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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
 import "../common" as Common

 // chat for multiple users
 Item {
   id: chat

   // access chat items from the outside
   property alias chatButton: chatButton
   property alias gConsole: gConsole
   property alias inputText: inputText

   // top box displays chat history
   Common.GConsole {
     id: gConsole
     height: parent.height - inputWindow.height
     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.right: parent.right
     visible: false

   // bottom box with input field and background
   Rectangle {
     id: inputWindow
     height: 50
     width: parent.width - 20
     anchors.top: gConsole.bottom
     radius: 15
     color: "white"
     border.color: "#28a3c1"
     border.width: 2.5
     visible: false

     // MouseArea covers the inputWindow and focuses the inputText when clicked
     MouseArea {
       anchors.fill: parent
       anchors.margins: -25
       enabled: !inputText.focus
       onClicked: inputText.focus = true

     // TextInput line with maximum contentWidth and validator
     TextField {
       id: inputText
       anchors.verticalCenter: inputWindow.verticalCenter
       anchors.left: inputWindow.left
       anchors.leftMargin: 8
       font.pixelSize: 16
       width: parent.width - 40
       maximumLength: 200
       placeholderText: "Write something..."
       style: TextFieldStyle {background: null; textColor: "black" }
       inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText
       validator: RegExpValidator{regExp: /^[a-zA-Z0-9äöüßÄÖÜ;,:._'#+*~@€<>|?ß=()/&%!°^" -]+$/}

       // disable and reset the inputField when closed
       onVisibleChanged: {
         readOnly = visible ? false : true
         if (!visible) focus = false
         text = ""

       // check, send and reset the text after hitting enter
       onAccepted: {
         if (text){
           var message = multiplayer.localPlayer.name + ": " + text
           multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messagePrintChat, message)
           text = ""
           maximumLength = 100

   // open/close chat and display different chat images
   Common.ButtonBase {
     id: chatButton
     color: "transparent"
     anchors.bottom: inputWindow.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: inputWindow.visible ? 0 : -5
     anchors.right: inputWindow.right
     anchors.rightMargin: inputWindow.visible ? -20 : -22
     width: inputWindow.visible ? inputWindow.height : 60
     height: inputWindow.visible ? width : 60
     buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Messages.png"
     onClicked: {
       buttonImage.source = !inputWindow.visible ? "../../assets/img/Chat1.png" : "../../assets/img/Messages.png"
       gConsole.visible ^= true
       inputWindow.visible ^= true

   // reset the chat by clearing and closing it
   function reset (){
     gConsole.visible = false
     inputWindow.visible = false
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