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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.12
 import "../common"
 import "../game"
 import "../interface"

 SceneBase {
   id: gameScene
   height: 640
   width: 960

   // game signals
   signal cardSelected(var cardId)
   signal stackSelected()
   signal colorPicked(var pickedColor)

   // access the elements from outside
   property alias deck: deck
   property alias depot: depot
   property alias gameLogic: gameLogic
   property alias onuButton: onuButton
   property alias gameOver: gameOver
   property alias leaveGame: leaveGame
   property alias switchName: switchName
   property alias drawCounter: drawCounter
   property alias bottomHand: bottomHand
   property alias playerInfoPopup: playerInfoPopup
   property alias onuHint: onuHint
   property alias rightPlayerTag: rightPlayerTag // ad banner will be aligned based on rightPlayerTag

   // connect to the FelgoMultiplayer object and handle all signals
   Connections {
     // this is important! only handle the messages when we are currently in the game scene
     // otherwise, we would handle the playerJoined signal when the player is still in matchmaking view!
     // do not use the visible property here! as visible only gets triggered with the opacity animation in SceneBase
     target: multiplayer
     enabled: activeScene === gameScene

     onPlayerJoined: {
       console.debug("GameScene.onPlayerJoined:", JSON.stringify(player))
       console.debug(multiplayer.localPlayer.name + " is leader? " + multiplayer.amLeader)

       // send a new message with the new sync value to the new player (or actually to all), as we now support late-joins of the game
       if(multiplayer.amLeader && activeScene === gameScene) {
         console.debug("Leader send game state to player")

         // log event when a player joined the game
         ga.logEvent("System", "Player Joined", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
         flurry.logEvent("System.PlayerJoined", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

     onPlayerChanged: {


     onPlayersReady: {


     onGameStarted: {


       // log event when a player left the game
       if(multiplayer.amLeader && activeScene === gameScene) {
         // not relevant for google analytics, causes to exceed the free limit
         //ga.logEvent("System", "Player Left", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)
         flurry.logEvent("System.PlayerLeft", "singlePlayer", multiplayer.singlePlayer)

       console.debug("leaderPlayer changed to:", multiplayer.leaderPlayer)



   // background
   Image {
     id: background
     source: "../../assets/img/BG.png"
     anchors.fill: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
     fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
     smooth: true

   // circle image with the game direction
   Image {
     id: depotImage
     source: "../../assets/img/Depot.png"
     width: 280
     height: width
     anchors.centerIn: depot
     smooth: true
     mirror: !depot.clockwise

     onMirrorChanged: {
       if (!mirror){
         mirrorAnimation.from = 0
         mirrorAnimation.to = 180
       } else {
         mirrorAnimation.from = 180
         mirrorAnimation.to = 0

     NumberAnimation { id: mirrorAnimation; target: depotImage; properties: "rotation";
       from: 0; to: 180; duration: 400; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }

   // contains all game logic functions
   GameLogic {
     id: gameLogic

   // lose keyboard focus after clicking outside of the chat
   MouseArea {
     id: unfocus
     anchors.fill: gameWindowAnchorItem
     enabled: chat.inputText.focus
     onClicked: chat.inputText.focus = false
     z: multiplayer.myTurn ? 0 : 150

   // back button to leave scene
   ButtonBase {
     id: backButton
     width: 50
     height: 50
     buttonImage.source: "../../assets/img/Home.png"
     anchors.right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.rightMargin: 20
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 20
     onClicked: leaveGame.visible = true

   // button to finish the game
   // the player who clicked the button will be the winner
   // for debug purposes
   ButtonBase {
     text: "Close\nRound"
     width: buttonText.contentWidth + 30
     visible: system.debugBuild && !gameLogic.gameOver
     anchors.horizontalCenter: onuButton.horizontalCenter
     anchors.bottom: onuButton.top
     anchors.bottomMargin: 20
     onClicked: {
       multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageEndGame, {userId: multiplayer.localPlayer.userId, test: true})
   ButtonBase {
     text: "Switch Name"
     //width: buttonText.contentWidth + 30
     // for testing the switch name dialog, only for debugging
     visible: system.debugBuild
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.topMargin: adMobBanner.visible && adMobBanner.height > 0 ? (adMobBanner.height / gameScene.yScaleForScene) + 10 : 10
     z: 1
     onClicked: {
       switchName.visible = true

