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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0
 import ".."

 SquabyLevelBase {

     //  this reduces the delay between 2 squaby creations by this value per wave
     squabyDelayDecrementPerWave: 100
     pauseBetweenWavesDecrementPerWave: 300

     // this guarantees that at high wave count the delay never gets lower than this number
     minimumSquabyDelay: 500 // this setting has high impact on performance - if set too low, a heap of squabies gets created which might cause the application to run slowly on slow devices!
     minimumPauseBetweenWaves: 500

     nextLevelId: ""
     difficulty: 5

     maxPlayerLife: 5
     onMaxPlayerLifeChanged: {
       balancingSettings.playerStartLives = maxPlayerLife

     startGold: 40
     onStartGoldChanged: {
       balancingSettings.playerStartGold = startGold

     endlessGame: false
     // To enable new towers add lines in MyLevel.json:
     // ,{"checked":false,"name":"tesla"},{"checked":false,"name":"turbine"}
     // add lines in LevelEmpfty.qml
     //{checked: false, name: "taser"},
     //{checked: false, name: "tesla"},
     // and add buttons in BuyTowersHUD.qml
     // add lines in SquabyBalacingSettings.qml
     towerPermissions: [
       {checked: true, name: "nailgun"},
       {checked: false, name: "flamethrower"},
       //{checked: false, name: "taser"},
       //{checked: false, name: "tesla"},
       {checked: false, name: "turbine"},

     EditableComponent {

       editableType: "GameSettings"
       // this is needed, because all EditableComponents for type "SquabySettings" have the same property names - this would not work without the defaultGroup set
       defaultGroup: "settings"

       properties: {
         "settings": {
           "difficulty": {"min": 1, "max": 10, "stepsize": 1, "label": "Difficulty"},
           "nextLevelId": {"label": "Next Level", "enabled": developerBuild},

         "environment": {
           "maxPlayerLife": {"min": 1, "max": 50, "stepsize": 1, "label": "Player Lifes"},
           "startGold": {"min": 0, "max": 1000, "stepsize": 5, "label": "Start Gold"},
           //"endlessGame": {"label": "Endless Game"}, not used atm because there is no benefit of it.
           "towerPermissions": {"propertyType": "simpleArrayDelegate"}

             "squabyDelayDecrementPerWave": {"min": 0, "max": 1000, "stepsize": 100, "label": "Entity Spawn Delay"},
             "pauseBetweenWavesDecrementPerWave": {"min": 0, "max": 1000, "stepsize": 100, "label": "Wave Spawn Delay"},
             "minimumSquabyDelay": {"min": 0, "max": 10000, "stepsize": 100, "label": "Min Squaby Delay"},
             "minimumPauseBetweenWaves": {"min": 0, "max": 10000, "stepsize": 100, "label": "Min Pause Delay"}

     EditableComponent {
       editableType: "WaveSettings"
       defaultGroup: "waves"

       properties: {
         "waves": {
             "propertyType": "waveArrayDelegate"

     // this gets used by SquabyCreator
     waves: [
       // for testing a single squaby type, use the line below with the intended types:
       //{amount: 50, types:[ {type: sgrey, p: 1} ]},
       //{amount: 50, squabyDelay: 0, pauseBetweenWaves: 0, yellow: 0, orange: 0, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, grey: 1},

       // uncomment the next line for testing all squaby types shortly after each other:
       //{amount: 30, squabyDelay: 2000, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 1.0}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}, {type: sblue, p: 1.0}, {type: sgrey, p: 1.0}]},
       //{amount: 30, squabyDelay: 2500, pauseBetweenWaves: 0, yellow: 1, orange: 1, red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, grey: 1},

       // optionally, the intended time between 2 squaby creations can be set, or also the desired delay from the last wave; if one of them is not set, the default decrement-values are used..
       // the 2 parameters "squabyDelay" and pauseBetweenWaves" are optional per level, e.g.: {amount: 2, squabyDelay: 2000, pauseBetweenWaves: 1800, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 0.1} ]},
 //      /* 1 */ {amount: 1, squabyDelay: 5000, pauseBetweenWaves: 1000, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}]},
 //      /* 2 */ {amount: 10, squabyDelay: 2500, pauseBetweenWaves: 6000, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}]},
       /* 1 *///{amount: 1, squabyDelay: 5000, pauseBetweenWaves: 1000, yellow: 1, orange: 0, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, grey: 0},
       /* 2 *///{amount: 10, squabyDelay: 2500, pauseBetweenWaves: 6000, yellow: 1, orange: 0, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, grey: 0},
 //      // 11 squabies created, 9*5=45 gold earned

 //      // first appearance of green squaby, vulnerable against fire
 //      /* 3 */ {amount: 10, squabyDelay: 2500, pauseBetweenWaves: 6000, types:[ {type: sy, p: 0.9}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}]},
       /* 3 *///{amount: 10, squabyDelay: 2500, pauseBetweenWaves: 6000, yellow: 0.9, orange: 0, red: 0, green: 1.0, blue: 0, grey: 0},

 //      // first appearance of orange squaby, with high fire resistance
 //      /* 4 */ {amount: 10, squabyDelay: 4000, pauseBetweenWaves: 6000, types:[ {type: sy, p: 0.7}, {type: sgreen, p: 0.8}, {type: so, p: 1} ]},

 //      // first appearance of red squaby, with max fire resistance
 //      /* 5 */ {amount: 20, squabyDelay: 3000, pauseBetweenWaves: 6000, types:[ {type: sy, p: 0.5}, {type: sgreen, p: 0.6}, {type: so, p: 0.5}, {type: sr, p: 0.7} ]},

 //      // blue squaby with high resistance for nailgun&fire
 //      /* 6 */ {amount: 20, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 1.0}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}, {type: sblue, p: 1.0}]},

 //      // grey squaby with max resistance for nailgung&fire
 //      /* 7 */ {amount: 30, types:[ {type: sy, p: 1}, {type: so, p: 1.0}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}, {type: sblue, p: 1.0}, {type: sgrey, p: 1.0}]},

 //      // the hardest squabies have higher probability here
 //      /* 8 */ {amount: 30, types:[ {type: sy, p: 0.5}, {type: so, p: 0.5}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}, {type: sblue, p: 0.5}, {type: sgrey, p: 1.0}]},
 //      /* 9 */ {amount: 30, types:[ {type: sy, p: 0.1}, {type: so, p: 0.2}, {type: sr, p: 1.0}, {type: sgreen, p: 1.0}, {type: sblue, p: 0.5}, {type: sgrey, p: 1.0}]},

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