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The root element for rendering 3D objects within a 2D GameWindow. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 3.0
Since: Felgo 2.5.0



Detailed Description

The Scene3D component is the root element to display 3D objects within a 2D GameWindow.

In the Qt3D module, you have several options to display 3D content. However, using the Scene3D component is the most flexible one because you can then mix 2D UI with 3D rendering.

It is based on a Scene3D component with these additional benefits:

  • It combines a Camera, FrameGraph and a SkyboxEntity within one component. This has the benefit that you save code to define them in every project, as they will be used in the majority of applications. If you do not need a SkyboxEntity for example, just leave the skyboxBaseName property empty and none will be used.
  • It provides a rootEntity property to use together with the Render3D component. The Render3D component allows to put a Qt3D Entity anywhere in the scene graph. This enables a flexible entity-component system approach for your game logic.

Note: Qt3D and also the Felgo 3D Components are in a Tech Preview state and may change its API in future versions.

Example Usage

Here is an example how to use Scene3D and Render3D in a Felgo project:

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 GameWindow {

   // is needed by the Render3D component - to this entity the Entity objects are added to
   property alias rootEntity: scene3D.rootEntity

   Scene {
     id: gameScene

     Level {

       EntityBase {
         entityType: "car"

         // this Box2D physics component modifies the entity position by applying forces
         // when the entity position changes, the Render and Image components change too
         BoxCollider {}

         // allows loading a Mesh and a texture
         // registers itself at the rootEntity
         Render3D {
           source: "assets/3d/car_model.obj"
           texture: "assets/3d/car_texture.png"

         // you could mix 2D images with the 3D renderer like this
         Image {
           source: "assets/2d/car.png"
       }// EntityBase
     }// Level

   }// GameScene

   Scene3D {
     id: scene3D

   Scene {
     id: hudScene
     // put user elements like buttons here


For a complete game how to use Scene3D together with the Render3D component, see the CarChallenge 3D Demo.

Property Documentation

camera : alias

Read access to the Camera of the Scene3D.

cameraFarPlane : alias

Real value of the camera far plane distance. Default value is 2000.

cameraNearPlane : alias

Real value of the camera near plane distance. Default value is 0.1.

cameraPosition : alias

Vector3d property that contains the camera position.

cameraUpVector : alias

Vector3d property that contains the camera up vector.

cameraViewCenter : alias

Vector3d property that contains the camera center.

isControlledCamera : bool

Set this property to set Configuration::controlledCamera of the default camera to true.

If you rotate the world by using the default input aspect of the camera, this can lead to unwanted rotation effects.

By default it is set to true, unless you defined a custom frameGraph.

rootEntity : alias

This property provides a way to control the number of times to repeat the sound on each play().

By default, loops is set to Audio.Infinite and therefore plays the sound infinitely until it gets stopped by calling stop().

Note: To have access to the Audio.Infinite enum, make sure to call import QtMultimedia 5.0 in the header of your QML file.

skybox : alias

Read-only property of the used SkyboxEntity.

skyboxBaseName : alias

Folder name string of the skybox cubemap. The folder must contain 6 images, named:

  • <skyboxBasename> + _negx.<skyboxExtension>
  • <skyboxBasename> + _posx.<skyboxExtension>
  • <skyboxBasename> + _negy.<skyboxExtension>
  • <skyboxBasename> + _posy.<skyboxExtension>
  • <skyboxBasename> + _negz.<skyboxExtension>
  • <skyboxBasename> + _posz.<skyboxExtension>

For example, if skyboxBaseName is set to "Qt.resolvedUrl(../assets/3d/cubemaps/mountains)" and the skyboxExtension is ".bmp", these are the expected skybox images:

  • assets/3d/cubemaps/mountains/mountains_negx.bmp
  • assets/3d/cubemaps/mountains/mountains_posx.bmp
  • assets/3d/cubemaps/mountains/mountains_negy.bmp
  • assets/3d/cubemaps/mountains/mountains_posy.bmp
  • assets/3d/cubemaps/mountains/mountains_negz.bmp
  • assets/3d/cubemaps/mountains/mountains_posz.bmp

If you leave this property empty, the SkyboxEntity is disabled.

See also skyboxExtension.

skyboxCameraRotationAngle : alias

RotationAngle of the SkyboxEntity.

skyboxCameraRotationAxis : alias

RotationAxis of the SkyboxEntity.

skyboxExtension : alias

The file ending of the 6 skybox images. By default it is set to "png".

See also skyboxBaseName.

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