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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 // this must be imported globally! so only once in main.qml
 //import "levelLogic.js" as Logic
 import Felgo 4.0

 BuildEntityButton {
     id: buyTowerButton

     //anchors.fill: buttonSprite - this doesn't work, because anchoring only works for parent or sibling! thus set the width & height manually
     width: buttonSprite.width
     height: buttonSprite.height

     // is needed to set the source for DragWeapon, which is the name of the png in the spritesheet json file
     // has e.g. the value "nailgun.png" - mention that the path is irrelevant, as the image is looked up in the json file
     property alias source: buttonSprite.source

     // the cost property is set in onCreatedEntityChanged, after the entity for this button was created and the cost is retrieved
     property alias cost:priceTag.cost

     // affordable should change with the player gold - if the player has more gold than the tower costs, it is affordable; if non-affordable, opacity will be set to 0.5
     property bool __affordable: player.gold>=cost
     opacity: __affordable ? 1 : 0.5

     // only allow dragging (so enable the MouseArea of BuildEntityButton), when the button is affordable
     enabled: __affordable

     // this is called before the base class constructor BuildEntityButton, so the entity is not available in here but only in onCreatedEntityChanged
 //    Component.onCompleted: {
 //        console.debug("BuyTowerButton.onCompleted");
 //    }

     Connections {
       id: buyTowerButtonConnection
       //target: level.balancingSettings.nailgun
       onCostChanged: {
         var theNewCost = 0
         if(createdEntity.entityType === "nailgun") {
           theNewCost = level.balancingSettings.nailgun.cost
         } else if(createdEntity.entityType === "flamethrower") {
           theNewCost = level.balancingSettings.flamethrower.cost
         } else if(createdEntity.entityType === "taser") {
           theNewCost = level.balancingSettings.taser.cost
         } else if(createdEntity.entityType === "tesla") {
           theNewCost = level.balancingSettings.tesla.cost
         } else if(createdEntity.entityType === "turbine") {
           theNewCost = level.balancingSettings.turbine.cost
         buyTowerButton.cost = theNewCost

     // not needed any more, was moved to default behavior of BuildEntityButton
     onCreatedEntityChanged: {
         console.debug("BuyTowerButton: createdEntityChanged to", createdEntity)
         if(createdEntity) {

             // Does not work anymore because the dynamic change is not stated in the entity.
             //cost = createdEntity.cost
           if(createdEntity.entityType === "nailgun") {
             buyTowerButtonConnection.target = level.balancingSettings.nailgun
             cost = level.balancingSettings.nailgun.cost
           } else if(createdEntity.entityType === "flamethrower") {
             buyTowerButtonConnection.target = level.balancingSettings.flamethrower
             cost = level.balancingSettings.flamethrower.cost
           } else if(createdEntity.entityType === "taser") {
             buyTowerButtonConnection.target = level.balancingSettings.taser
             cost = level.balancingSettings.taser.cost
           } else if(createdEntity.entityType === "tesla") {
             buyTowerButtonConnection.target = level.balancingSettings.tesla
             cost = level.balancingSettings.tesla.cost
           } else if(createdEntity.entityType === "turbine") {
             buyTowerButtonConnection.target = level.balancingSettings.turbine
             cost = level.balancingSettings.turbine.cost

             console.debug("BuyTowerButton: setting cost of button to", cost)

 //            // this is the default behavior anyway
 //            //createdEntity.draggingAllowed = true;
 //            //createdEntity.clickingAllowed = false;
 //            // always set the enabled flag to true, otherwise it would only be enabled in levelEditingMode
 //            //createdEntity.selectionMouseArea.enabled = true;

     onEntityPressed: {
         selectedTowerRange.isAllowedToBuild = createdEntity.allowedToBuild;
         selectedTowerRange.colliderRadius = createdEntity.colliderRadius;
         selectedTowerRange.visible = true;
       tutorials.nextAction(createdEntity.entityType, "pressed")

     onEntityReleased: {
         selectedTowerRange.visible = false;

     onEntityWasBuilt: {
         // play the building sound effect here

       // this is interesting for analytics!
       if(createdEntity.entityType === "nailgun")
       else if(createdEntity.entityType === "flamethrower")
       else if(createdEntity.entityType === "taser")
       else if(createdEntity.entityType === "tesla")
       else if(createdEntity.entityType === "turbine")
       flurry.logEvent("Tower.Built", {"towerType": createdEntity.entityType, "playerGold": player.gold, "wave": player.wave});

         // decrease player gold by the cost of this weapon
         player.gold -= cost;
       tutorials.nextAction(createdEntity.entityType, "entityBuilt",Qt.point(createdEntity.x,createdEntity.y))

     SingleSquabySprite {
         id: buttonSprite

     PriceTag {
         id: priceTag
         anchors.right: parent.right
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

     // gets played when the building is allowed and the tower gets built
     GameSoundEffect {
         id: towerConstructEffect
         source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../../assets/snd/towerConstruct.wav")

     // this modifies the position of the selectedTowerRange image defined in HUD
     Connections {
         target: createdEntity ? createdEntity : null
         onXChanged: {
             selectedTowerRange.x = createdEntity.x;
         onYChanged: {
             selectedTowerRange.y = createdEntity.y;
         onAllowedToBuildChanged: {
             //console.debug("BuyTowerButton's entity changed allowedtoBuild to:", createdEntity.allowedToBuild);
             selectedTowerRange.isAllowedToBuild = createdEntity.allowedToBuild;
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded