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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "scenes"
 import "common"
 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0

 // NOTE: to enable push notifications & Facebook connection on iOS & Android, you need a paid license
 // this demo also works without push notifications so you can test its functionality
 // contact us via support@felgo.com if you want to enable push notifications & Facebook in your multiplayer games or in this demo

 GameWindow {
   id: window
   height: 640
   width: 960

   // generate your own license key which includes the OneSignal Push Notification plugin & the Facebook plugin at https://felgo.com/licenseKey
   // licenseKey: Constants.licenseKey
   title: gameNetwork.user.deviceId + " - " + gameNetwork.user.name

   // this is used in the sharing dialog, rating dialog
   readonly property string gameTitle: "One Card!"

   // references to OneCard scenes (loaded with sceneLoader)
   property MenuScene menuScene: sceneLoader.item && sceneLoader.item.menuScene
   property InstructionScene instructionScene: sceneLoader.item && sceneLoader.item.instructionScene
   property CardScene cardScene: sceneLoader.item && sceneLoader.item.cardScene
   property GameScene gameScene: sceneLoader.item && sceneLoader.item.gameScene
   property MultiplayerScene matchmakingScene: sceneLoader.item && sceneLoader.item.matchmakingScene
   property GameNetworkScene gameNetworkScene: sceneLoader.item && sceneLoader.item.gameNetworkScene
   property StoreScene storeScene: sceneLoader.item && sceneLoader.item.storeScene

   property alias loadingScene: loadingScene
   property alias facebook: facebookLoader.item

   // enable / disable store or advertisements
   readonly property bool enableStoreAndAds: Constants.enableStoreAndAds
   readonly property bool showAdvertisements: gameTokens < gameTokenNoAdsLimit && enableStoreAndAds
   readonly property int gamesPlayed: menuScene ? menuScene.localStorage.gamesPlayed : 0
   readonly property int appStarts: menuScene ? menuScene.localStorage.appStarts : 0
   readonly property int gameTokens : storeScene ? storeScene.tokens : 0  // tokens are our game currency from in-app purchase store

   readonly property int gameTokenEarnedPerVideoWatch: 1
   readonly property int gameTokensEarnedPerDay: 1
   readonly property int gameTokenNoAdsLimit: 10

   // create and remove entities at runtime
   EntityManager {
     id: entityManager
     entityContainer: gameScene

   // main text font
   FontLoader {
     id: standardFont
     source: "../assets/fonts/agoestoesan.ttf"

   Settings {
     id: multiSettings
     property alias counterAppInstances: gameNetwork.counterAppInstances

     Component.onCompleted: {

       // use this to reset the counterAppInstances value to 0
       // you might need this, if the app is destroyed forcefully (e.g. from QtCreator with the red quit application button), because then no Component.onDestruction is called and the counter does not get decreased
       // multiSettings.counterAppInstances = 0

       console.log("multiSettings loaded with counterAppInstances value:" + counterAppInstances+ ", userName: " + gameNetwork.user.name)

   Component.onDestruction: {
     console.debug("decreasing counterAppInstances by -1 to:", multiSettings.counterAppInstances)

   FelgoGameNetwork {
     id: gameNetwork
     // on mobile, set this to false as you would otherwise simulate a clean app start with no logged in user every time
     // only set it to true if you want to simulate different users
     clearAllUserDataAtStartup: system.desktopPlatform && enableMultiUserSimulation // this can be enabled during development to simulate a first-time app start
     clearOfflineSendingQueueAtStartup: true // clear any stored requests in the offline queue at app start, to avoid starting errors
     gameId: Constants.gameId
     secret: Constants.gameSecret
     user.deviceId: generateDeviceId()
     facebookItem: facebook

     property int counterAppInstances: 0

     // set this property to true if you want to switch between multiplayer.playerCount players on Desktop
     // this simplifies multiplayer testing, because you get a new user at every app start and can test multiplayer functionality on the same PC
     property bool enableMultiUserSimulation: true

     function generateDeviceId() {
       // on mobile devices, no 2 app instances can be started at the same time, thus return the udid there
       if(system.isPlatform(System.IOS) || system.isPlatform(System.Android) || system.isPlatform(System.WindowsPhone)) {
         console.debug("xxx-setting deviceId to", system.UDID)
         return system.UDID
       // this means the app was started on the same PC more than once, for testing a multiplayer game
       // in this case, append the counterAppInstances value to the deviceID to have 2 separate players
       if(counterAppInstances > 1 && enableMultiUserSimulation) {
         return system.UDID + "_" + (counterAppInstances) % multiplayer.playerCount
       } else {
         return system.UDID
     gameNetworkView: gameNetworkScene && gameNetworkScene.gnView

   FelgoMultiplayer {
     id: multiplayer

     playerCount: 4
     startGameWhenReady: true
     gameNetworkItem: gameNetwork
     multiplayerView: matchmakingScene && matchmakingScene.mpView
     maxJoinTries: 5
     fewRoomsThreshold: 3
     joinRankingIncrease: 200
     enableLateJoin: true // allow joining a running match after it was started (if the match has non-human (AI) players to fill the game
     appVersion: "1.5.0" // 1.5.0 (changed on 8.8.2016, with versionCode 17) adds new messages that correctly trigger a new game start (also a restart). changing it is important, to not interfere with players of the published OneCard games that did not update yet and to prevent players of the old and new version can play together
     latencySimulationTime: system.desktopPlatform && !system.publishBuild ? 2000 : 0 // allows to simulate latency values on Desktop. for published games, always set this to 0!

     appKey: Constants.appKey
     pushKey: Constants.pushKey
     // NOTE: do NOT use these demo keys for publishing your game, we might remove the demo apps in the future!
     // instead, use your own ones from https://cloud.felgo.com/

     onGameStarted: {
       // increase gamesPlayed counter for every game start and decrease tokens
       if(menuScene) {
         menuScene.localStorage.setGamesPlayed(gamesPlayed + 1)

         // only reduce token if game is not restarted (once players are in a game they don't need more tokens)
         if(!gameRestarted && enableStoreAndAds)
           storeScene.takeTokens(1) // take 1 token from user
       window.state = "game"

   Loader {
     id: facebookLoader
     active: Constants.fbAppId !== "<your-app-id>"

     sourceComponent: Component {
       Facebook {
         appId: Constants.fbAppId
         readPermissions: [ "email", "user_friends" ]
         publishPermissions: ["publish_actions"]

   GoogleAnalytics {
     id: ga
     // propertyId: Constants.gaPropertyId

   Flurry {
     id: flurry
     // apiKey: Constants.flurryApiKey

   // loadingScene is our first scene, so set the state to menu initially
   state: "loading"
   activeScene: loadingScene

   // loading scene is shown initially
   LoadingScene {
     id: loadingScene

   // other scenes are loaded at runtime, when finished menu is shown
   Loader {
     id: sceneLoader
     onLoaded: window.state = "menu"

     // start loading other scenes after 500 ms
     Timer {
       id: loadingTimer
       interval: 500
       onTriggered: sceneLoader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl("OneCardMainItem.qml")

   Component.onCompleted: {
     loadingTimer.start() // start loading other scenes after main item is complete

   // state machine, takes care reversing the PropertyChanges when changing the state, like changing the opacity back to 0
   states: [
     State {
       name: "loading"
       PropertyChanges {target: loadingScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: window; activeScene: loadingScene}
     State {
       name: "menu"
       PropertyChanges {target: menuScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: window; activeScene: menuScene}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: { menuScene.enterScene() }
     State {
       name: "instructions"
       PropertyChanges {target: instructionScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: window; activeScene: instructionScene}
     State {
       name: "cards"
       PropertyChanges {target: cardScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: window; activeScene: cardScene}
     State {
       name: "game"
       PropertyChanges {target: gameScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: window; activeScene: gameScene}
     State {
       name: "multiplayer"
       PropertyChanges {target: matchmakingScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: window; activeScene: matchmakingScene}
     State {
       name: "gn"
       PropertyChanges {target: gameNetworkScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: window; activeScene: gameNetworkScene}
     State {
       name: "store"
       PropertyChanges {target: storeScene; opacity: 1 }
       PropertyChanges {target: window; activeScene: storeScene}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: { storeScene.enterScene() }
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