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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 LevelEditor {

   property bool __loadLevelForFirstTime: true

   Component.onCompleted: {
     console.debug("SquabyLevelEditor: entityManager:", entityManagerItem)

   // NOTE: the trailing slash is important, otherwise the previous directory would be searched for!
   applicationJSONLevelsDirectory: Qt.resolvedUrl("levels/jsonLevels/")

   qmlLevelList: [
     // the url is relative to the LevelLoader item
     // the levelId is needed, so it is possible to store the progress of the level, e.g. collected stars
     // NOTE: the url starts from the qml file where the LevelLoader is placed! so no levels/ is needed here
     //{levelMetaData: {levelId: 1, levelName: "Level 1", levelBaseUrl: "01/Level01.qml" /* other metadata like description could be added here */}},
     //{levelMetaData: {levelId: 2, levelName: "Level 2", levelBaseUrl: "02/Level02.qml"}},
     //{levelMetaData: {levelId: 3, levelName: "Level 3", levelBaseUrl: "levels/03/Level03.qml"}}
   levelBaseNameToUrlMap: {
     // the url must be given relative to this qml file with Qt.resolvedUrl()
     // you can set the levelBaseName to any value you like, just make it unique in the map
     // you will probably define an own qml file that should trigger a LevelLoader.createNewLevel() when clicked
     "DynamicLevel01": {url: Qt.resolvedUrl("levels/empty/LevelEmpty.qml")},
 //      "DynamicLevel02": {url: Qt.resolvedUrl("DynamicLevel02.qml")},

   // the LevelEditor must already have access to the LevelLoader when loadSingleLevel() is called!
   // thus the SquabyScene with the loader in it must be loaded already
   levelLoaderItem: level ? level.levelLoader : {}

   // only store the obstacles, but NOT the PathEntity(PathSections and Waypoints) - these are stored as customData
   // the bed and closet will not be stored, because they have the preventFromRemovalFromEntitiyManager property set
   toStoreEntityTypes: ["obstacle"]
   toRemoveEntityTypes: ["obstacle"]

   onLoadLevelFinished: {
     console.debug("SquabyLevelEditor: finished loading single level with name", currentLevelName, "and id", currentLevelId)
   onNewLevelFinished: {
     console.debug("SquabyLevelEditor: finished creating a new level with name", currentLevelName, "and id", currentLevelId, ", createEmptyLevel was true:", createEmptyLevel)

     if(createEmptyLevel) {
       // if createEmptyLevel is true, we just created a new level from the LevelSelectionScene and thus want to switch to the game state
     } else {
       // if createEmptyLevel is false, this means a new level got duplicated from the current one
       // however, saveLevel() also was called here and a messageBox is shown for it below, so we would not necessarily need to show another messagebox here
       //NativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Successfully created a new level from the current one with name " + currentLevelName)

   function handleLoadLevelOrNewLevelFinished() {

     // also look at LevelSelectionScene::handleSingleLevelLoaded()

     // ---- FROM TwoPhaseLevelLoader ----

     // this was done in twoPhaseLevelLoader before, because of that loadLevelFinished() is called now
 //    console.debug("TwoPhaseLevelLoader: setting levelSource to", toLoadLevelUrl)
 //    // this is a costly operation, as the whole level is loaded!
 //    level.levelSource = toLoadLevelUrl

     // don't enable pooling yet
     if(__loadLevelForFirstTime) {
       __loadLevelForFirstTime = false;
       console.debug("TwoPhaseLevelLoader: startGame() is called for the first time in this game, so precreate pooled entities, level:", level)
       var now = Date.now();
       // NOTE: this is a lenghty operation!
       var dt = Date.now()-now;
       console.debug("SquabyLevelEditor: dt for preCreateEntitiesForPool:", dt)

     // the SquabyScene has been loaded successfully here, otherwise the loading of level wouldnt have been started
     window.state = "game"


   onRemoveLevelFinished: {
     //NativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Successfully removed level with name " + removedLevelName)
   onExportLevelAsFileFinished: {
     NativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Successfully exported level file with name " + currentLevelName)
   onSaveLevelFinished: {
     //NativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Successfully saved level with name " + currentLevelName)
   onLevelError: {
     NativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Error at saving a level, content: " + JSON.stringify(errorData))

   onLevelPublished: {
     // not in editing state anymore (prevents spawning squabies
     scene.state = ""
     // go back to the level selection scene
     window.state = "levels"

   // this is called after reloadUserBestLevelStats() is called
   onUserBestLevelStatsChanged: {
     // if no level was ever downloaded or rated, userBestLevelStats is an empty {}
     console.debug("__new bestLevelStats:", JSON.stringify(userBestLevelStats))
     if(userBestLevelStats["best_quality"]) {
     if(userBestLevelStats["most_downloaded"]) {

   onLevelRated: {
     // check if this level was rated before to avoid the player gets multiple points for rating the same level
     // if the level was alread rated by the user, he has a rating value in the level data
     // NOTE: this only works, because after the rating the userGeneratedLevels do not get updated automatically!
     for(var i=0;i<userGeneratedLevels.length; i++) {
       // look for the just rated level
       var level = userGeneratedLevels[i]
       if(level.levelId === levelId) {
         if(level["rating"] && level.rating.quality) {
           console.debug("the player has already rated this level, thus do not increase the achievement counter")


   onLevelDownloadedSuccessfully: {
   these handlers are connected in the LevelSelectionScene
   onLoadAllLevelsFromStorageLocationFinished: {
     levelSelectionList.listModel = allLevelsData
     levelSelectionList.visible = true
   // OLD: use the above call instead, which can be used if only a single level list selection is available (which is the most common use-case probably)
   // -> the changed-signals also are useful, e.g. when remove or save is selected, then the change is visible immediately in the levelList
   onAuthorGeneratedLevelsChanged: {
     console.debug("finished loading all authorGeneratedLevels, string data:", JSON.stringify(authorGeneratedLevels))
     levelSelectionList.listModel = authorGeneratedLevels
     levelSelectionList.visible = true

   onApplicationQMLLevelsChanged: {
     console.debug("finished loading all applicationQMLLevels, string data:", JSON.stringify(applicationQMLLevels))
     levelSelectionList.listModel = applicationQMLLevels
     levelSelectionList.visible = true
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