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Platformer with Level Editor

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "scenes"
 import "common"

 GameWindow {
   id: gameWindow

   // You get free licenseKeys from https://felgo.com/licenseKey
   // With a licenseKey you can:
   //  * Publish your games & apps for the app stores
   //  * Remove the Felgo Splash Screen or set a custom one (available with the Pro Licenses)
   //  * Add plugins to monetize, analyze & improve your apps (available with the Pro Licenses)

   activeScene: menuScene

   // the size of the Window can be changed at runtime by pressing Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) + the number keys 1-8
   // the content of the logical scene size (480x320 for landscape mode by default) gets scaled to the window size based on the scaleMode
   // you can set this size to any resolution you would like your project to start with, most of the times the one of your main target device
   // this resolution is for iPhone 4 & iPhone 4S
   screenWidth: 960
   screenHeight: 640

   // aliases to make levelEditor and itemEditor accessible from the outside
   property alias levelEditor: levelEditor
   property alias itemEditor: gameScene.itemEditor

   // update background music when scene changes
   onActiveSceneChanged: {

   // level editor
   LevelEditor {
     id: levelEditor

     Component.onCompleted: levelEditor.loadAllLevelsFromStorageLocation(authorGeneratedLevelsLocation)

     // These are the entity types, that the can be stored and removed by the entityManager.
     // Note, that the player is not here. This is because we only
     // want ONE player instance - we don't want to be able to place
     // another player or delete the existing player.
     toRemoveEntityTypes: [ "ground", "platform", "spikes", "opponent", "coin", "mushroom", "star", "finish" ]
     toStoreEntityTypes: [ "ground", "platform", "spikes", "opponent", "coin", "mushroom", "star", "finish" ]

     // set the gameNetwork
     gameNetworkItem: gameNetwork

     // directory where the predefined json levels are
     applicationJSONLevelsDirectory: "levels/"

     onLevelPublished: {
       // save level

       //report a dummy score, to initialize the leaderboard
       var leaderboard = levelId
       if(leaderboard) {
         gameNetwork.reportScore(100000, leaderboard, null, "lowest_is_best")

       gameWindow.state = "level"

   AudioManager {
     id: audioManager

   // the entity manager handles all our entities
   EntityManager {
     id: entityManager

     // here we define the container the entityManager manages
     // so all entities, the entityManager creates are in this container
     entityContainer: gameScene.container

     poolingEnabled: true

   FelgoGameNetwork {
     id: gameNetwork

     // set id and secret
     gameId: 220
     secret: "platformerEditorDevPasswordForVPlayGameNetwork"

     // set gameNetworkView
     gameNetworkView: myGameNetworkView

   // custom mario style font
   FontLoader {
     id: marioFont
     source: "../assets/fonts/SuperMario256.ttf"

   // Scenes -----------------------------------------
   MenuScene {
     id: menuScene

     onLevelScenePressed: {
       gameWindow.state = "level"

   LevelScene {
     id: levelScene

     GameNetworkView {
       id: myGameNetworkView

       z: 1000

       anchors.fill: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem

       // invisible by default
       visible: false

       onShowCalled: {
         myGameNetworkView.visible = true

       onBackClicked: {
         myGameNetworkView.visible = false

     onNewLevelPressed: {
       // create a new level
       var creationProperties = {
         levelMetaData: {
           levelName: "newLevel"

       // switch to gameScene, edit mode
       gameWindow.state = "game"
       gameScene.state = "edit"

       // initialize level

     onPlayLevelPressed: {
       // load level

       // switch to gameScene, play mode
       gameWindow.state = "game"
       gameScene.state = "play"

       // initialize level

     onEditLevelPressed: {
       // load level

       // switch to gameScene, play mode
       gameWindow.state = "game"
       gameScene.state = "edit"

       // initialize level

     onRemoveLevelPressed: {
       // load level

       // remove loaded level

     onBackPressed: {
       gameWindow.state = "menu"

   GameScene {
     id: gameScene

     onBackPressed: {
       // reset level

       // switch to levelScene
       gameWindow.state = "level"

   // states
   state: "menu"

   // this state machine handles the transition between scenes
   states: [
     State {
       name: "menu"
       PropertyChanges {target: menuScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: gameWindow; activeScene: menuScene}
     State {
       name: "level"
       PropertyChanges {target: levelScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: gameWindow; activeScene: levelScene}
     State {
       name: "game"
       PropertyChanges {target: gameScene; opacity: 1}
       PropertyChanges {target: gameWindow; activeScene: gameScene}
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