The QVulkanInstance class represents a native Vulkan instance, enabling Vulkan rendering onto a QSurface. More...
Header: | #include <QVulkanInstance> |
CMake: | find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui) |
qmake: | QT += gui |
Since: | Qt 5.10 |
DebugFilter | |
enum | Flag { NoDebugOutputRedirect } |
flags | Flags |
QVulkanInstance() | |
~QVulkanInstance() | |
QVersionNumber | apiVersion() const |
bool | create() |
void | destroy() |
QVulkanDeviceFunctions * | deviceFunctions(VkDevice device) |
VkResult | errorCode() const |
QByteArrayList | extensions() const |
QVulkanInstance::Flags | flags() const |
QVulkanFunctions * | functions() const |
PFN_vkVoidFunction | getInstanceProcAddr(const char *name) |
void | installDebugOutputFilter(QVulkanInstance::DebugFilter filter) |
bool | isValid() const |
QByteArrayList | layers() const |
void | presentAboutToBeQueued(QWindow *window) |
void | presentQueued(QWindow *window) |
void | removeDebugOutputFilter(QVulkanInstance::DebugFilter filter) |
void | resetDeviceFunctions(VkDevice device) |
void | setApiVersion(const QVersionNumber &vulkanVersion) |
void | setExtensions(const QByteArrayList &extensions) |
void | setFlags(QVulkanInstance::Flags flags) |
void | setLayers(const QByteArrayList &layers) |
void | setVkInstance(VkInstance existingVkInstance) |
QVersionNumber | supportedApiVersion() const |
QVulkanInfoVector<QVulkanExtension> | supportedExtensions() const |
QVulkanInfoVector<QVulkanLayer> | supportedLayers() const |
bool | supportsPresent(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, QWindow *window) |
VkInstance | vkInstance() const |
VkSurfaceKHR | surfaceForWindow(QWindow *window) |
Vulkan is a cross-platform, explicit graphics and compute API. This class provides support for loading a Vulkan library and creating an instance
in a cross-platform
manner. For an introduction on Vulkan instances, refer to section 3.2 of the specification.
Note: Platform-specific support for Vulkan instances and windows with Vulkan-capable surfaces is provided by the various platform plugins. Not all of them will support Vulkan, however. When running on such a
platform, create() will fail and always return false
Note: Vulkan support may get automatically disabled for a given Qt build due to not having the necessary Vulkan headers available at build time. When this is the case, and the output of configure
indicates Vulkan support is disabled, the QVulkan* classes will be unavailable.
Note: Some functions changed their signature between the various Vulkan header revisions. When building Qt and only headers with the old, conflicting signatures are present in a system, Vulkan support will get disabled. It is recommended to use headers from Vulkan 1.0.39 or newer.
Similarly to QOpenGLContext, any actual Vulkan instance creation happens only when calling create(). This allows using QVulkanInstance as a plain member variable while retaining control over when to perform initialization.
Querying the supported instance-level layers and extensions is possible by calling supportedLayers() and supportedExtensions(). These ensure the Vulkan library is loaded, and can therefore be called safely before create() as well.
Instances store per-application Vulkan state and creating a VkInstance
object initializes the Vulkan library. In practice there will typically be a single instance constructed early on in main(). The object then
stays alive until exiting the application.
Every Vulkan-based QWindow must be associated with a QVulkanInstance by calling QWindow::setVulkanInstance(). Thus a typical application pattern is the following:
int main(int argc, char **argv) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QVulkanInstance inst; if (!inst.create()) return 1; // ... window->setVulkanInstance(&inst); window->show(); return app.exec(); }
QVulkanInstance automatically enables the minimum set of extensions it needs on the newly created instance. In practice this means the VK_KHR_*_surface
family of extensions.
By default Vulkan debug output, for example messages from the validation layers, is routed to qDebug(). This can be disabled by passing the flag NoDebugOutputRedirect
setFlags() before invoking create().
To enable additional layers and extensions, provide the list via setLayers() and setExtensions() before invoking create(). When a given layer or extension is not reported as available from the instance, the request is ignored. After a successful call to create(), the values returned from functions like layers() and extensions() reflect the actual enabled layers and extensions. When necessary, for example to avoid requesting extensions that conflict and thus would fail the Vulkan instance creation, the list of actually supported layers and extensions can be examined via supportedLayers() and supportedExtensions() before calling create().
For example, to enable the standard validation layers, one could do the following:
QVulkanInstance inst; // Enable validation layer, if supported. Messages go to qDebug by default. inst.setLayers({ "VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation" }); bool ok = inst.create(); if (!ok) { // ... Vulkan not available } if (!inst.layers().contains("VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation")) { // ... validation layer not available }
Or, alternatively, to make decisions before attempting to create a Vulkan instance:
QVulkanInstance inst; if (inst.supportedLayers().contains("VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation")) { // ... } bool ok = inst.create(); // ...