   // onu button on the left of the depot
   ONUButton {
     id: onuButton
     anchors.verticalCenter: depot.verticalCenter
     anchors.right: depot.left
     anchors.rightMargin: 85
     visible: false // remove ONU button (ONU will auto-activate for all users then, makes game a bit easier and faster to play)

   // the deck on the right of the depot
   Deck {
     id: deck
     anchors.verticalCenter: depot.verticalCenter
     anchors.left: depot.right
     anchors.leftMargin: 90

   // the drawCounter on top of the depot showing the current drawAmount
   Text {
     id: drawCounter
     anchors.left: depot.right
     anchors.leftMargin: 18
     anchors.bottom: depot.top
     anchors.bottomMargin: 12
     text: "+" + depot.drawAmount
     color: "white"
     font.pixelSize: 40
     font.family: standardFont.name
     font.bold: true
     visible: depot.drawAmount > 1 && !onuHint.visible ? true : false

   // the drawCounter on top of the depot showing the current drawAmount
   Text {
     id: onuHint
     anchors.left: depot.right
     anchors.leftMargin: 18
     anchors.bottom: depot.top
     anchors.bottomMargin: 12
     text: "+2"
     color: "white"
     font.pixelSize: 40
     font.family: standardFont.name
     font.bold: true
     visible: false

     Text {
       anchors.left: parent.right
       anchors.leftMargin: 14
       anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
       text: "Forgot to press\nOne Button"
       color: "white"
       font.pixelSize: 14
       font.family: standardFont.name
       font.bold: true

     onVisibleChanged: {
       if (visible){

     Timer {
       id: singleTimer
       interval: 3000
       repeat: false
       running: false

       onTriggered: {
         onuHint.visible = false

   // the four playerHands placed around the main game field
   Item {
     id: playerHands
     anchors.fill: gameWindowAnchorItem

     PlayerHand {
       id: bottomHand
       anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       z: 100

     PlayerHand {
       id: leftHand
       anchors.left: parent.left
       anchors.leftMargin: -width/2 + height/2
       anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
       rotation: 90

     PlayerHand {
       id: topHand
       anchors.top: parent.top
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       rotation: 180

     PlayerHand {
       id: rightHand
       anchors.right: parent.right
       anchors.rightMargin: -width/2 + height/2
       anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
       rotation: 270

   // the depot in the middle of the game field
   Depot {
     id: depot
     //anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem
     anchors.horizontalCenter: gameWindowAnchorItem.horizontalCenter
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: move()

     function move(){
       return(gameWindowAnchorItem.height - depot.height ) / 2 + (bottomHand.height - bottomHand.originalHeight) / 2.5

   // the playerTags for each playerHand
   Item {
     id: playerTags
     anchors.fill: gameWindowAnchorItem

     PlayerTag {
       anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
       anchors.bottomMargin: 5
       anchors.right: parent.right
       anchors.rightMargin: (parent.width - bottomHand.width) / 2 - width * 0.8

     PlayerTag {
       anchors.left: parent.left
       anchors.leftMargin: 5
       anchors.top: parent.top
       anchors.topMargin: 10

     PlayerTag {
       anchors.top: parent.top
       anchors.topMargin: 10
       anchors.left: parent.left
       anchors.leftMargin: (parent.width - topHand.width) / 2 - width

     PlayerTag {
       id: rightPlayerTag
       anchors.right: parent.right
       anchors.rightMargin: 5
       anchors.top: parent.top
       anchors.topMargin: 10

   // the colorPicker in the middle of the screen
   ColorPicker {
     id: colorPicker
     visible: false
     anchors.centerIn: depot

   // the gameOver message in the middle of the screen
   GameOverWindow {
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem
     id: gameOver
     visible: false

   // the gameOver message in the middle of the screen
   SwitchNameWindow {
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem
     id: switchName
     visible: false

   // the playerInfoPopup shows detailed information of a user
   PlayerInfo {
     id: playerInfoPopup
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem
     refTag: playerTags.children[0]

   // the leaveGame message in the middle of the screen
   LeaveGameWindow {
     anchors.centerIn: gameWindowAnchorItem
     id: leaveGame
     visible: false

   // chat on the bottom left corner for all connected players
   Chat {
     id: chat
     height: gameWindowAnchorItem.height - bottomHand.width / 2
     width: (gameWindowAnchorItem.width - bottomHand.width) / 2 - 20
     anchors.left: gameWindowAnchorItem.left
     anchors.leftMargin: 20
     anchors.bottom: gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 20

   // init the game after switching to the gameScene
   onVisibleChanged: {
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded