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Platformer with Level Editor

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0

 Opponent {
   id: opponentJumper
   variationType: "walker"

   // this property determines in which the opponent moves
   // (-1 = left, 1 = right)
   property int direction: -1

   // the moving speed of the opponent
   property int speed: 70

   // set image
   // if opponent is alive, use normal sprite,
   // else, use dead sprite
   image.source: alive ? "../../assets/opponent/opponent_walker.png"
                       : "../../assets/opponent/opponent_walker_dead.png"

   // mirror sprite, when the opponent is moving right
   image.mirror: collider.linearVelocity.x < 0 ? false : true

   // define colliderComponent for collision detection while dragging
   colliderComponent: collider

   // When this opponent dies, we reset it's abyssChecker's
   // contacts to zero. Otherwise, after a level reset,
   // the abyssCheckers might not start with 0 contacts.
   onAliveChanged: {
     if(!alive) {
       leftAbyssChecker.contacts = 0
       rightAbyssChecker.contacts = 0

   // When being moved to the entity pool, reset the abyss checker's contacts.
   // For more information on entity pooling have a look at:
   // https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-entitybase/#poolingEnabled-prop
   onMovedToPool: {
     leftAbyssChecker.contacts = 0
     rightAbyssChecker.contacts = 0

   // the opponents main collider
   PolygonCollider {
     id: collider

     // the vertices, forming the shape of the collider
     vertices: [
       Qt.point(1, 15),
       Qt.point(31, 15),
       Qt.point(31, 30),
       Qt.point(26, 31),
       Qt.point(6, 31),
       Qt.point(1, 30)

     // the bodyType is dynamic
     bodyType: Body.Dynamic

     // the collider should not be active in edit mode or
     // when dead
     active: inLevelEditingMode || !alive ? false : true

     // Category3: opponent body
     categories: Box.Category3
     // Category2: player body, Category2: player feet sensor,
     // Category5: solids
     collidesWith: Box.Category1 | Box.Category2 | Box.Category5

     // set the opponent's velocity
     linearVelocity: Qt.point(direction * speed, 0)

     onLinearVelocityChanged: {
       // if the opponent stops moving, reverse direction
       if(linearVelocity.x === 0)
         direction *= -1

       // make sure the speed is constant
       linearVelocity.x = direction * speed

   // The abyss checkers check for abysses left and right of the
   // opponent. With this, we can let the opponent change direction,
   // before it would fall of an edge.
   BoxCollider {
     id: leftAbyssChecker

     // only active, when the main collider is active
     active: collider.active

     // we make it rather small
     width: 5
     height: 5

     // place it left, below the opponent
     anchors.top: parent.bottom
     anchors.left: parent.left

     // Category4: opponent sensor
     categories: Box.Category4
     // Category5: solids
     collidesWith: Box.Category5

     // this collider should only check for collisions
     collisionTestingOnlyMode: true

     // This property keeps track of the contacts. If contacts
     // is 0, there is an abyss and the opponent should reverse
     // it's direction.
     property int contacts: 0

     // handle number of contacts
     fixture.onBeginContact: contacts++
     fixture.onEndContact: if(contacts > 0) contacts--

     // change direction when there are no contacts
     onContactsChanged: if(contacts == 0) direction *= -1
   BoxCollider {
     id: rightAbyssChecker

     active: collider.active

     // size and position
     width: 5
     height: 5
     anchors.top: parent.bottom
     anchors.right: parent.right

     // Category4: opponent sensor
     categories: Box.Category4
     // Category5: solids
     collidesWith: Box.Category5

     collisionTestingOnlyMode: true

     // handle contacts
     property int contacts: 0

     fixture.onBeginContact: contacts++
     fixture.onEndContact: if(contacts > 0) contacts--

     onContactsChanged: if(contacts == 0) direction *= -1

   // make property editable via item editor
   EditableComponent {
     editableType: "Balance"
     defaultGroup: "OpponentWalker"

     targetEditor: gameScene.itemEditor

     properties: {
       "speed": {"min": 0, "max": 300, "stepSize": 5, "label": "Speed"}

   // when the speed is changed, via the itemEditor, we also want to update
   // the opponents velocity
   onSpeedChanged: {
     collider.linearVelocity.x = direction * speed

   // reset the opponent
   function reset() {
     // this is the reset function of the base entity Opponent.qml

     // reset direction
     direction = -1

     // reset force
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