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Platformer with Level Editor

 // handles the clicking of an entity
 function clickEntity(entity) {
   // remove entity if activeTool is erase
   if(sidebar.activeTool == "erase") {
     var undoObject = removeEntity(entity);

     // if entity was removed, push undoObject to undoHanlder

 // if entity is removable: remove entity and return the undoObject of this action
 function removeEntity(entity) {
   // if entity is removable
   if(!entity.preventFromRemovalFromEntityManager) {
     // create and add a new undoObject to the undoHandler
     var undoObjectProperties = {"target": entity, "action": "remove",
       "currentPosition": Qt.point(entity.x, entity.y)};
     var undoObject = undoHandler.createUndoObject(undoObjectProperties);

     // then remove it


     // return the created undoObject
     return undoObject;

 // returns the top-left coordinate of the grid the mouse is in
 function getMouseGridPos(mouseX, mouseY) {
   // convert screen to level coordinates
   var mouseInLevel = mouseToLevelCoordinates(mouseX, mouseY);
   // snap mouse coordinates to grid
   var snappedMousePos = snapToGrid(mouseInLevel.x, mouseInLevel.y);

   return snappedMousePos;

 // This function checks, if there is a body in the 32x32 area
 // below/right the position parameter. We use this to make sure
 // there isn't already an entity at the position where we want
 // to create a new one.
 // The position parameter is the top-left point of the checked
 // area.
 // Returns true, if there is a body in this area;
 // false else.
 function isBodyIn32Grid(position) {
   // Check at 4 different positions
   var pos1 = Qt.point(position.x + 8, position.y + 8);
   var pos2 = Qt.point(position.x + 8, position.y + 24);
   var pos3 = Qt.point(position.x + 24, position.y + 8);
   var pos4 = Qt.point(position.x + 24, position.y + 24);

   if(physicsWorld.bodyAt(pos1) !== null) return true;
   if(physicsWorld.bodyAt(pos2) !== null) return true;
   if(physicsWorld.bodyAt(pos3) !== null) return true;
   if(physicsWorld.bodyAt(pos4) !== null) return true;

   // if there's no body at any of the 4 positions, return false
   return false;

 // place a new object and return it
 function placeEntityAtPosition(mouseX, mouseY) {
   // don't place object, if mouse is left of or below the level
   if(mouseX < 100 || mouseY > editorOverlay.scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.height)

   // if there is no button selected, return
   if(selectedButton === null)

   // get the mouse's grid position
   var mouseGridPos = getMouseGridPos(mouseX, mouseY);

   // if there's body at the current mouse position, return

   // set object properties
   var properties = {};

   console.debug("selectedButton.createdEntity", selectedButton.createdEntity);
   // variation type
   properties.variationType = selectedButton.createdEntity.variationType;
   // position properties
   // get level coordinates from mouse position
   var levelCoords = mouseToLevelCoordinates(mouseX, mouseY);
   // snap level coordinates to grid
   var pos = snapToGrid(levelCoords.x, levelCoords.y);
   properties.x = pos.x;
   properties.y = pos.y;
   properties.visible = true;

   // create entity
   var entityId = entityManager.createEntityFromUrlWithProperties(selectedButton.toCreateEntityTypeUrl, properties);

   // get created entity
   var entity = entityManager.getEntityById(entityId);

   // debug output with placed entity and position
   console.debug("Placed entity "+entity+" at "+entity.x+", "+entity.y);


   // return created entitiy
   return entity;

 // converts mouse coordinates to level coordinates
 // return point with level coordinates
 function mouseToLevelCoordinates(mouseX, mouseY) {
   var realX = (mouseX - containerComponent.x) / camera.zoom;
   var realY = (mouseY - containerComponent.y) / camera.zoom;

   return Qt.point(realX, realY);

 // calculates the grid coordinates of the grid the position (levelX, levelY) is in
 function snapToGrid(levelX, levelY) {
   // get the grid position of the grid cell the point is in
   var gridPositionX = Math.floor(levelX / gridSize);
   var gridPositionY = Math.floor(levelY / gridSize);

   // convert the grid position to coordinates
   var newX = gridPositionX * gridSize;
   var newY = gridPositionY * gridSize;

   return Qt.point(newX, newY);

 // saves the current level
 function saveLevel() {
   // initialize save properties
   var saveProperties = {levelMetaData: {}, customData: {}};

   // save level name
   saveProperties.levelMetaData.levelName = levelEditor.currentLevelName;

   // save current background
   saveProperties.customData.background = bgImage.bg;

   // save player's position
   saveProperties.customData.playerX = player.x;
   saveProperties.customData.playerY = player.y;

   // execute save

 function initEditor() {
   // reset grid
   editorOverlay.scene.gridSize = 32;
   sidebar.gridSizeButton.screenText = "32";

   // reset undoHandler

   // reset sidebar

 function resetEditor() {
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