlayer && prevPlayer.hand.length == tmpPlayer.hand.length){
             tmpPlayer.score = prevPlayer.score
     } else {
       // specific calculation for the "close round" desktop option
       // make the player who pressed the button the winner and simply order the other 3 players
       var tmpPlayers2 = []
       for (i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++){
         if (playerHands.children[i].player.userId != userId){
           tmpPlayers2[tmpPlayers2.length] = playerHands.children[i]
       var points2 = [15, 10, 5]
       tmpPlayers2.sort(function(a, b) {
         return a.hand.length - b.hand.length

       var winnerHand2 = getHand(userId)
       if (winnerHand2) gameScene.gameOver.winner = winnerHand2.player
       var winner = getHand(userId)
       if (winner) winner.score = score

       for (var j = 0; j < tmpPlayers2.length; j++){
         // get player by userId
         var tmpPlayer2 = getHand(tmpPlayers2[j].player.userId)
         if (tmpPlayer2) tmpPlayer2.score = points2[j]

         // check if two players had the same amount of cards
         if (j > 0){
           var prevPlayer2 = getHand(tmpPlayers2[j-1].player.userId)
           if (prevPlayer2 && prevPlayer2.hand.length == tmpPlayer2.hand.length){
             tmpPlayer2.score = prevPlayer2.score

   // end the game and report the scores
     This is called by both the leader and the clients.
     Each user calculates and displays the points of all players. The local user reports his score and updates his level.
     If it differs from the previous level, the local user levelled up. In this case we display a message with the new level on the game over window.
     If he doesn't have a nickname, we ask him to chose one. Then we reset all timers and values.
   function endGame(userId){
     // calculate the points of each player and set the name of the winner

     // show the gameOver message with the winner and score
     gameScene.gameOver.visible = true

     // add points to MultiplayerUser score of the winner
     var currentHand = getHand(multiplayer.localPlayer.userId)
     if (currentHand) gameNetwork.reportRelativeScore(currentHand.score)

     var currentTag
     for (var i = 0; i < playerTags.children.length; i++){
       if (playerTags.children[i].player.userId == multiplayer.localPlayer.userId){
         currentTag = playerTags.children[i]

     // calculate level with new points and check if there was a level up
     var oldLevel = currentTag.level
     if (oldLevel != currentTag.level){
       gameScene.gameOver.level = currentTag.level
       gameScene.gameOver.levelText.visible = true
     } else {
       gameScene.gameOver.levelText.visible = false

     // show window with text input to switch username
     if (!multiplayer.singlePlayer && !gameNetwork.user.hasCustomNickName()) {
       gameScene.switchName.visible = true

     // stop all timers and end the game
     gameOver = true
     timer.running = false

     multiplayer.leaderCode(function () {

     ga.logEvent("System", "End Game", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
     flurry.logEvent("System.EndGame", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
     flurry.endTimedEvent("Game.TimeInGameSingleMatch", {"singlePlayer": multiplayer.singlePlayer})

   function startNewGame(){
     // the true causes a gameStarted to be emitted
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