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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0

 // this text adapts its size to the width of the parent, if the parent is smaller than the current text
 Text {
     id: textItem

     property int padding: 7
     property int parentWidth: parent.width-(2 * padding)
     property int savedPixelSize

     Component.onCompleted: {

     onFontChanged: font => {
         //save the original pixel size so it can be reset when the text changes
         if(!savedPixelSize) savedPixelSize = font.pixelSize;

     onTextChanged: {
         if(savedPixelSize) font.pixelSize = savedPixelSize;

     function adjustSize() {
         // decrease the font size until the text fits
         while(width > parentWidth && parentWidth > 1) {
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded