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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 // is shown at game start and shows the maximum highscore and a button for starting the game
 SquabySceneBase {
   id: loadingScene

   state: "exited"

   signal finishedLoadingAnimation

   MultiResolutionImage {
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/bgSubmenu.png")
     anchors.centerIn: parent
     property int pixelFormat: 3

   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: squabyBg
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/bgMainmenu.png")
     anchors.centerIn: parent

   Text {
     text: "Loading..."
     color: "white"
     font.family: jellyFont.name
     font.pixelSize: 42

     x: 75
     y: 50


   // Called when scene is displayed
   function enterScene() {
     state = "entered"

   onStateChanged: console.debug("LoadingScene.state changed to", state)

   /*onOpacityChanged: {
     console.debug("LoadingScene opacity:", opacity)
     // this would be too early! the cocos opacity would not be affected here
 //    if(opacity >= 1)
 //      finishedLoadingAnimation()

   Timer {
     id: opacityAnimationFinishedTimer
     interval: 4*opacityAnimation.duration

     onTriggered: {
       console.debug("finished opacity animation!?")

       // switch back to state exited, so the timer can be started again next time the loading scene is entered
       // do NOT change to exited state here, but just when the state is changed
       //loadingScene.state = "exited"


   states: [
     State {
       name: "entered"
       PropertyChanges { target: squabyBg; opacity: 1 }
       StateChangeScript {
         script: {
     State {
       name: "exited"
       PropertyChanges { target: squabyBg; opacity: 0 }

   transitions: Transition {
     NumberAnimation {
       id: opacityAnimation
       target: squabyBg
       duration: 900
       property: "opacity"
       easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded