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Calls moc on an input file.

The command is defined in the Core component of the Qt6 package, which can be loaded like so:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)

This command was introduced in Qt 5.0.


qt_generate_moc(src_file dest_file
                [TARGET target])

If versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_generate_moc() instead. It supports the same set of arguments as this command.


Creates a rule to call the Meta-Object Compiler (moc) on src_file and store the output in dest_file.

Note: This is a low-level macro. See the CMake AUTOMOC Documentation for a more convenient way to let source files be processed with moc. qt_wrap_cpp is also similar, but automatically generates a temporary file path for you.


You can set an explicit TARGET. This will make sure that the target properties INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES and COMPILE_DEFINITIONS are also used when scanning the source files with moc.


qt_generate_moc(main.cpp main.moc TARGET myapp)
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded