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Platformer with Level Editor

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"
 import "../entities"
 import "../editorElements"
 import "../gameElements"
 import "dialogs"

 SceneBase {
   id: gameScene

   // set the scene alignment
   sceneAlignmentX: "left"
   sceneAlignmentY: "top"

   // the level's grid size
   gridSize: 32

   // the time the user is playing the current level, since his last death
   property int time: 0

   // make components visible from the outside
   property alias editorOverlay: editorOverlay
   property alias container: container
   property alias player: player
   property alias physicsWorld: physicsWorld
   property alias bgImage: bgImage
   property alias camera: camera

   // Make itemEditor accessible from the outside.
   // This is necessary for dynamically created items, to be able to
   // set this editor as their target editor.
   property alias itemEditor: editorOverlay.itemEditor

   // this signal is emitted when the user presses the back button
   signal backPressed

    * States
   state: "play"

   states: [
     State {
       name: "play"
       StateChangeScript {script: audioManager.handleMusic()}
     State {
       name: "edit"
       PropertyChanges {target: physicsWorld; gravity: Qt.point(0,0)} // disable gravity
       PropertyChanges {target: editorUnderlay; enabled: true} // enable the editorUnderlay for placing entities and moving the camera
       PropertyChanges {target: editorOverlay; visible: true} // show the editorOverlay
       PropertyChanges {target: editorOverlay; inEditMode: true}
       StateChangeScript {script: resetLevel()} // reset all entity positions
       StateChangeScript {script: editorOverlay.grid.requestPaint()}
       StateChangeScript {script: audioManager.handleMusic()}
     State {
       name: "test"
       PropertyChanges {target: editorOverlay; visible: true} // show the editorOverlay
       StateChangeScript {script: audioManager.playSound("start")}
       StateChangeScript {script: audioManager.handleMusic()}
       PropertyChanges {target: gameScene; time: 0}
       StateChangeScript {script: levelTimer.restart()}
       PropertyChanges {target: camera; zoom: 1}
     State {
       name: "finish"
       PropertyChanges {target: physicsWorld; running: false} // disable physics

    * BACKGROUND -----------------------------------------
   // background image
   BackgroundImage {
     id: bgImage

     anchors.centerIn: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem

     // this property holds which background to show
     property int bg: 0

     // paths to all backgrounds
     property string bg0: "../../assets/backgroundImage/day_bg.png"
     property string bg1: "../../assets/backgroundImage/dusk_bg.png"
     property string bg2: "../../assets/backgroundImage/night_bg.png"

     // if available, load background from levelData
     property int loadedBackground: {
       if(gameWindow.levelEditor && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData
           && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData["customData"]
           && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData["customData"]["background"])
         -1 // set to -1 if background property is not available

     // set image source depending on bg-property value
     source: bg == 0 ? bg0 : bg == 1 ? bg1 : bg2

    * MOUSE AND GESTURE CONTROL --------------------------
   EditorUnderlay {
     id: editorUnderlay

    * GAME ELEMENTS -----------------------------------------
   // entity container
   // here all our entities are placed
   Item {
     id: container

     // When the container is scaled we want the transformation to
     // be applied from the top left corner, since this is also the
     // coordinates origin.
     transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft

     PhysicsWorld {
       id: physicsWorld

       property int gravityY: 40

       // set the gravity
       gravity: Qt.point(0, gravityY)

       debugDrawVisible: false // enable this for physics debugging
       z: 1000 // make sure the debugDraw is above all other game elements

       running: true

       //this is called before the Box2DWorld handles contact events
       onPreSolve: {
         var entityA = contact.fixtureA.getBody().target
         var entityB = contact.fixtureB.getBody().target

         // We want our platforms to be cloud platforms.
         // A cloud platform is a platform through which you can jump
         // from below.

         // If one of the colliding entities is a platform,
         // and the other a moving entity (player or opponent),
         // and the moving entity is below the platform...
         if(entityA.entityType === "platform" && (entityB.entityType === "player" || entityB.entityType === "opponent") && entityB.y + entityB.height > entityA.y + 1 // add +1 to avoid wrong border-line decisions
             || (entityA.entityType === "player" || entityA.entityType === "opponent") && entityB.entityType === "platform" && entityA.y + entityA.height > entityB.y + 1) {

           // ...disable the contact
           contact.enabled = false

         // Disable physical collision handling between player
         // and opponents. This way, we can still handle them,
         // but their physics are not affected.
         if(entityA.entityType === "player" && entityB.entityType === "opponent"
             || entityB.entityType === "player" && entityA.entityType === "opponent") {
           contact.enabled = false

       // add gravity property to item editor
       EditableComponent {
         editableType: "Balance"
         defaultGroup: "Physics"
         properties: {
           "gravityY": {"min": 0, "max": 100, "label": "Gravity"}

     Player {
       id: player

       z: 1 // let the player appear in front of the platforms

       // when colliding with the finish:
       // in test mode: reset the level
       // in play mode: go back to the menu
       onFinish: {
         if(gameScene.state == "test")
         else if(gameScene.state == "play") {
           // set state to finish, to freeze the game
           gameScene.state = "finish"

           // handle score

           // show finish dialog
           finishDialog.score = time
           finishDialog.opacity = 1

