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Particle Editor Demo

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 EntityBase {
   id: particleEntity
   entityType: "particleEntity"

   // we can not access utils from gamewindow here
   Utils {
     id: ut

   // default particle Type which should be loaded
   property string particleType: "FireParticle.json"
   property bool dataStorageLocation: false
   property bool entityBaseVisible: true

   // The red spot which is used to find an finished particle
   Rectangle {
     anchors.centerIn: parent
     width: 20
     height: 20
     opacity: 0.2
     color: "red"
     visible: entityBaseVisible

   Particle {
     id: entityParticle

     autoStart: true

     fileName: dataStorageLocation ?
                 Qt.resolvedUrl(getDataStorageUrl(getInternalStorageLocation()+particleType)) :

     // The EditableComponent is used by the Particle Editor for automatic generation of the property GUI.
     // It is not needed for particles which finished and added to a game.
     EditableComponent {
       id: editableEditorComponent
       target: entityParticle
       editableType: ut.cropPath(particleType, true)
       defaultGroup: editableType // currently needed to save the files correctly.
       editableComponentMetaData: {
         "displayname" : editableType,
       keepOneInstanceInMemory: false
       properties: {
         "Emitter Location": {
           "x": {"min": 0, "max": typeof scene.gameWindowAnchor !== "undefined" ? scene.gameWindowAnchor.width : 480, "label": "Position X"},
           "y": {"min": 0, "max": typeof scene.gameWindowAnchor !== "undefined" ? scene.gameWindowAnchor.height : 320, "label": "Position Y"},
           "sourcePositionVariance":     {"min": {x:0,y:0}, "max": {x:1000,y:1000}, "invert": {x:false,y:true}, "label": "Position Variance"}

         "Particle Configuration": {
           "maxParticles":               {"min": 0, "max": 2000, "label": "Particle Count", "color": "red"},
           "particleLifespan":           {"min": 0, "max": 10, "stepsize": 0.01, "label": "Lifespan", "color": "red"},
           "particleLifespanVariance":   {"min": 0, "max": 10, "stepsize": 0.01, "label": "Lifespan Variance"},
           "startParticleSize":          {"min": 0, "max": 512, "label": "Start Size"},
           "startParticleSizeVariance":  {"min": 0, "max": 512, "label": "Start Size Variance"},
           "finishParticleSize":         {"min": 0, "max": 512, "label": "End Size"},
           "finishParticleSizeVariance": {"min": 0, "max": 512, "label": "End Size Variance"},
           "angle":                   {"min": 0, "max": 360, "label": "Emit Angle"},
           "angleVariance":              {"min": 0, "max": 360, "label": "Emit Angle Variance"},
           "rotationStart":              {"min": -360, "max": 360, "label": "Start Spin"},
           "rotationStartVariance":      {"min": -360, "max": 360, "label": "Start Spin Variance"},
           "rotationEnd":                {"min": -360, "max": 360, "label": "End Spin"},
           "rotationEndVariance":        {"min": -360, "max": 360, "label": "End Spin Variance"}

         "Emitter Behaviour": {
           "emitterType":                {"min": 0, "max": 1, "stepsize": 1, "label": "Particle Mode"},
           "duration":                   {"min": 0, "max": 10, "stepsize": 0.01, "label": "Duration"},
           "positionType":               {"min": 0, "max": 2, "stepsize": 1, "label": "Position Type"},
           "visible": {"label": "Visible"}

         // Gravity Mode (Gravity + Tangential Accel + Radial Accel)
         "Gravity Mode": {
           "gravity":                    {"min": {x:-1000,y:-1000}, "max": {x:1000,y:1000}, "label": "Gravity"},
           "speed":                      {"min": 0, "max": 1000, "label": "Speed", "color": "red"},
           "speedVariance":              {"min": 0, "max": 1000, "label": "Speed Variance"},
           "tangentialAcceleration":     {"min": -1000, "max": 1000, "label": "Tangential Acc."},
           "tangentialAccelVariance":    {"min": -1000, "max": 1000, "label": "Tangential Acc. Variance"},
           "radialAcceleration":         {"min": -1000, "max": 1000, "label": "Radial Acc."},
           "radialAccelVariance":        {"min": -1000, "max": 1000, "label": "Radial Acc. Variance"}

         // Radiation Mode (circular movement)
         "Radiation Mode": {
           "minRadius":                  {"min": 0, "max": 512, "label": "Minimal Radius"},
           "minRadiusVariance":          {"min": 0, "max": 512, "label": "Minimal Radius Variance"},
           "maxRadius":                  {"min": 0, "max": 512, "label": "Maximal Radius"},
           "maxRadiusVariance":          {"min": 0, "max": 512, "label": "Maximal Radius Variance"},
           "rotatePerSecond":            {"min": 0, "max": 360, "label": "Rotation/s"},
           "rotatePerSecondVariance":    {"min": 0, "max": 360, "label": "Rotation/s Variance"},

         "Color": {
           "startColor":                 {"min": 0, "max": 255,"stepsize": 1, "showAlpha": false, "label": "Start Color"},
           "startColorAlpha":            {"min": 0, "max": 1,"stepsize": 0.1, "label": "Start Opacity"},
           "startColorVariance":         {"min": 0, "max": 255,"stepsize": 1, "showAlpha": false, "label": "Start Color Variance"},
           "startColorVarianceAlpha":    {"min": 0, "max": 1,"stepsize": 0.1, "label": "Start Opacity Variance"},
           "finishColor":                {"min": 0, "max": 255,"stepsize": 1, "showAlpha": false, "label": "End Color"},
           "finishColorAlpha":           {"min": 0, "max": 1,"stepsize": 0.1, "label": "End Opacity"},
           "finishColorVariance":        {"min": 0, "max": 255,"stepsize": 1, "showAlpha": false, "label": "End Color Variance"},
           "finishColorVarianceAlpha":   {"min": 0, "max": 1,"stepsize": 0.1, "label": "End Opacity Variance"}

         "Appearance": {
           //"blendFuncSource":            {"min": 0, "max": 771, "label": "Blend Source"},
           //"blendFuncDestination":       {"min": 0, "max": 771, "label": "Blend Destination"},
           "textureFileName":            {"label": "Texture"}
     onDurationChanged: {

   function respawnParticle() {

   function stopParticle() {

   function sendParticlePerMail(mailto) {
     scene.itemEditor.saveItem(getInternalStorageLocation(),ut.cropPath(particleType, true))

     var messageMailto = mailto
     var messageSubject = particleType
     var messageBody = fileUtils.readFile(getDataStorageUrl(getInternalStorageLocation()+particleType))

     // Use sendEmail method here instead of openUrl because of proper char escaping
     nativeUtils.sendEmail(mailto, messageSubject, messageBody);

   function printParticle() {
     var buffer = editableEditorComponent.toJSON()

   function saveToPList() {
     entityParticle.saveAsPList(getInternalStorageLocation()+ut.cropPath(particleType, true)+".plist")

   function sendParticlePListPerMail(mailto) {
     var filenameWithPlistInsteadJson = ut.cropPath(particleType, true) + ".plist"
     entityParticle.saveAsPList(getInternalStorageLocation() + filenameWithPlistInsteadJson)

     var messageMailto = mailto
     var messageSubject = filenameWithPlistInsteadJson
     var messageBody = fileUtils.readFile(getDataStorageUrl(getInternalStorageLocation() + filenameWithPlistInsteadJson))

     // Use sendEmail method here instead of openUrl because of proper char escaping
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded