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Squaby Demo

 //  this reduces the delay between 2 squaby creations by this value per wave
 //var squabyDelayDecrementPerWave = 500;
 //var pauseBetweenWavesDecrementPerWave = 500;

 // this guarantees that at high wave count the delay never gets lower than this number
 //var minimumSquabyDelay = 2000; // this setting has high impact on performance - if set too low, a heap of squabies gets created which might cause the application to run slowly on slow devices!
 //var minimumPauseBetweenWaves = 3000;

 var currentSquabyDelay = 8000; // this is the initial delay between 2 squaby creations
 var currentPauseBetweenWaves = 5000; // this is the initial waiting time between waves, which can be used to adjust the towers (repair, sell or upgrade them if in game its too hectic)

 // this is used for getting the last wave from the level - when no more waves are defined, they simply get repeated, and currentWave is increased so an increasing number can be shown in the hud!
 // so internalWaveIndex is equal to currentWave as long as waves.length, then it stays at wave.length
 var internalWaveIndex = 1;

 // this gets set to true after all squabies were created for this wave
 var __isWaitingForNextWave = false;
 //var squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave = 0;

 // this is true while timerTriggered is call - it is a guard for the initial (first time loading) of SquabyScene, where it might be that multiple entities are created
 var isCurrentlyCreating = false;

 function initialize() {

   currentWave = 1
   internalWaveIndex = currentWave
   percentageCreatedInWave = 1
   squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave = 0

   if(!waves) {
     console.debug("SquabyCreatorLogic: no waves known yet!")

   __isWaitingForNextWave = false;

   squabyCreator.state = ""

   // warning no waves set

   currentSquabyDelay = getCurrentWave().squabyDelay;

   currentPauseBetweenWaves = getCurrentWave().pauseBetweenWaves;

   amountSquabiesInCurrentWave = getCurrentWave().amount;

   //console.debug("amountSquabiesInCurrentWave initialized to", amountSquabiesInCurrentWave)


 function setIntervalOfCreationTimer(interval) {
   console.debug("SquabyCreatorLogic: set creationTimer interval to", interval);
   // ATTENTION: a change of interval automatically restarts the timer!
   creationTimer.interval = interval;

 // look at the level file for description of each squaby type!

 // this is defined in Level now!
 // abbreviations for faster writing - earlier by types, now squabyTypes are the ids to real components!
 var sy = "squabyYellow";
 // change this to squabyOrange once it is available, but now for testing with only 1 squaby type leave it with that
 var so = "squabyOrange";
 var sr = "squabyRed";
 var sgreen = "squabyGreen";
 var sblue = "squabyBlue";
 var sgrey = "squabyGrey";

 // this is defined in level now, as this is a level-specific setting!

 var waves = [
 // for testing a single squaby type, use the line below with the intended types:
 //{amount: 50, types:[ {type: sgrey, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 0} ]},
 // optionally, the intended time between 2 squaby creations can be set, or also the desired delay from the last wave; if one of them is not set, the default decrement-values are used..
 {amount: 1, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 0} ]},
 // these 2 parameters are optional per level: {amount: 2, squabyDelay: 2, pauseBetweenWaves: 1.8, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 0.1} ]},
 {amount: 2, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 0.1} ]},
 {amount: 3, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 0.5} ]},
 {amount: 4, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 0.8} ]},
 {amount: 5, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 1.0} ]},
 {amount: 8, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 1.0}, {type: sr, p: 1.0} ]},
 {amount: 12, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 1.0}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}]},
 {amount: 20, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 1.0}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}, {type: sblue, p: 1.0}]},
 {amount: 30, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 1.0}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}, {type: sblue, p: 1.0}, {type: sgrey, p: 1.0}]},
 // the hardest squabies have higher probability here
 {amount: 30, types:[ {type: sy, p: 0.1}, {type: so, p: 0.2}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}, {type: sblue, p: 0.5}, {type: sgrey, p: 1.0}]},

 function updatePauseBetweenWaves() {
   if(!getCurrentWave()) {

   // if the pauseBetweenWaves property is set, set it directly
       currentPauseBetweenWaves = getCurrentWave().pauseBetweenWaves;
   // otherwise, decrease it by specified amount
       currentPauseBetweenWaves -= pauseBetweenWavesDecrementPerWave;
   // guarantee the calculated value never gets below the minimum threshold
       currentPauseBetweenWaves = minimumPauseBetweenWaves;

 function timerTriggered() {

   if(isCurrentlyCreating) {
     console.debug("OVERLOAD because too much is loading in the beginning - skip entity creation once!")

   isCurrentlyCreating = true;

     console.debug("SquabyCreatorLogic: creationTimer triggered");

     // the squaby type per wave could be calculated randomly, based on the probability for each squaby type
     // check if randomnumber is deterministic (results in the same number generated every program start) - it IS when qsrand() is called at initialization, which is done in application.cpp!
     //var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*5 );
     //print("randomNumber: " + randomNumber);

     //print("__lastCreationTimer: " + __lastCreationTimer);
     //print("Core.time: " + Core.time);

     // use last wave for endless run
     if(endlessGameRunning) {
       currentWave = waves.length-1
       internalWaveIndex = currentWave
       __isWaitingForNextWave = true

     // also use the lastCreationTimer for measuring the time elapsed since the last squaby in this wave was created (and since then it is in the paused state)
     if(__isWaitingForNextWave) {


         // also increase the internalWaveIndex
         internalWaveIndex = currentWave

         // e.g. when waves.length = 12, the maximum number of internalWaveIndex is also 12, because below the index is accessed with i-1
         // out-of-bounds check, is not necessary because also checked above
         if(currentWave>waves.length && !endlessGameRunning) {
           // stop next level logic will take over the role of a restart if endless game.
           isCurrentlyCreating = false;

         // warning no waves set
         if(!getCurrentWave()) {
           isCurrentlyCreating = false

         // if the squabyDelay property is set, set it directly
             currentSquabyDelay = getCurrentWave().squabyDelay;
         // otherwise, decrease it by specified amount
             currentSquabyDelay -= squabyDelayDecrementPerWave;
         // guarantee the calculated value never gets below the minimum threshold
             currentSquabyDelay = minimumSquabyDelay;


           amountSquabiesInCurrentWave = getCurrentWave().amount

         squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave = 0;

         __isWaitingForNextWave = false;

     // don't put this code into an else-block, because also if the wave was changed

     //var entity = EntityFactory.createEntityAndEngage(getSquabyType());
     // the default pose (-20, 40) is fine

     entityManager.createEntityFromEntityTypeAndVariationType( {entityType: "squaby", variationType: getSquabyType()} );


     // this will never get 0, because after waiting for next wave a new squaby immediately gets created!
     percentageCreatedInWave = squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave/amountSquabiesInCurrentWave;

     if(squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave >= amountSquabiesInCurrentWave) {
         // end of this wave is reached, wait until next wave can be started
         __isWaitingForNextWave = true;

         squabyCreator.state = "waitingForNextWave";

         // update time which could differ after the first wave when settings have not been set


     } else {
         // while not waiting for the next wave, the state is waitingForNextSquaby
         squabyCreator.state = "waitingForNextSquaby";

         // for the next time the timer should have the normal delay between squabies in a wave

     // does the timer start already while onTriggered() is called? the timer resolution is very unprecise!

     isCurrentlyCreating = false;

 function getCurrentWave() {
   if(waves.length < internalWaveIndex-1 || waves.length === 0) {
     console.debug("SquabyCreatorLogic: Out of bound when accessing waves!")
     return 0
     // currentWave starts with 1, not with 0!
   // this is important to use the internalWaveIndex here, not currentWave
     return waves[internalWaveIndex-1];

 function getSquabyType() {
     var types = [] //getCurrentWave().types;

     return "squabyYellow"

     var type = {}
     type.type = "squabyYellow"
     type.p = getCurrentWave().yellow
     type = {}
     type.type = "squabyOrange"
     type.p = getCurrentWave().orange
     type = {}
     type.type = "squabyRed"
     type.p = getCurrentWave().red
     type = {}
     type.type = "squabyGreen"
     type.p = getCurrentWave().green
     type = {}
     type.type = "squabyBlue"
     type.p = getCurrentWave().blue
     type = {}
     type.type = "squabyGrey"
     type.p = getCurrentWave().grey

     var nextCreationType = types[0].type;
     // Math.random returns a number  0 <= x < 1
     var highestProbabilityForChosenType = types[0].p*Math.random();

     for(var i=1;i<types.length;i++) {
         var possiblyHighestProbability = types[i].p*Math.random();
         if(possiblyHighestProbability > highestProbabilityForChosenType) {
             highestProbabilityForChosenType = possiblyHighestProbability;
             nextCreationType = types[i].type;
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