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Defines the style of AppRadio items. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0
Since: Felgo 3.7.0



Detailed Description

This type is used in the global Theme object for the appearance of AppRadio items.

Property Documentation

borderColorOff : color

The color of the radio's border if it is unchecked. Matches #757575 by default.

borderColorOffDisabled : color

The color of the radio's border if it is unchecked and disabled. Matches Theme::disabledColor by default.

borderColorOn : color

The color of the radio's border if it is checked. Matches platform-specific values by default.

borderColorOnDisabled : color

The color of the radio's border if it is checked and disabled. Matches platform-specific values by default.

borderWidth : real

The width of the radio's border in pixels. The default value is 2.

circleSize : real

The size for the checked circle within the radio, if useIcons is set to false. The default value is 20.

fillColorOff : color

The fill color of the radio if it is unchecked. It is set to transparent by default.

fillColorOffDisabled : color

The fill color of the radio if it is unchecked and disabled. Matches Theme::disabledColor, unless no fill color is set for fillColorOff.

fillColorOn : color

The fill color of the radio if it is checked. Matches platform-specific values by default.

fillColorOnDisabled : color

The fill color of the radio if it is checked and disabled. Matches Theme::disabledColor, unless no fill color is set for fillColorOn.

iconColorOff : color

The color of the icon if the radio is unchecked. It is set to "transparent" by default for iOS and to borderColorOff on all other platforms.

iconColorOffDisabled : color

The color of the checked icon if the radio is disabled and unchecked. Matches iconColorOff by default.

iconColorOn : color

The color of the checked icon if the radio is checked. The default value is Theme.colors.tintColor

iconColorOnDisabled : color

The color of the checked icon if the radio is disabled and checked. The default value is borderColorOffDisabled

iconOff : string

The icon that is shown within the radio in unchecked state. The default value is IconType.circleo

To hide the icon, set iconColorOff to "transparent".

iconOn : string

The icon that is shown within the radio in checked state. The default value is IconType.check

To hide the icon, set iconColorOn to "transparent".

iconSize : real

The size for the checked icon within the radio, if useIcons is set to true. Matches platform-specific values by default.

indicatorHeight : real

The height of the indicator of the radio. This refers to the rectangle that contains either the icon or the circle indicator, depending on useIcons. The default value is 26.

indicatorWidth : real

The width of the indicator of the radio. This refers to the rectangle that contains either the icon or the circle indicator, depending on useIcons. The default value is 26.

labelColorOff : color

The color of the label text if the radio is unchecked. It is set to Theme::textColor by default.

labelColorOffDisabled : color

The color of the label text if the radio is disabled and unchecked. It is set to Theme::disabledColor by default.

labelColorOn : color

The color of the label text if the radio is checked. Matches platform-specific values by default.

labelColorOnDisabled : color

The color of the label text if the radio is disabled and checked. It is set to labelColorOffDisabled by default.

labelFontSize : real

The font size of the label text of the radio. The default value is 16.

radius : real

The border radius of the radio in pixels. The default value is 2.

spacing : real

The spacing between the radio and the label text in pixels. The default value is 2.

useIcons : bool

Use icons for on and off state instead of classic radio circles. By default, this is true on iOS and false on all other platforms.

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