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Keeps the relative translation and rotation between 2 bodies constant. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0



Detailed Description

A motor joint is used to control the relative motion between two bodies. It is similar to DistanceJoint, with fixed rotation between the 2 bodies.

A typical usage is to control the movement of a dynamic body with respect to the ground.

Property Documentation

angularOffset : real

Defines the rotation from Joint::bodyA to Joint::bodyB, which will be fixed by this joint, in degrees.

If not set, the current rotation at the time of joint creation is used.

correctionFactor : real

Position correction factor between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.3.

linearOffset : point

Defines the direction from Joint::bodyA to Joint::bodyB, which will be fixed by this joint, in local coordinates, in pixels.

If not set, the current direction at the time of joint creation is used.

maxForce : real

The maximum force used to keep the joint's constraints, in kg*pixels/s^2.

maxTorque : real

The maximum torque used to keep the joint's constraints, in kg*pixels^2/s^2.

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