# allows to add DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS and links to the Felgo library and QtCreator auto-completion
CONFIG += felgo
qmlFolder.source = qml
DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS += qmlFolder # comment for publishing
assetsFolder.source = assets
# Add more folders to ship with the application here
RESOURCES += # resources.qrc # uncomment for publishing
# NOTE: for PUBLISHING, perform the following steps:
# 1. comment the DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS += qmlFolder line above, to avoid shipping your qml files with the application (instead they get compiled to the app binary)
# 2. uncomment the resources.qrc file inclusion and add any qml subfolders to the .qrc file; this compiles your qml files and js files to the app binary and protects your source code
# 3. change the setMainQmlFile() call in main.cpp to the one starting with "qrc:/" - this loads the qml files from the resources
# for more details see the "Deployment Guides" in the Felgo Documentation
# during development, use the qmlFolder deployment because you then get shorter compilation times (the qml files do not need to be compiled to the binary but are just copied)
# also, for quickest deployment on Desktop disable the "Shadow Build" option in Projects/Builds - you can then select "Run Without Deployment" from the Build menu in Qt Creator if you only changed QML files; this speeds up application start, because your app is not copied & re-compiled but just re-interpreted
# The .cpp file which was generated for your project. Feel free to hack it.
SOURCES += main.cpp
android {
OTHER_FILES += android/AndroidManifest.xml
ios {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ios/Project-Info.plist
# set application icons for win and macx
win32 {
RC_FILE += win/app_icon.rc