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QStencilOperation Class

class Qt3DRender::QStencilOperation

The QStencilOperation class specifies stencil operation. More...

Header: #include <QStencilOperation>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS 3drender)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3drender)
qmake: QT += 3drender
Since: Qt 5.7
Instantiated By: StencilOperation
Inherits: Qt3DRender::QRenderState


  • back : Qt3DRender::QStencilOperationArguments* const
  • front : Qt3DRender::QStencilOperationArguments* const

Public Functions

QStencilOperation(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)
Qt3DRender::QStencilOperationArguments * back() const

Detailed Description

A Qt3DRender::QStencilOperation class specifies the stencil operations for the front- and back-facing polygons. The stencil operation control what is done to fragment when the stencil and depth test pass or fail.

See also Qt3DRender::QStencilTest.

Property Documentation

[read-only] back : Qt3DRender::QStencilOperationArguments* const

Holds the stencil operation arguments for back-facing polygons.

Access functions:

Qt3DRender::QStencilOperationArguments * back() const

[read-only] front : Qt3DRender::QStencilOperationArguments* const

Holds the stencil operation arguments for front-facing polygons.

Member Function Documentation

QStencilOperation::QStencilOperation(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)

The constructor creates a new QStencilOperation::QStencilOperation instance with the specified parent.

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