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 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <project name="facebook" default="help">

          It contains the path to the SDK. It should *NOT* be checked into
          Version Control Systems. -->
     <property file="local.properties" />

          'android' tool to add properties to it.
          This is the place to change some Ant specific build properties.
          Here are some properties you may want to change/update:

              The name of the source directory. Default is 'src'.
              The name of the output directory. Default is 'bin'.

          For other overridable properties, look at the beginning of the rules
          files in the SDK, at tools/ant/build.xml

          Properties related to the SDK location or the project target should
          be updated using the 'android' tool with the 'update' action.

          This file is an integral part of the build system for your
          application and should be checked into Version Control Systems.

     <property file="ant.properties" />

          tool, as well as ADT.

          This contains project specific properties such as project target, and library
          dependencies. Lower level build properties are stored in ant.properties
          (or in .classpath for Eclipse projects).

          This file is an integral part of the build system for your
          application and should be checked into Version Control Systems. -->
     <loadproperties srcFile="project.properties" />

             message="sdk.dir is missing. Make sure to generate local.properties using 'android update project' or to inject it through an env var"

         Import per project custom build rules if present at the root of the project.
         This is the place to put custom intermediary targets such as:
             -post-compile (This is typically used for code obfuscation.
                            Compiled code location: ${out.classes.absolute.dir}
                            If this is not done in place, override ${out.dex.input.absolute.dir})
     <import file="custom_rules.xml" optional="true" />

          To customize existing targets, there are two options:
          - Customize only one target:
              - copy/paste the target into this file, *before* the
                <import> task.
              - customize it to your needs.
          - Customize the whole content of build.xml
              - copy/paste the content of the rules files (minus the top node)
                into this file, replacing the <import> task.
              - customize to your needs.

          ****** IMPORTANT ******
          In all cases you must update the value of version-tag below to read 'custom' instead of an integer,
          in order to avoid having your file be overridden by tools such as "android update project"
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