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How to Create the Crazy Carousel Game with Felgo


The idea behind Crazy Carousel is a mini-game with the goal to collect as many coins as possible while avoiding to get hit by paper planes. These planes are thrown at you from the top of the screen. You can collect the coins or avoid the paper planes by jumping from one carousel ride to another by swiping to the left or the right.

This tutorial will cover the setup of multiple game scenes, how to support different screen sizes and aspect ratios, different forms of moving the entities and the basic mechanics for the game like handling user input or collision detection.

If you are not yet familiar with the basic setup of projects, QML, how to create your own entities, the usage of components like PhysicsWorld and Timer or the dynamic creation of entities with the EntityManager please consider taking a look at the following tutorials to help you get started:

We also provide the full source code of Crazy Carousel made with Felgo in the Felgo SDK. See here where to find the demo in your SDK directory.

For an overview of the game features, see Crazy Carousel Game.


All the resources for the game will be placed within the assets directory of the project. You can download them here.

Setting Up the Project

To get you started we first need to create a new empty project in QtCreator. Please don't forget to set the interface orientation to portrait mode when configuring the project properties. When you're done, place the downloaded game resources in the assets folder of your project. You should be able to see them at Other files\assets in the project tree. Please do not place the downloaded resources in a subdirectory, which might be created when you unpack the archive. Now we're ready to go!

Creating the Scenes

We will now start to create the basic Scene structure of our game. Scenes in Felgo are a great way to implement a game that should allow switching between different game screens like the menu screen, the actual game and a game-over screen. Our game will have three scenes:

  • The TitleScene will be shown at the beginning of the game and displays the startup image of the game.
  • The GameScene contains the game with all the game entities and logic needed. This scene will be the most complex scene in the game.
  • When the player is hit by a paper plane, the GameOverScene will be shown and the points are displayed.

Before implementing the scenes it is common to start with a base component for all scenes. Just create a new folder common within the qml directory of the project and add a file SceneBase.qml:


 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 Scene {
  id: sceneBase

  // by default, set the opacity to 0 - this will be changed from the main.qml with PropertyChanges
  opacity: 0
  // we set the visible property to false if opacity is 0 because the renderer skips invisible items, this is an performance improvement
  visible: opacity > 0
  // if the scene is invisible, we disable it. In Qt 5, components are also enabled if they are invisible. This means any MouseArea in the Scene would still be active even we hide the Scene, since we do not want this to happen, we disable the Scene (and therefore also its children) if it is hidden
  enabled: visible

By using this component as the base for all scenes, they will be invisible by default. We can show a specific scene by setting its opacity to 1. In addition, by binding the property visible to opacity > 0 the renderer will automatically skip invisible scenes. Each time the opacity is changed the value for the property visible will be calculated automatically due to property binding.

We can now implement our three scenes. They will be placed in a new subdirectory qml/scenes that you should create now. Let's start with the title scene by implementing the file TitleScene.qml in your qml/scenes folder:


 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"

 SceneBase {

    // the "logical size" - the scene content is auto-scaled to match the GameWindow size
    width: 320
    height: 480

    // property alias to allow switching the background later
    property alias backgroundImage: background

    // background image is based on game window (bigger as logical scene)
    MultiResolutionImage {
        id: background
        anchors.centerIn: titleScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
        source: "../../assets/CarouselTitle.jpg"

We first have to import ../common to make use of our previously defined SceneBase. We set the size of the scene to 320x480px, which is the screen resolution of small devices like the iPhone 3GS. Every content we place within the scene will be automatically scaled up proportionally on devices with a higher resolution. As we want the game to be playable on all devices, we should use a logical scene size of 320x480px for all our scenes, which represents a fixed aspect ratio of 3:2 for the main game area. The background image of the scene is actually bigger than the basic 320x480px and uses a different aspect ratio. On devices with bigger screens, more of the background image is shown to avoid dark borders - even though the main game area has always a 3:2 ratio.

Note: The content scaling as described above refers to the default scaling mode of Felgo. You may also use other scaling modes for your own games, check the tutorial about scaling modes and support of multiple screen sizes.

The recommended background image size for a 320x480px game scene is 360x570px to cover the screen for every possible aspect ratio. As you might know, it is common to use higher resolution images on more modern devices with higher pixel densities. Luckily, the MultiResolutionImage we just added already takes care of the automatic image swapping. The used background image assets/CarouselTitle.jpg actually refers to the image with the lowest quality. The subfolders assets/+hd and assets/+hd2 contain images double and quadruple the original size. It is common practice to create images in the best quality (+hd2) and scale them down for the lower resolution versions.

Now let us move on to creating the remaining scenes! The game-over scene is very similar to the title scene, we just need to set a different background image - so we can use the title scene as the base this time:


 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 TitleScene {
    id: gameOverScene

    // switch background image
    backgroundImage.source: "../../assets/CarouselGameOver.jpg"

We can easily overwrite the source of the previous background image by using the property alias that we added to the title scene before. That's all we need to do for now. Up next is the game scene, which will be the most complex scene in our game.


 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"

 SceneBase {

  // the "logical size" - the scene content is auto-scaled to match the GameWindow size
  width: 320
  height: 480

  // background image is based on game window (bigger as logical scene)
  MultiResolutionImage {
      anchors.centerIn: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
      source: "../../assets/CarouselBackground.jpg"

  // background music plays automatically
  BackgroundMusic {
    id: backgroundMusic
    source: "../../assets/sound/Carousel.mp3"

   property int points: 0

   // initialize a new game
   function startNewGame() {
     gameScene.points = 0

The scene already contains a few additional elements. We added the background music, a property for counting points and a function to reset the game properties back to their default values when a new game is started. Before we can check out what we achieved so far, we need to add the scenes to our Main.qml file to display them. Also we added a state machine to display the correct scene depending on the value of the state property of our GameWindow. Note that we are switching the scenes only by changing their opacity, they don't actually get unloaded. Just replace the default code of the Main.qml file with the following implementation:


 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "scenes"

 GameWindow {
    id: gameWindow

    // start size of the window
    // usually set to resolution of main target device, this resolution is for iPhone 4/4S
    screenWidth: 640
    screenHeight: 960

    // the entity manager allows dynamic creation of entities within the game scene (e.g. bullets and coins)
    EntityManager {
        id: entityManager
        entityContainer: gameScene

    // title scene
    TitleScene {
      id: titleScene

      // the title scene is our start scene, so if back is pressed there (on android) we ask the user if he wants to quit the application
      onBackButtonPressed: {
         NativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Really quit the game?", "", 2)
      // listen to the return value of the MessageBox
      Connections {
         target: NativeUtils
         onMessageBoxFinished: {
         // only quit, if the activeScene is titleScene - the messageBox might also get opened from other scenes in your code
             if(accepted && gameWindow.activeScene === titleScene)

    // game scene to play
    GameScene {
      id: gameScene

      // the game scene is our main scene of the game, if back is pressed there we return to the title scene
       onBackButtonPressed: {
         gameWindow.state = "title"

    // game over scene
    GameOverScene {
        id: gameOverScene

      // the game over scene is very similar to the title scene, so if back is pressed there (on android) we ask the user if he wants to quit the application
      onBackButtonPressed: {
         NativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Really quit the game?", "", 2)
      // listen to the return value of the MessageBox
      Connections {
         target: NativeUtils
         onMessageBoxFinished: {
         // only quit, if the activeScene is gameOverScene - the messageBox might also get opened from other scenes in your code
             if(accepted && gameWindow.activeScene === gameOverScene)

    // the default state is title -> now our default scene is the titleScene
    state: "title"

    // state machine, takes care of reversing the PropertyChanges when switching the state, e.g. changing the opacity back to 0
    states: [
        State {
            name: "title"
            PropertyChanges {target: titleScene; opacity: 1}
            PropertyChanges {target: gameWindow; activeScene: titleScene}
        State {
            name: "game"
            PropertyChanges {target: gameScene; opacity: 1}
            PropertyChanges {target: gameWindow; activeScene: gameScene}
        State {
            name: "gameover"
            PropertyChanges {target: gameOverScene; opacity: 1}
            PropertyChanges {target: gameWindow; activeScene: gameOverScene}

When you start the game at this point, you will already see the title scene since we set the initial value of the state property to “title”. We also hear the background music of the invisible game scene, because by default the BackgroundMusic component starts playing automatically. This is ok for us as the music can be played all the time. If we don't want it to play during some scenes, we would have to start and stop it manually when switching scenes.

Another scene can now be loaded just by changing the state property of the GameWindow. Let's add a play button and start a new game when clicking it by using a MouseArea. We also play a click sound using the GameSoundEffect component and implement a simple button effect by adding a Timer to alternate the colors of the button between black and yellow.


 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"

 SceneBase {
    // ...

    // play button to start game
    Text {
        id: text
        text: "play!"
        color: "black"
        x: 60
        y: 380
        z: 1
        font.pixelSize:  20
        font.family: "Arial"

        // start new game when start is clicked
        MouseArea {
            width: parent.width
            height: parent.height

            onClicked: {
                gameWindow.state = "game"

    // alternate text color of play button over time
    Timer {
        id: colorTimer
        interval: 1000 // 1 sec
        repeat: true
        running: true
        onTriggered: {
            if(text.color == "#000000")
                text.color = "yellow"
                text.color = "black"

    // sound effect when clicking the play button
    GameSoundEffect {
        id: clickSound
        source: "../../assets/sound/Click.wav"


We are now able to easily switch scenes. To learn more about scenes you can check out the tutorial on how to create a game with multiple scenes and levels.


Before we create any new entities, please take a look at the following picture to get the general idea of how the game screen is going to be composed in terms of entities:

The player is going to jump between rides (horse, boat, bike, car) to avoid dynamically created bullets and coins. The bullets and coins start at the height of the enemies and either hit the player or the invisible floor. Each enemy is described using an Enemy entity and all of them are then grouped within a single Enemies entity. So let's add the enemies to our game scene. They will be moving up and down like on a real carousel! First we have to create a new directory qml/entities for our own entities and then add a new file Enemy.qml. Here's the generic code for the enemies:


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 EntityBase {
    id: enemy
    entityType: "enemy"

    property alias image: image
    property double speed: 10

    MultiResolutionImage {
        id: image
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height

    // provides up/down movement
    MovementAnimation {
         id: upDownMovement
         target: enemy // set animation target to enemy object
         property: "y" // we animate the y position
         velocity: -enemy.speed // start with up movement
         running: true // animation starts automatically

         // limits the y property (defines possible movement area)
         // we set a random area for each enemy between
         minPropertyValue: -(Math.random() * 10 + 5) // min y is random between -5 and -15
         maxPropertyValue: Math.random() * 10 + 5 // max y is random between +5 to +15

         // change direction after min/max is reached (e.g. move up after down movement is finished)
         onLimitReached: {
             if(upDownMovement.velocity > 0)
                 upDownMovement.velocity = -enemy.speed;
                 upDownMovement.velocity = enemy.speed;

Each enemy is displayed as an image. By using the MultiResolutionImage component we get an automatic image swapping mechanism for the correct image quality. The MovementAnimation component allows us to animate the y-position of the enemy constantly by a fixed velocity and is set to start the animation automatically. When reaching a limit of the y-position the movement velocity is reversed, thus creating an alternating up- and down-movement. As we want to set different images for each enemy entity, we use a property alias for the image object to allow setting it from the outside.

We then create the Enemies entity, that contains four Enemy objects.


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 EntityBase {
    id: enemies
    entityType: "enemies"

    Enemy {
        id: enemy1
        width: 95.5; height: 112
        image.source: "../../assets/enemy1.png"

    Enemy {
        id: enemy2
        x: 95.5
        width: 69.5; height: 112
        image.source: "../../assets/enemy2.png"

    Enemy {
        id: enemy3
        x: 165
        width: 49.5; height: 112
        image.source: "../../assets/enemy3.png"

    Enemy {
        id: enemy4
        x: 214.5
        width: 105.5; height: 112
        image.source: "../../assets/enemy4.png"

The Enemies entity now contains all four enemies with their different images and their correct positions from left to right. All that's left is to add the enemies to our game scene.


 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"
 import "../entities"

 SceneBase {

  // ...

  // enemies are grouped as a single enemies entity
  Enemies { id: enemies; y: 61 }

After we use the import command to load our entities we can simply place all of them in our scene at once. Press play and watch our enemies moving up and down on the carousel! Looks pretty cool!

Player - Let's Move

Next up is our player entity, but we will keep it simple for the beginning and add the complex movement animations later.


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 // player character entity
 EntityBase {
    id: player
    entityType: "player"

    width: 65
    height: 96

    MultiResolutionImage {
        id: image
            width: parent.width
        height: parent.height
        x: -width / 2
        y: -height / 2
        source: "../../assets/player.png"

    // for collision detection
    BoxCollider {
        id: boxCollider
        width: 25
        height: 50
        anchors.centerIn: image
        collisionTestingOnlyMode: true

In addition to the image for the player, we also add a BoxCollider to be able to check collisions with coins or bullets later. Please note that we set collisionTestingOnlyMode: true in order to prevent the player from any movement based on gravity and physics calculations, as it is easier for us to move the player explicitly from one ride to another by defining the movement using a fixed MovementAnimation.

We will use two separate MovementAnimations for the player, one for the jump (y-position) and one for switching between lines (x-position).


 EntityBase {
    id: player
    entityType: "player"

    width: 65
    height: 96

    // while switching rides/jumping isMoving is set to true
    property bool isMoving: false
    // when user wants to jump again while the player is moving, the intended move is memorized to be executed after the player stands again
    property string nextMove: ""

    // ...

    // provides horizontal movement (switch ride)
    MovementAnimation {
        id: switchMovement
        target: player
        property: "x"

    // provides vertical movement (jump)
    MovementAnimation {
        id: jumpMovement
        target: player
        property: "y"

        // limits the y property between 0 and the default player position (where the player stands)
        minPropertyValue: 0
        maxPropertyValue: gameScene.playerY

        // when jump is finished, set default image (standing) and initiate memorized additional jump
        onLimitReached: {
            isMoving = false
            image.source = "../../assets/player.png"
            if(nextMove !== "") {
                if(nextMove === "right")

    // triggers player movement to the left
    function moveLeft() {
        // only if player is not on the first ride
        if(player.x - gameScene.laneWidth < 0)

        if(!isMoving) {
            var distance = gameScene.laneWidth

            // configure movement
            switchMovement.velocity = -distance * 4.5
            switchMovement.minPropertyValue = player.x - distance
            switchMovement.maxPropertyValue = gameScene.width

            // do animation
            isMoving = true
        else {
            nextMove = "left" // memorize attempted move

    // triggers player movement to the right
    function moveRight() {
       // only if player is not on the last ride
        if(player.x + gameScene.laneWidth > gameScene.width)

        if(!isMoving) {
            var distance = gameScene.laneWidth

            // configure movement
            switchMovement.velocity = distance * 4.5
            switchMovement.minPropertyValue = 0
            switchMovement.maxPropertyValue = player.x + distance

            // do animation
            isMoving = true
            nextMove = ""
        else {
            nextMove = "right" // memorize attempted move

    // start jump
    function jump() {
        // configure jump and start movement
        jumpMovement.velocity = -500
        jumpMovement.acceleration = 3000
        image.source = "../../assets/player_jump.png"

    // stop all movement
    function stopMovement() {
        isMoving = false
        nextMove = ""

    // jump sound
    GameSoundEffect {
        id: jumpSound
        source: "../../assets/sound/Jump.wav"

That's already a lot of code, but I'm sure you will get it after we take a closer look. Our Player entity now provides two important functions: The moveRight()-function will be called when the user wants to jump to the right, the moveLeft()-function handles jumping to the left. Each of these two functions won't work if the player is already at the end of the screen (the last or first ride). Before initiating any movement the property isMoving is checked, because we don't want the player to jump again while already in the air. But for the players convenience, we will memorize the intended move to execute it after we landed again.

The switchMovement allows animating the x-position of the player and is configured to automatically stop once the desired position is reached. This is done by setting the limits of the movement. For moving to the left or moving to the right different limits are set for the movement. We must also set the velocity property to define the direction and speed of the movement. The functions then start the switchMovement and additionally call the jump()-function to make the player jump.

When jumping, we also play the jump sound using the GameSoundEffect component and simply swap the player image to a jump image. For the jumpMovement animation the event handler onLimitReached is used to perform actions after the player landed again. This includes changing the player image back from jumping to standing and triggering a second jump if we memorized one during the last jump.

Alright, then let's add the player to our scene:


 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"
 import "../entities"

 SceneBase {

  // setup scene layout
  property int lanes: 4 // number of lanes (rides)
  property double laneWidth: gameScene.width / gameScene.lanes // pixelWidth of a lane
  property int startLane: 0 // start lane of player
  property double playerY: 400 // y position of player in scene

  // ...

  // initialize a new game
  function startNewGame() {
         gameScene.points = 0

         // set new random starting lane
         gameScene.startLane = Math.random() * gameScene.lanes + 1
         player.x = (gameScene.startLane * gameScene.laneWidth) - (gameScene.laneWidth / 2)
         player.y = gameScene.playerY

  // player character
  Player {
      id: player
      z: 10
      x: (gameScene.startLane * gameScene.laneWidth) - (gameScene.laneWidth / 2)
      y: gameScene.playerY

   // enemies are grouped as a single enemies entity
   Enemies { id: enemies; y: 61 }

We define a few properties to set up our game layout, like the number of lanes (number of available rides), the width in pixels of each lane and the default y-Position of the player. These parameters are used to calculate the distance for the players switch-movement or to determine the landing point (limit) of the jump-movement. We also calculate a random starting point for the player each time a new game is started. If you start the game, you can already see the player at a random position, but it is a bit boring if we can't jump to other rides, so let's check the user input.


 SceneBase {

  // ...

  // handle user input (check for swipe to left/right)
  MouseArea {
    anchors.fill: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem // check full game window
    property bool touch: false // true when user touches screen
    property int firstX: 0 // x position of swipe start point

    // recognize start of swipe on press
    onPressed: {
      if(touch == false)
          firstX = mouseX
      touch = true

    // recognize end of swipe on release
    onReleased: {
      if(touch == true)
      touch = false

    // also recognize swipe if mouse moved a long distance
    onPositionChanged: {

    // move player based on swipe (left or right)
    function checkSwipe(minDistance) {
       var distance = mouseX - firstX
       if(Math.abs(distance) > minDistance) {
          if(distance > 0)
          touch = false

We check for swipes whenever the user touches the screen (presses the mouse). When moving 50 pixels without releasing the mouse we already recognize a swipe - even if the player is still touching the screen. In addition, when the mouse is released we check for a swipe using a minimum swipe distance of 15 pixels. Based on the swipe direction the according movement functions of the player entity are called. Hit play and enjoy our main character jumping around!

Bullets and Coins - Make Them Fall!

So let's add bullets and coins that move from the enemies toward the player area. The structure of both entities is nearly the same, each consisting of an image, a sound effect, and a collider for collision detection.


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 EntityBase {
    id: bullet
    entityType: "bullet"

    width: 32
    height: 37

    MultiResolutionImage {
        id: image
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height
        x: -width / 2
        y: -height / 2
        source: "../../assets/bullet.png"

    // for collision detection
    BoxCollider {
        id: boxCollider
        width: 15
        height: 15
        anchors.centerIn: image
        collisionTestingOnlyMode: true

        fixture.onBeginContact: {
            // for access of the collided entity and the entityType and entityId:
            var collidedEntity = other.getBody().target
            var collidedEntityType = collidedEntity.entityType

            // check if bullet was avoided
            if(collidedEntityType === "floor") {
                parent.visible = false
            else {

    // bullet sound
    GameSoundEffect {
        id: bulletSound
        source: "../../assets/sound/Bullet.wav"
        onPlayingChanged: {
            if(bulletSound.playing === false) {


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 EntityBase {
    id: coin
    entityType: "coin"

    width: 32
    height: 33

    MultiResolutionImage {
        id: image
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height
        x: -width / 2
        y: -height / 2
        source: "../../assets/coin.png"

    // for collision detection
    BoxCollider {
        id: boxCollider
        width: 20
        height: 20
        anchors.centerIn: image
        collisionTestingOnlyMode: true

        fixture.onBeginContact: {
            // for access of the collided entity and the entityType and entityId:
            var collidedEntity = other.getBody().target
            var collidedEntityType = collidedEntity.entityType

             // only increase points if coin was collected
            if(collidedEntityType === "player") {
                boxCollider.active = false
                parent.visible = false
            else {

    // coin sound
    GameSoundEffect {
        id: coinSound
        source: "../../assets/sound/Coin.wav"
        onPlayingChanged: {
            if(coinSound.playing === false) {

When a collision is detected, we remove the entity from the game and call an appropriate handler function if necessary. We will provide these handler functions within a designated entity for our game logic. By calling gameScene.logic.increasePoints() or gameScene.logic.gameOver() we can react to the player collecting a coin or getting hit by a paper plane. Note that in case a sound effect is played, the entity is removed after the sound has finished playing. This is handled by implementing the onPlayingChanged handler of the GameSoundEffect component.

The movement of the bullets and coins in our game is a bit tricky, as we want them to move from the enemies to special target spots within the player area. They should move along the lanes of the carousel. We also need them to get bigger when moving to their target points to make it look like they are coming closer. We can achieve this by adding the following lines to both of our entities.


 EntityBase {
    // ...

    // properties for handling the movement towards a goal
    property double goalX: 0
    property double startX: 0
    property double startY: 0
    property double speed: 3000

    scale: 0.2 // initial scale
    // parallel animation of x-position, y-position and scaling
    ParallelAnimation {
        running: true // all animations are started
        NumberAnimation {
            target: bullet
            property: "x"
            from: startX
            to: goalX
            duration: speed
            easing.type: Easing.InCubic
        NumberAnimation {
            target: bullet
            property: "y"
            from: startY
            to: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.height
            duration: speed
            easing.type: Easing.InCubic
        NumberAnimation {
            target: bullet
            property: "scale"
            to: 1.0
            duration: speed
            easing.type: Easing.InCubic


 EntityBase {
    // ...

    // properties for handling the movement towards a goal
    property double goalX: 0
    property double startX: 0
    property double startY: 0
    property double speed: 3000

    scale: 0.2 // initial scale
    // parallel animation of x-position, y-position and scaling
    ParallelAnimation {
        running: true // all animations are started
        NumberAnimation {
            target: coin
            property: "x"
            from: startX
            to: goalX
            duration: speed
            easing.type: Easing.InCubic
        NumberAnimation {
            target: coin
            property: "y"
            from: startY
            to: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.height
            duration: speed
            easing.type: Easing.InCubic
        NumberAnimation {
            target: coin
            property: "scale"
            to: 0.9
            duration: speed
            easing.type: Easing.InCubic

We define some additional properties to be able to set the target point of the movement for each entity. Based on these properties the x-position, y-position and scale of the objects are continuously modified by a NumberAnimation, that allows changing a property from a start value to a goal within a set period of time. We also add easing.type: Easing.InCubic to let the animation begin slow and speed up over time. The ParallelAnimation is used for combining multiple small animations, that will all be executed at the same time whenever the ParallelAnimation is started.

To be able to dynamically add the entities to the game, we already defined the EntityManager in our Main.qml beforehand. So now we need to implement timers to add them during the game. For handling the timers and their configuration we create a new Logic object.


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 QtObject {
    id: logic

     // properties for handling game speed and bullet/coin timeouts
     // can be used to speed up the game
     property double speedUp: 1.0
     property int minBulletTimeout: 1000
     property int minCoinTimeout: 2000
     property int bulletTimeout: 4000
     property int coinTimeout: 2000

    // increasePoints is called by coins when they are collected
    function increasePoints(coin) {

    // is called by bullets when game is over
    function gameOver() {
        gameWindow.state = "gameover"

    // timer for dynamic bullet creation
    property Timer bulletTimer:  Timer {
        id: bulletTimer
        interval : Math.random() * logic.bulletTimeout + logic.minBulletTimeout
        running: gameScene.visible // start running from the beginning, when the scene is loaded

        onTriggered: {
            // calculate bullet properties
            var randomLane = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 + 1)
            var enemyWidth = gameScene.laneWidth * 0.74
            var laneOffset = gameScene.width * 0.13
            var xPosition = Math.round(laneOffset + (randomLane * enemyWidth) - (enemyWidth / 2))
            var xGoal = randomLane * gameScene.laneWidth - (gameScene.laneWidth/2)

            var newEntityProperties = {
                    x: xPosition,
                    y: 95, // position at height of enemies,
                    z: 12,
                    goalX: xGoal,
                    startX: xPosition,
                    startY: 95,
                    speed: 3000

            // add bullet to scene

            // recalculate new interval between 2000 and 5000ms
            interval = Math.random() * logic.bulletTimeout + logic.minBulletTimeout

            // restart the timer

    // timer for dynamic coin creation
    property Timer coinTimer: Timer {
        id: coinTimer
        interval : Math.random() * logic.coinTimeout + logic.minCoinTimeout
        running: gameScene.visible // start running from the beginning, when the scene is loaded

        onTriggered: {
            // calculate coin properties
            var randomLane = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1)
            var enemyWidth = gameScene.laneWidth * 0.74
            var laneOffset = gameScene.width * 0.13
            var xPosition = Math.round(laneOffset + (randomLane * enemyWidth))
            var xGoal = randomLane * gameScene.laneWidth

            // add coin to scene
            var newEntityProperties = {
                    x: xPosition ,
                    y: 75, // position slightly above enemies
                    z: 12,
                    goalX: xGoal,
                    startX: xPosition,
                    startY: 75,
                    speed: 3000

            // add coin to scene

            // calculate random interval for next coin
            interval = Math.random() * logic.coinTimeout + logic.minCoinTimeout

            // restart the timer

We base our logic object on QtObject instead of EntityBase so it won't be affected by operations like entityManger.removeAllEntities(), which is what we expect to happen because the logic has no visual representation in our game scene. The timers for coins and bullets are nearly the same. They just use different intervals and set different properties for positioning the entities. In addition to the x, y and z values for bullets and coins, the special properties goalX, startX, startY and speed are set to define the movement of entities. We also have the previously mentioned functions for handling player collisions with coins or bullets, that increase player points or switch from the game scene to the game-over scene.

After the entities are added to the scene we want them to be removed if they reach the bottom of the screen. To achieve that, we need to create a simple invisible Floor entity that will be placed at the bottom of our game window.


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 // non-visible floor for collision testing
 EntityBase {
    id: floor
    entityType: "floor"

    width: parent.width // width of the scene
    height: 5

    // for collision testing
    BoxCollider {
        anchors.fill: parent
        bodyType: Body.Static // the body shouldn't move

Now let's add the logic entity to our GameScene, along with the Floor, the PhysicsWorld and a Text component to show the points.


 SceneBase {

  // ...

  // make important objects accessible for other entities
  property alias logic: logic

  // game logic
  Logic {
      id: logic

  // initialize a new game
  function startNewGame() {
    gameScene.points = 0

    // initial speed multiplier
    gameScene.logic.speedUp = 1.0

    // reset bullet and coin timeouts
    gameScene.logic.bulletTimeout = 4000
    gameScene.logic.coinTimeout = 2000

    // set new starting lane
    gameScene.startLane = Math.random() * gameScene.lanes + 1
    player.x = (gameScene.startLane * gameScene.laneWidth) - (gameScene.laneWidth / 2)
    player.y = gameScene.playerY

  // basic physics
  PhysicsWorld {
      gravity.y: 0 // we use fixed animations instead of gravity
      z: 5 // draw the debugDraw on top of the entities

      // these are performance settings to avoid boxes colliding too far together
      // set them as low as possible so it still looks good
      updatesPerSecondForPhysics: 60
      velocityIterations: 5
      positionIterations: 5
      // set this to true to see the debug draw of the physics system
      // this displays all bodies, joints and forces which is great for debugging
      debugDrawVisible: false

  // display player score
  Text {
      text: gameScene.points
      color: "#e52222"
      y: 36
      z: 1
      font.pixelSize: 12
      font.family: "Arial"
      font.weight: Font.Bold
      width: gameScene.width
      horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

  // invisible floor
  Floor {
      z: 100
      anchors.bottom: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom

  // ...

Please don't forget to reset the logic configuration parameters within the startNewGame()-function. We will be able to slow down or speed up the bullets and player movement with the speedUp property later in this tutorial. The floor is anchored at the bottom of the gameWindow and not the bottom of the scene, because we want the bullets to fly all the way to the bottom on every screen size.

One small thing that's still missing is to show the points in our game-over scene:


 SceneBase {
    id: gameOverScene

    // ...

    // display points
    Text {
        text: gameScene.points
        color: "white"
        x: 188
        y: 300
        z: 1
        font.pixelSize: 34
        font.family: "Arial"
        width: 108
        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

Let's hit play and see how it works!

Rides - Horse, Boat, Bike and Car

What is still missing? Right! The rides where the player has to sit or stand on! The modeling of the rides is a bit tricky and best described using an image, please take a look:

Each ride consists of two images, one for the front and one for the backside. The player is then positioned between the front and back by setting the appropriate z-position values for all the entities. If correctly positioned above one another it should look like the player is standing or sitting on the ride! So let's start with the front side of the rides.


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 EntityBase {
    id: rideFront
    entityType: "rideFront"

    z: 9

    property alias image: image
    property alias minY: upDownMovement.minPropertyValue
    property alias maxY: upDownMovement.maxPropertyValue
    property alias velocity: upDownMovement.velocity
    property double speed: 10

    MultiResolutionImage {
        id: image
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height

    // provides up/down movement
    MovementAnimation {
        id: upDownMovement
        target: rideFront
        property: "y"
        velocity: -rideFront.speed // start with up movement
        running: true

        // change direction after min/max is reached
        onLimitReached: {
           if(rideFront.velocity > 0)
              rideFront.velocity = -rideFront.speed
              rideFront.velocity = rideFront.speed

The code is quite similar to the Enemy entity we created before. But there are some important differences:

  • We set the appropriate value for the z-position.
  • Properties of the MovementAnimation are made public with an alias, as we want to synchronize the movement of the front of the ride, the back of the ride and the player.

The implementation of the RideBack entity then uses the matching FrontRide object as a reference for its values and calculations:


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 EntityBase {
    id: rideBack
    entityType: "rideBack"

    z: 11
    x: frontRide.x
    y: frontRide.y
    width: frontRide.width
    height: frontRide.height

    property QtObject frontRide: null
    property alias image: image

    MultiResolutionImage {
        id: image
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height

    // provides up/down movement
    MovementAnimation {
        id: upDownMovement
        target: rideBack
        property: "y"
        velocity: frontRide.velocity // start with up movement
        running: true

        // limits the y property (defines possible movement area)
        minPropertyValue: frontRide.minY
        maxPropertyValue: frontRide.maxY

        // change direction after min/max is reached
        onLimitReached: {
            upDownMovement.velocity = frontRide.velocity

Let's add the rides to the game scene:


 SceneBase {
  // ...

  // make important objects accessible for other entities
  property alias logic: logic
  property alias ride1: horse
  property alias ride2: boat
  property alias ride3: bike
  property alias ride4: car

  // ...

  // player rides
  // ride1 - horse
  RideFront {
     id: horse
     x: -20; y: 397
     minY: 397 - (Math.random() * 10 + 5); maxY: 397 + Math.random() * 10 + 5
     width: 92.5; height: 128
     image.source: "../../assets/ride1_f.png"
  RideBack {
     frontRide: horse
     image.source: "../../assets/ride1_b.png"
  // ride2 - boat
  RideFront {
     id: boat
     x: 73.5; y: 397
     minY: 397 - (Math.random() * 10 + 5); maxY: 397 + Math.random() * 10 + 5
     width: 94.5; height: 128
     image.source: "../../assets/ride2_f.png"
  RideBack {
     frontRide: boat
     image.source: "../../assets/ride2_b.png"
  // ride3 - bike
  RideFront {
     id: bike
     x: 167; y: 397
     minY: 397 - (Math.random() * 10 + 5); maxY: 397 + Math.random() * 10 + 5
     width: 67.5; height: 128
     image.source: "../../assets/ride3_f.png"
  RideBack {
     frontRide: bike
     image.source: "../../assets/ride3_b.png"
  // ride4 - car
  RideFront {
     id: car
     x: 234.5; y: 397
     minY: 397 - (Math.random() * 10 + 5); maxY: 397 + Math.random()* 10 + 5
     width: 105.5; height: 128
     image.source: "../../assets/ride4_f.png"
  RideBack {
     frontRide: car
     image.source: "../../assets/ride4_b.png"

  // enemies are grouped as a single enemies entity
   Enemies { id: enemies; y: 61 }

  // ...

For the RideBack entities we set a reference to the matching FrontRide and define the correct image. Note: this only works because the images for the front and the back of each ride have the same size and perfectly match each other at the same position.

We now want to move the player character along with the correct ride in the same way as the back of the ride moves with its respective front. To achieve this, we add another MovementAnimation for the up- and down-movement of the player, which will be active whenever the player is not in the process of jumping between rides.


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 // player character entity
 EntityBase {
    id: player
    entityType: "player"

    width: 65
    height: 96

    property QtObject frontRide: null // current player ride for synchronizing the up/down-movement

    // ...

    // provides vertical movement (jump)
    MovementAnimation {

        // ...
        onLimitReached: {
            isMoving = false
            image.source = "../../assets/player.png"
            if(nextMove !== "") {
                if(nextMove === "right")
            else {

    // triggers player movement to the left
    function moveLeft() {
       // ...

       // do animation
       isMoving = true

       // ...

     // triggers player movement to the right
    function moveRight() {
       // ...

       // do animation
       isMoving = true

       // ...

    // stop all movement
    function stopMovement() {
        isMoving = false
        nextMove = ""

    // ...

    // provides up/down movement along with rides
    MovementAnimation {
        id: upDownMovement
        target: player
        property: "y"

        // change direction after min/max is reached
        onLimitReached: {
            upDownMovement.velocity = frontRide.velocity

    // starts to move the player up and down along with ride he is currently standing on
    function startUpDownMovement() {
        // determine which ride the player is standing on
        var laneNr = 0
        for(var i = 1; i <= gameScene.lanes; i++) {
            var minX = (i - 1) * gameScene.laneWidth
            var maxX = i * gameScene.laneWidth
            var playerOnRide = player.x < maxX && player.x > minX

            if(playerOnRide) {
                laneNr = i

        // retrieve entity of the current ride
        switch(laneNr) {
            case 1: player.frontRide = gameScene.ride1; break
            case 2: player.frontRide = gameScene.ride2; break
            case 3: player.frontRide = gameScene.ride3; break
            case 4: player.frontRide = gameScene.ride4; break
            default: player.frontRide = null

        // move player with active ride
        if(player.frontRide === null)
            player.y = gameScene.playerY
        else {
            // configure and start movement animation
            player.y = player.frontRide.y + 3
            upDownMovement.velocity = frontRide.velocity
            upDownMovement.maxPropertyValue = frontRide.maxY + 3
            upDownMovement.minPropertyValue = frontRide.minY + 3

One problem that might arise from this implementation is, that due to the movement of the player along the ride, the players y-position might actually be lower than the minimum y-position limit of the jump animation. This might cause the players jumpMovement to fail. We can avoid this error by moving the player to the correct position right before the jump is executed:


 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 // player character entity
 EntityBase {
    // ...

    // start jump
    function jump() {
        // player may be lower than allowed (due to moving of rides)
        if(player.y > gameScene.playerY)
            player.y = gameScene.playerY

        // ...

    // ...

We can now move the player along with the rides, we just need to start the movement whenever the player starts on a random ride of a new game.


 SceneBase {

  // ...

  function startNewGame() {
    gameScene.points = 0

    // initial speed multiplier
    gameScene.logic.speedUp = 1.0

    // reset bullet and coin timeouts
    gameScene.logic.bulletTimeout = 4000
    gameScene.logic.coinTimeout = 2000

    // set new starting lane
    gameScene.startLane = Math.random() * gameScene.lanes + 1
    player.x = (gameScene.startLane * gameScene.laneWidth) - (gameScene.laneWidth / 2)

   // ...

That's all there is to it, press play and see it in action!

Let's Get Faster!

To add some spice to the game it would be nice to speed it up little by little and make it more difficult! We already have the possibility to lower the interval timers for the bullets and coins. In addition, we also want the bullets and coins to move faster. Let us start by modifying our logic object.


 EntityBase {
     id: logic
     entityType: "logic"

     // ...

     // timer for dynamic bullet creation
     property Timer bulletTimer: Timer {
             // ...

             var newEntityProperties = {
                     x: xPosition,
                     y: 95, // position at height of enemies,
                     z: 12,
                     goalX: xGoal,
                     startX: xPosition,
                     startY: 95,
                     speed: 3000 / (1 + logic.speedUp / 8 * 1.5) // multiplier between 1 and 2.5

             // ...

     // timer for dynamic coin creation
     property Timer coinTimer: Timer {
             // ...

             var newEntityProperties = {
                     x: xPosition ,
                     y: 75, // position slightly above enemies
                     z: 12,
                     goalX: xGoal,
                     startX: xPosition,
                     startY: 75,
                     speed: 3000 / (1 + logic.speedUp / 8 * 2) // multiplier between 1 and 3

             // ...

     // timer for speeding up the game
     property Timer speedUpTimer: Timer {
         id: speedUpTimer
         interval: 15000 // speed up every 15 seconds
         running: gameScene.visible // timer is only active when gameScene is running

         onTriggered: {
             logic.speedUp += 0.7 // speed up game

             // stop bulletTimer, reduce timeout and restart timer
             logic.bulletTimeout -= 300
             bulletTimer.interval = Math.random() * logic.bulletTimeout +

             // stop coinTimer, reduce timeout and restart timer
             logic.coinTimeout -= 100
             coinTimer.interval = Math.random() * logic.coinTimeout +

             // stop after speed up limit is reached
             if(logic.speedUp < 8)

We now use the speedUp property of our logic object to calculate the speed property of the bullets and coins to make them faster if the speedUp is higher. We also add a third Timer to increase the speed-up and lower the timeouts every 15 seconds until a maximum speed-up factor of 8.0 is reached.

Furthermore, it would be fun to speed up the movement of the rides and enemies to make the game as a whole look faster! We will begin with speeding up the enemies movement. To be able to increase the speed, we simply need to include our speedUp property in the movement speed calculation of the Enemy entity.


 EntityBase {
    id: enemy
    entityType: "enemy"

    // ...

    property double speed: 10 * gameScene.logic.speedUp

    // ...

In the same way, we speed up the player rides.


 EntityBase {
    id: rideFront
    entityType: "rideFront"

    // ...

    property double speed: 10 * gameScene.logic.speedUp

    // ...

This will also speed up the RideBack objects, because they use the movement speed and limits of their respective RideFront entities. With these changes the game will gradually speed up. But in contrast to all the other objects, the player movement still stays the same. It might be a good idea to also make the player move faster.


 EntityBase {
    id: player
    entityType: "player"

    // ...

    // triggers player movement to the left
    function moveLeft() {
        // only if player is not on the first ride
        if(player.x - gameScene.laneWidth < 0)

        if(!isMoving) {
            var distance = gameScene.laneWidth

            // use faster movement when game speed is higher
            var multiplier = 1 + (logic.speedUp / 8 * 3) // multiplier between 1 and 4

            // configure movement
            switchMovement.velocity = -distance * 4.5 * multiplier
            switchMovement.minPropertyValue = player.x - distance
            switchMovement.maxPropertyValue = gameScene.width

            // do animation
            isMoving = true
        else {
            nextMove = "left"

    // triggers player movement to the right
    function moveRight() {
        // only if player is not on the last ride
        if(player.x + gameScene.laneWidth > gameScene.width)

        if(!isMoving) {
            var distance = gameScene.laneWidth

            // use faster movement when game speed is higher
            var multiplier = 1 + (logic.speedUp / 8 * 3) // multiplier between 1 and 4

            // configure movement
            switchMovement.velocity = distance * 4.5 * multiplier
            switchMovement.minPropertyValue = 0
            switchMovement.maxPropertyValue = player.x + distance

            // do animation
            isMoving = true
            nextMove = ""
        else {
            nextMove = "right"

    // start jump
    function jump() {
        // player may be lower than allowed (due to moving of rides)
        if(player.y > gameScene.playerY)
            player.y = gameScene.playerY

        // use faster movement when game speed is higher
        var multiplier1 = 0.8 + (logic.speedUp / 8 * 1.0) // multiplier between 0.8 and 1.8
        var multiplier2 = 1 + (logic.speedUp / 8 * 4) // multiplier between 1 and 5

        // configure jump and start movement
        jumpMovement.velocity = -500 * multiplier1
        jumpMovement.acceleration = 2000 * multiplier2
        image.source = "../../assets/player_jump.png"

    // ...

All the velocities for the players movement animations are now influenced by a multiplier based on the general speed-up. With this final change this tutorial is complete, press play and enjoy your Crazy Carousel game!

So What's Next?

If you are motivated to further improve the game, try adding a player highscore using the FelgoGameNetwork or improve the animations using the GameAnimatedSprite or GameSpriteSequence components!

If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, don't hesitate to visit the support forums.

Also visit Felgo Games Examples and Demos to gain more information about game creation with Felgo and to see the source code of existing apps in the app stores.

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