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This page uses Felgo components that are currently only available with Felgo 3 (Qt 5.15).

Stack With Friends Demo

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 GameWindow {
   id: window
   //displayFpsEnabled: false

   // You get free licenseKeys from https://felgo.com/licenseKey
   // With a licenseKey you can:
   //  * Publish your games & apps for the app stores
   //  * Remove the Felgo Splash Screen or set a custom one (available with the Pro Licenses)
   //  * Add plugins to monetize, analyze & improve your apps (available with the Pro Licenses)
   //licenseKey: "<generate one from https://felgo.com/licenseKey>"

   activeScene: splash

   onApplicationResumed: {
     // this is called after resuming the game and if the mainItem is loaded (so not at the first time the app starts)
     // update the player level stats so he can get rewarded if his level was downloaded often
     if(mainItemLoader.item) {


   Component.onCompleted: {
     splash.opacity = 1

   BackgroundMusic {
     id: bgMusic
     source: "../assets/snd/bgmusic.wav"
     volume: 0
     Behavior on volume {
       NumberAnimation { duration: 1000 }

   FontLoader {
     id: fontHUD
     source: "fonts/ProximaNovaSoftRegular.ttf"

   Timer {
     id: mainItemDelay
     interval: 500
     onTriggered: {
       mainItemLoader.source = "MainItem.qml"

   Loader {
     id: mainItemLoader
     onLoaded: {
       if(item) {

   Timer {
     id: hideSplashDelay
     interval: 200
     onTriggered: {
       splash.opacity = 0

   SplashScene {
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded