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The RubeParser creates QML items based on the description of a JSON file exported by the RUBE level editor. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0




Detailed Description

The RubeParser creates QML items based on the description of a JSON file exported by the RUBE level editor.

Example Usage

Add the RubeParser to your scene and call the setupLevelFromJSON function like in this example:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 import "Rube"

 GameWindow {
     Scene {
         id: scene

         EntityManager {
             id: entityManager
             entityContainer: level

         Item {
             id: level

             PhysicsWorld {
                 id: physicsWorld

         RubeParser {
             id: parser
             entitiesFolder: "entities/"

             Component.onCompleted: {
                 console.debug("load finished, start parsing")
                 parser.setupLevelFromJSON( Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/sidescroller.json"), physicsWorld, level )

Level Creation

Just call setupLevelFromJSON().

The parameters are:

  • jsonPath - a path to a .json file as string
  • world - the id of your game's physics world
  • levelContainer - the id of an item, the created RubeBodies will be children of this item

At first, the JSON file is read and loaded into a JSON-object in the memory by the setupLevelFromJSON() function. Then, this function calls parseJSON() passing through all the parameters. This function reads the settings from the JSON and applies them to the physics world. The parseJSON() function calls the createBodies() with a list of body objects from the JSON, the world and the levelContainer. The createBodies() function creates objects from the Rube Components. If the custom property "qmlType" is set it tries to create an object of this type. Then the signal internalInit is emitted on this new body causing it to initialize its properties from the transmitted JSON. For each created body the addFixturesToBody() function is called, which creates objects of the different fixture components and attaches them to the body. Each fixtures has its internalInit signal emitted. When all fixtures are attached to the body the fixturesFinished signal is emitted on it. Afterwards, the initialized signal is emitted on the body giving the users a chance to react to the finished object. When all bodies are finished the createImages() function is called, which does the same as the createBodies() but with images. If the image belongs to a body (as said in the JSON) it is assigned as a child to this body. The the renderOrder aka. z in Qt is applied and the image if it doesn't belong to any body or to its parent body. This is because the z property works only among siblings. Then, internalInit and initialized are emitted on the image just like the body before.

In short:

  • setupLevelFromJSON()
    • parseJSON()
      • createBodies()
        • emit internalInit
        • addFixturesToBody()
        • emit fixturesFinished
        • emit initialized
      • createImages()
        • emit internalInit
        • emit initialized

Level Deletion

Just call clearLevel. All created RubeBodies with their fixtures and all RubeImages will be destroyed.

Supported RUBE Features

World Type

Following properties are read from the JSON and applied to the World given as parameter:

Following properties are not yet supported:

  • allowSleep
  • continuousPhysics
  • subStepping
  • warmStarting


Following properties are read from the JSON and applied to the RubeBody instances:

The RubeBody contains a list of fixtures Body::fixtures, too.


Following properties are read from the JSON and applied to all the different RubeFixture instances:

Following properties are read from the JSON and applied to the RubeFixtureCircle instances:

Following properties are read from the JSON and applied to the PolygonFixture instances:

The RUBE fixture type "line" and "loop" are not supported at the moment.


Following properties are read from the JSON and applied to the RubeImage instances:


Joints are not yet supported

Property Documentation

entitiesFolder : url

Set this folder to the relative path where the game entities are located. The game entities are set with the qmlType custom property in RUBE.

If your entities are in "qml/entities/", and your current QML file is in the qml folder, set the path to "entities/".

Note: By default, it is set to "../qml/entities" relative to the assetsFolder (the folder where your rube .json file is located). However, when you create a publish build of your game and protect your QML files, you need to set this path explicitly.

Method Documentation


Destroys all RubeBodies with their fixtures and all RubeImages.

setupLevelFromJSON(jsonPath, world, levelContainer)

Reads the given JSON file from jsonPath and creates RubeBodies and RubeImages according to the definition. All created objects will be placed in levelContainer. The world property holds a reference to the game's PhysicsWorld.

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