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Box2D Examples

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

   This example shows how to use the physics movement for connections with QML UI elements. When clicked on an image, a description element appears and an impulse is applied to the physics body of the monera. All monera movement is simulated with the physics.

 GameWindow {
   id: gameWindow
   activeScene: scene

   Scene {
     id: scene

     PhysicsWorld {
       id: world
       z:1 // for putting the debugDraw on top of the entities in QML renderer

     property int selected: -1

     SpeciesModel {
       id: speciesModel

     Repeater {
       anchors.fill: parent
       model: speciesModel
       delegate: Component {
         SpeciesInfo {
           id: speciesInfo
           x: Math.random() * (world.width - radius)
           y: Math.random() * (world.height - radius)
           expanded: index == scene.selected
           speciesName: species
           descriptionText: description
           photoUrl: photo
           onSelected: {
             scene.selected = index

     Wall {
       id: ground
       height: 20
       anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; top: parent.bottom }
     Wall {
       id: ceiling
       height: 20
       anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; bottom: parent.top }
     Wall {
       id: leftWall
       width: 20
       anchors { right: parent.left; bottom: ground.top; top: ceiling.bottom }
     Wall {
       id: rightWall
       width: 20
       anchors { left: parent.right; bottom: ground.top; top: ceiling.bottom }


   EntityManager {
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded