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Platformer Demo

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../entities"
 import "." as Levels

 Levels.LevelBase {
   id: level
   // we need to specify the width to get correct debug draw for our physics
   // the PhysicsWorld component fills it's parent by default, which is the viewPort Item of the gameScene and this item uses the size of the level
   // NOTE: thy physics will also work without defining the width here, so no worries, you can ignore it untill you want to do some physics debugging
   width: 42 * gameScene.gridSize // 42 because our last tile is a size 30 Ground at row 12

   // you could draw your level on a graph paper and then add the tiles here only by defining their row, column and size
   Ground {
     row: 0
     column: 0
     size: 6
   Ground {
     row: 8
     column: 0
     size: 2
   Platform {
     row: 3
     column: 3
     size: 4
   Platform {
     row: 7
     column: 6
     size: 4
   Platform {
     row: 11
     column: 3
     size: 2
   Ground {
     row: 12
     column: 0
     size: 30
   Platform {
     row: 17
     column: 3
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded