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Squaby Demo

 // only in qtquick 1.1 implicitWidth is known!
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 Item {
   id: hud
   // for testing if the BuildEntityButton entities were really built
   //opacity: 0.2

   // gets set from Obstacle when an obstacle is selected - but as the name implies this could be set to any entityId
   // if a change of this id is detected, the hud state will display the sell button to destroy the obstacle (state modifyEntity)
   //property string selectedEntityId: ""
   property variant selectedEntity

   // this gets set when a tower is selected - it is needed for the turbine when it is out of lives, and if the tower is currently selected, then the hud should be updated
   property string selectedTowerId: ""
   property alias levelEditingHud: levelEditingHUD

   // this is emitted when the menu button was clicked
   signal menuButtonClicked

   // start in the buildTowers state by default
   state: "buildTowers"

   // this will be set to visible and positioned to the selected tower when hud.towerSelected() is called, or from BuyTowerButton when the new entity gets moved
   TowerRangeCircle {
     id: selectedTowerRange

     // the size is set based on the colliderSize automatically

     // should be invisible at beginning, only gets visible when a tower is selected
     visible: false

     onVisibleChanged: {
         tutorials.nextAction("towerRange", "visible")
         tutorials.nextAction("towerRange", "invisible")

     // a transform is needed here, because this item gets positioned by setting the center position, so the transformOrigin is in the center
     transform: [
       // mention that selectedTowerRange. is needed, otherwise they are undefined!
       // hud.y must be extracted, because selectedTowerRange gets positioned based on scene origin, and hud is shifted down by this factor!
       Translate { x: -selectedTowerRange.width/2; y: -selectedTowerRange.height/2 - hud.y}

   SingleSquabySprite {
     id: menuBackground
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../../assets/img/menu_labels/menuBackground.png")

     visible: opacity > 0

     /*Behavior on opacity {
       PropertyAnimation {
         duration: 600

   // instead of loading this always, speed up app start by not loading the HUD when it is never needed (i.e. when multiple levels are not allowed)
   LevelEditingHUD {
     id: levelEditingHUD

     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.right: parent.right

     height: hud.height

     // in the default state, the obstacles will be invisible - they get visible when in levelEditing mode
     visible: false

   function changeToBuildMenu() {
     menuBackground.opacity = 1
     if(itemEditor.visible) {

   function changeFromBuildMenu() {
     menuBackground.opacity = 0
     if(!itemEditor.visible) {

   Item {
     id: menuButtonItem
       // this item is only needed, because the MouseArea must not be a child of Row, because anchoring is used there
       width: menuButton.width
       height: menuButton.height

       //Image { // use a res-independent spritesheet instead
       SingleSquabySprite {
           id: menuButton
           source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../../assets/img/menu_labels/menuIconMenuButton.png")
       // the MouseArea must not be a child of SingleSquabySprite, as all the children get overwritten there!
       MouseArea {
           // the anchors.fill: menuButton causes the following QML error: "QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row"
           // it does work though, so leave it
           anchors.fill: menuButton
           onClicked: {

   // comment the real SquabyPerformanceTestOptions component at the moment as a performance improvement to speed up loading time
   SquabyPerformanceTestOptions {
     id: perfmenuButtonItem
     anchors.right: hud.right
     visible: developerBuild && scene.state !== "levelEditing"

   Item {
     id: anchorItem
     anchors.right: developerBuild ? perfmenuButtonItem.left : hud.right

   MenuGoldWaveItems {
     id: menuGoldWaveItems
     anchors.left: menuButtonItem.right

   BuyTowersHUD {
     id: buyTowersHUD
     height: parent.height
     anchors.right: anchorItem.left
     // this gets set to visible in the PropertyChanges for the default state
     // so this is visible in the default state!
     visible: false

   UpgradeTowerHUD {
     id: upgradeTowerHUD
     anchors.right: anchorItem.left
     // in the default state, the upgrades will be invisible - they get visible when a tower was selected
     visible: false

   Loader {
     id: modifyEntityHUD
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("ModifyEntityHUD.qml")
     anchors.right: anchorItem.left
     // in the default state, the upgrades will be invisible - they get visible when a tower was selected
     visible: false

      * Gets called by Obstacle.
   function entitySelected(entity) {
     // reset the internal state of the old selected entity, to stop blinking of the selected obstacle
     if(selectedEntity) {
       selectedEntity.entityState = "";

     selectedEntity = entity;

     hud.state = "modifyEntity";

      * Gets called by the towers when they are clicked. If they get clicked, the upgrade menu should be displayed.
   function towerSelected(message) {
     // forward the update to the upgradeTowerHud


   states: [
     // the default state shows the weaponsRow, so the available towers that can be built
     State {
       name: "buildTowers"
       PropertyChanges { target: buyTowersHUD; visible: true}

       // reset the selectedTowerId when no upgrading is happening
       PropertyChanges { target: hud; selectedTowerId: ""}

       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
           // reset state.e.g. when user is in build paths mode it should exit this state so the pathmode is not enabled/visible anymore
           levelEditingHUD.state = ""
     State {
       name: "upgrading"
 //      PropertyChanges { target: repairUpgrade; visible: false} // the repairUpgrade should only be visible in state upgradingTurbine
       // when the upgrade state is set, the TowerRangeCircle should be visible - this has the nice effect that it gets invisible as soon as the state is switched to default!
       PropertyChanges { target: selectedTowerRange; visible: true }
       PropertyChanges { target: upgradeTowerHUD; visible: true }


     State {
       name: "levelEditing"
       PropertyChanges { target: levelEditingHUD; visible: true}
       PropertyChanges { target: menuButtonItem; visible: false}

       // this would work, but because selectedEntity may be undefined when entering the state, it would lead to an error! thus better use a StateChangeScript where a check if selectedEntity is valid can be used
       //PropertyChanges { target: selectedEntity ; state: ""}
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
             selectedEntity.entityState = "";

       // ATTENTION: restoreEntryValues must be set to false, otherwise selectedEntity would be reset to the initial property value (undefined) when leaving the state!
       PropertyChanges { target: hud; selectedEntity: null; restoreEntryValues: false}
       PropertyChanges { target: menuGoldWaveItems;  visible: false}

     State {
       name: "modifyEntity"
       //extend: "levelEditing" // do NOT extend, otherwise selectedEntity would be set to null which is not desired!
       PropertyChanges { target: modifyEntityHUD; visible: true}
       PropertyChanges { target: menuGoldWaveItems; visible: false}
       PropertyChanges { target: menuButtonItem; visible: false}

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