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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 Item {
   id: rootSprite
   rotation: -90

   property alias squabySprite: squabySprite
   signal animationFinished

   GameSpriteSequence {
     // if goalSprite is not set, the first GameSprite is used
     id: squabySprite
     goalSprite: "walk"

     anchors.centerIn: parent

     // running gets set to true by default
     // we set it to false in Squaby.onMovedToPool() and enable it in onUsedFromPool

     spriteSheetSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/spritesheets/squ" + squabySprite.variationTypeNumber + ".png")

     onCurrentSpriteObjectChanged: {
       if(currentSpriteObject === dieAnimationFinished) {
     // animationFinished doesnt exist any more, instead detect a change of animations with currentSpriteObjectChanged
 //    onAnimationFinished: rootSprite.animationFinished()

     // by default, use the variationType of the parent
     property string variationType: parent.parent.variationType
     property int variationTypeNumber: 1
     onVariationTypeChanged: {
       if(variationType === "squabyYellow")
         variationTypeNumber = 1
       else if(variationType === "squabyOrange")
         variationTypeNumber = 2
       else if(variationType === "squabyRed")
         variationTypeNumber = 3
       else if(variationType === "squabyGreen")
         variationTypeNumber = 4
       else if(variationType === "squabyBlue")
         variationTypeNumber = 5
       else if(variationType === "squabyGrey")
         variationTypeNumber = 6

     GameSprite {
       name: "walk"
       frameWidth: 32
       frameHeight: 32
       frameCount: 4
       startFrameColumn: 1
       frameRate: 20
 //      frameNames: [
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-walk-1.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-walk-2.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-walk-3.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-walk-4.png",
 //      ]
     GameSprite {
       name: "whirl"
       frameWidth: 32
       frameHeight: 32
       startFrameColumn: 14
 //      frameNames: [
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-whirl-1.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-whirl-2.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-whirl-3.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-whirl-4.png",
 //      ]
       frameCount: 2
       frameRate: 20
     // the jump animation could be used when the squaby jumps under the bed - it is not used atm, because it is not good visible
     GameSprite {
       name: "jump"
       frameWidth: 32
       frameHeight: 32
       startFrameColumn: 5
 //      frameNames: [
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-jump-1.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-jump-2.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-jump-3.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-jump-4.png",
 //      ]
       frameCount: 4
       frameRate: 10
     // this is Felgo 1 code - the restoreOriginalFrame property is not supported yet
 //    GameSprite {
 //      name: "die"
 //      frameNames: [
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-die-1.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-die-2.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-die-3.png",
 //        "squ"+squabySprite.variationTypeNumber+"-die-4.png",
 //      ]
 //      loop: false
 //      frameRate: 10
 //      restoreOriginalFrame: false
 //    }

     GameSprite {
       name: "die"
       frameWidth: 32
       frameHeight: 32
       frameCount: 3
       startFrameColumn: 10
       frameRate: 10
       // play die animation once and then stay at the last frame
       to: {"dieLastFrame":1}
     GameSprite {
       // this is required to be able to detect the end of the die animation
       id: dieAnimationFinished
       name: "dieLastFrame"
       startFrameColumn: 12
       frameWidth: 32
       frameHeight: 32
       duration: 10000 // performance saver
       // frameCount is set to 1 by default
       to: {"dieLastFrame":1}
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded