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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0

 Item {
   id: button

   // this is the only required property of this component!
   // with this component a general button, with an image from the sprite sheet could be achieved!
   property string spriteInSpriteSheetSource

   // can be handled by the calling component
   signal clicked

   // is needed, otherwise anchoring the buttons in a Row wouldnt work!
   width: sprite.width
   height: sprite.height

   property alias mouseArea: mouseArea

   SingleSquabySprite {
     id: sprite
     source: spriteInSpriteSheetSource !== "" ? Qt.resolvedUrl("../../../assets/img/" + spriteInSpriteSheetSource) : spriteInSpriteSheetSource
   MouseArea {
     id: mouseArea
     anchors.fill: parent

     onClicked: {
       parent.scale = 0.9
     onPressed: {
       parent.scale = 0.75
     onReleased: {
       parent.scale = 0.9
     onCanceled: {
       parent.scale = 0.9
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded