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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 Row {
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

     Item {
         id: waveItem
         width: 64
         height: 64

         MouseArea {
             anchors.fill: parent
             onClicked: {
               // a check might be added her, to only create a new squaby when the squabyCreator is in state "waitingForNextWave"!
               var extraPoints = squabyCreator.createNextSquabyImmediately();
               if(extraPoints>0 && !scene.endlessGameAllowed) {

         SingleSquabySprite {
             id: waveButton
             source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../../assets/img/menu_labels/labelWave.png")

             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
             // the button else is too far on the bottom and doesn't look good
             anchors.bottomMargin: 2

         Text {
             id: waveTextItem
             text: player.wave
             color: "white"
             font.pixelSize: 20
             font.family: hudFont.name
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -15

         // this text item shows the currently created squabies, and the total amount available
         Text {
             text: squabyCreator.squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave + " | " + squabyCreator.amountSquabiesInCurrentWave
             color: "white"
             font.pixelSize: 10
             font.family: hudFont.name
             anchors.top: waveTextItem.bottom
             anchors.topMargin: 1
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

         Text {
           id: pointsMessage
           x: parent.width/2-text.pointsMessage/2
           y: -pointsMessage.height
           text: ""
           color: "white"
           opacity: 0

           function show(points) {
             pointsMessage.opacity = 1
             pointsMessage.text = "+"+(points/100).toFixed(0)+" points"
             player.instantBonus+= points/100

           Behavior on opacity {
             // the cross-fade animation should last 350ms
             NumberAnimation { duration: 350 }

           Timer {
             id: hideMessage
             interval: 650
             repeat: false
             onTriggered: {
               pointsMessage.opacity = 0

     Item {
         id: goldItem
         width: 64
         height: 64

         SingleSquabySprite {
             id: goldImage
             source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../../assets/img/menu_labels/menuIconGold.png")

             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

         Text {
             id: goldTextItem
             text: player.gold
             color: "white"
             font.pixelSize: 20
             font.family: hudFont.name
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -12
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded