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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0
 import "../gameScene/hud" // for SingleSquabySprite

 // this may become an EntityBaseDraggable, when the position of it should be changable, and it should be createable at runtime from the building menu!
 EntityBase {
   id: waypoint
   // to show up in the debugger more readable
   entityType: "waypoint"

   // these may also be arrays in future versions, if crossings should be possible!
   property variant prev
   // current is the current pos!
   //property variant current
   property variant next

   poolingEnabled: true

   // this is for trying why the waypoints at x=16 are still visible - no clue why!?
 //  onMovedToPool: {
 //    // this is useeless here, because when visible is set to false, the position is not forwarded any more!
 //    waypoint.x = 100
 //    waypoint.y = 100
 //    waypoint.rotation = 0

 //    updateItemPositionAndRotationImmediately()

 //    waypoint.visible = false
 //    sprite.visible = false
 //    sprite.visible = false

 //    waypoint.opacity = 0.5

 //  }

   onUsedFromPool: {

 //    console.debug("used from pool, to set pos:", x, y)

     // this is required, otherwise the transform would be the old!
     // otherwise it will shortly flicker when it gets visible, when used for pooling!

     // see bug testinga bove
 //    sprite.visible = true
 //    sprite.visible = true
 //    waypoint.x = 100
 //    waypoint.y = 100

   // this is useless here - the rotation is not modified!
   // the default transformOrigin is Center, which would position the children incorrectly!
   //transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft

   SingleSquabySprite {
     id: sprite

     translateToCenterAnchor: true
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/steps/steps-4-corner-from-left-to-top.png")

   // for debugging only
 //  Rectangle {
 //    anchors.fill: sprite
 //    color: "red"
 //    opacity: 0.3
 //  }

   // without the spritesheet
 //  Image {
 //    id: image
 //    source: calculateSource()
 //    width: 2*gridSize
 //    height: 2*gridSize
 //    //rotation: calculateRotation()
 //    anchors.centerIn: parent
 //  }

   Component.onCompleted: {
     //console.debug("Waypoint: onCompleted for pos:", x, y)

   function calculateRotationAndMirroring() {
     var fromLeft;
     var fromRight;
     var fromTop;
     var fromBottom;

     // initialize it with false, it might have been set to true before when used from pool!
     sprite.mirrorX = false;

     // prev is from the left, no mirroring necessary
     if(prev.x < x) {
       fromLeft = true;
     } else if(prev.x > x) {
       fromRight = true;
     } else if(prev.y < y) {
       fromTop = true;
     } else if(prev.y > y) {
       fromBottom = true;

     var toLeft;
     var toRight;
     var toTop;
     var toBottom;

     if(next.x > x) {
       toRight = true;
     } else if(next.x < x) {
       toLeft = true;
     } else if(next.y > y) {
       toBottom = true;
     } else if(next.y < y) {
       toTop = true;

     if(fromLeft && toTop) {
       // do nothing, default image
       waypoint.rotation = 0;
     } else if(fromTop && toRight) {
       waypoint.rotation = 90;
     } else if(fromRight && toBottom) {
       // this is problematic!? don't know why, but this waypoint when placed on the right side of the screen, is never set to invisible!?!
       // that only happens when rotation is set to 180
       waypoint.rotation = 180;
     } else if(fromBottom && toLeft) {
       waypoint.rotation = 270;
     } else {
       // now the mirrored ones start!
       sprite.mirrorX = true;

     if(fromRight && toTop) {
       waypoint.rotation = 0;
     } else if(fromBottom && toRight) {
       waypoint.rotation = 90;
     } else if(fromLeft && toBottom) {
       waypoint.rotation = 180;
     } else if(fromTop && toLeft) {
       waypoint.rotation = 270;

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