     ResetSensor {
       // This sensor is always at the bottom of the level, directly
       // below the player. So the player touches it just before he
       // would fall out of bounds at the bottom of the level.
       // When he touches it, he dies.

       player: player

       // if the player collides with the reset sensor, he dies
       onContact: {
   } // container end

   // camera
   Camera {
     id: camera

     // set the gameWindowSize and entityContainer with which the camera works with
     gameWindowSize: Qt.point(gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.width, gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.height)
     entityContainer: container

     // disable the camera's mouseArea, since we handle the controls of the free
     // moving camera ourself, in EditorUnderlay
     mouseAreaEnabled: false

     // the camera follows the player when not in edit mode
     focusedObject: gameScene.state != "edit" ? player : null

     // set focused offset
     focusOffset: Qt.point(0.5, 0.3)

     // set limits
     limitLeft: 0
     limitBottom: 0

     // set free camera offset, if sidebar is visible
     freeOffset: gameScene.state != "edit" ? Qt.point(0, 0) : Qt.point(100, 0)

    * CONTROLS ----------------------------------------------

   // this button is for moving left and right on touch devices
   MoveTouchButton {
     id: moveTouchButton

     // pass TwoAxisController to moveTouchButton
     controller: controller

   // this button is for jumping on touch devices
   JumpTouchButton {
     id: jumpTouchButton

     onPressed: player.startJump(true)
     onReleased: player.endJump()

   // On desktops, we can move the player with the arrow keys,
   // on mobile devices we are using our custom inputs above,
   // to modify the controller axis values.
   // With this approach, we only need one actual logic for the
   // movement, always referring to the axis values of the controller.

   // forward the keyboard keys to the controller
   Keys.forwardTo: controller

   // this is the controller, which handles the user's input
   TwoAxisController {
     id: controller

     // controls should be only enabled when playing a level
     enabled: gameScene.state != "edit"

     // handle keyboard input
     onInputActionPressed: {
       console.debug("key pressed actionName " + actionName)

       // movement via left and right buttons is handled automatically

       // start jump when pressing the up button
       if(actionName == "up") {

     onInputActionReleased: {
       // end jump when releasing the up button
       if(actionName == "up") {

     // if the xAxis changes, we change the direction the player looks,
     // depending on the direction he moves
     onXAxisChanged: player.changeSpriteOrientation()

    * HUD

   HUDIconAndText {
     id: timeDisplay

     // When the time is a whole number, the text would be e.g. "1" - but we
     // want it to be "1.0". So we check if it is a whole number, and if so,
     // add a ".0" to the end of it.
     text: time
     icon.source: "../../assets/ui/time.png"

   // this timer keeps track of the time, the user plays a level
   Timer {
     id: levelTimer

     interval: 100

     repeat: true

     onTriggered: {
       // increase time
       time += 1

   // this displays the player's score
   HUDIconAndText {
     id: scoreDisplay

     text: "x "+player.score
     icon.source: "../../assets/coin/coin.png"

     anchors.left: timeDisplay.right

    * TOP BAR

   // back to menu button
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: menuButton

     width: 40
     height: 30

     anchors.right: editorOverlay.right
     anchors.top: editorOverlay.top

     image.source: "../../assets/ui/home.png"

     // this button should only be visible in play or edit mode
     visible: gameScene.state == "play"

     // go back to menu
     onClicked: backPressed()


   EditorOverlay {
     id: editorOverlay

     visible: false

     scene: gameScene


   FinishDialog {
     id: finishDialog

    * JAVASCRIPT FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------

   function handleScore() {
     // id only exists in published levels
     var leaderboard = levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData ? levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData.id : undefined

     // if current levelMetaData doesn't have an id, check if it has publishedLevelId
       leaderboard = levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData ? levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData.publishedLevelId : undefined

     // if level is published...
     if(leaderboard) {
       // ...report the score; the lower the score, the better
       gameNetwork.reportScore(time, leaderboard, null, "lowest_is_best")

   // initializes the level
   // this function is called after a level was loaded
   function initLevel() {

     // initialize the editor

     // set background image
     // when there is a background saved, load it
     if(bgImage.loadedBackground && bgImage.loadedBackground != -1)
       bgImage.bg = bgImage.loadedBackground
     else // otherwise take the default background
       bgImage.bg = 0

     // reset the camera
     camera.zoom = 1
     camera.freePosition = Qt.point(0, 0)

     // initialize the player

     // reset the player's contacts

     // reset the controller's xAxis to ensure, that it's zero
     // at the beginning of the level
     controller.xAxis = 0

     // reset time and timer
     time = 0

   // resets the level
   // this function is i.a. called everytime the player dies, or the user
   // switches from test to edit mode
   function resetLevel() {

     // reset the editor

     // reset player

     // reset opponents
     var opponents = entityManager.getEntityArrayByType("opponent")
     for(var opp in opponents) {

     // reset coins
     var coins = entityManager.getEntityArrayByType("coin")
     for(var coin in coins) {

     // reset mushrooms
     var mushrooms = entityManager.getEntityArrayByType("mushroom")
     for(var mushroom in mushrooms) {

     // reset stars
     var stars = entityManager.getEntityArrayByType("star")
     for(var star in stars) {

     // reset time and timer
     time = 0
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