By default QVulkanInstance creates a new Vulkan instance. When working with external engines and renderers, this may sometimes not be desirable. When there is a VkInstance
handle already available, call setVkInstance() before invoking create(). This way no additional instances will get created, and QVulkanInstance will not own the
Note: It is up to the component creating the external instance to ensure the necessary extensions are enabled on it. These are: VK_KHR_surface
, the WSI-specific VK_KHR_*_surface
that is
appropriate for the platform in question, and VK_EXT_debug_report
in case QVulkanInstance's debug output redirection is desired.
To access the VkInstance
handle the QVulkanInstance wraps, call vkInstance(). To resolve Vulkan functions, call getInstanceProcAddr(). For core Vulkan commands manual resolving is not necessary as they are provided via the QVulkanFunctions and
QVulkanDeviceFunctions objects accessible via functions() and deviceFunctions().
Note: QVulkanFunctions and QVulkanDeviceFunctions are generated from the Vulkan API XML specifications when building the Qt libraries. Therefore no documentation is provided for them. They contain the Vulkan 1.2 functions with the same signatures as described in the Vulkan API documentation.
The two common windowing system specific operations are getting a surface (a VkSurfaceKHR
handle) for a window, and querying if a given queue family supports presenting to a given surface. To avoid WSI-specific
bits in the applications, these are abstracted by QVulkanInstance and the underlying QPA layers.
To create a Vulkan surface for a window, or retrieve an existing one, call surfaceForWindow(). Most platforms will only create the surface via
when first calling surfaceForWindow(), but there may be platform-specific variations in the internal behavior. Once created, subsequent calls
to surfaceForWindow() just return the same handle. This fits the structure of typical Vulkan-enabled QWindow subclasses well.
To query if a given queue family within a physical device can be used to perform presentation to a given surface, call supportsPresent(). This encapsulates both the
generic vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR
and the WSI-specific vkGetPhysicalDevice*PresentationSupportKHR
Besides returning false
from create() or 0
from surfaceForWindow(), critical errors will also
get printed to the debug output via qWarning(). Additional logging can be requested by enabling debug output for the logging category qt.vulkan
. The actual Vulkan error code
from instance creation can be retrieved by calling errorCode() after a failing create().
In some special cases it may be necessary to override the Vulkan library name. This can be achieved by setting the QT_VULKAN_LIB
environment variable.
The following is the basic outline of creating a Vulkan-capable QWindow:
class VulkanWindow : public QWindow { public: VulkanWindow() { setSurfaceType(VulkanSurface); } void exposeEvent(QExposeEvent *) { if (isExposed()) { if (!m_initialized) { m_initialized = true; // initialize device, swapchain, etc. QVulkanInstance *inst = vulkanInstance(); QVulkanFunctions *f = inst->functions(); uint32_t devCount = 0; f->vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(inst->vkInstance(), &devCount, nullptr); // ... // build the first frame render(); } } } bool event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::UpdateRequest) render(); return QWindow::event(e); } void render() { // ... requestUpdate(); // render continuously } private: bool m_initialized = false; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QVulkanInstance inst; if (!inst.create()) { qWarning("Vulkan not available"); return 1; } VulkanWindow window; window.showMaximized(); return app.exec(); }
Note: In addition to expose, a well-behaving window implementation will also have to take care of additional events like resize and QPlatformSurfaceEvent in order to ensure proper management of the swap chain. Additionally, some platforms may require releasing resources when not being exposed anymore.
Combining Qt's Vulkan enablers with a C++ Vulkan wrapper, for example Vulkan-Hpp, is possible as well. The pre-requisite here is that the C++ layer must be able to adopt native handles (VkInstance, VkSurfaceKHR) in its classes without taking ownership (since the ownership stays with QVulkanInstance and QWindow). Consider also the following:
CONFIG += exceptions
to the .pro
provides prototypes and the application links to a Vulkan library exporting all necessary symbols. Qt may not directly link to a Vulkan library.
Therefore, on some platforms it may be necessary to add LIBS += -lvulkan
or similar in the application's .pro
enabled. This can cause issues in C++ wrapper headers that rely on the prototypes. Hence in application code it may
be necessary to include vulkan.hpp
or similar before any of the QVulkan headers.See also QVulkanFunctions and QSurface::SurfaceType.
Typedef for debug filtering callback functions.
See also installDebugOutputFilter() and removeDebugOutputFilter().
[since 5.10]
enum QVulkanInstance::FlagThis enum describes the flags that can be passed to setFlags(). These control the behavior of create().
Constant | Value | Description |
QVulkanInstance::NoDebugOutputRedirect |
0x01 |
Disables Vulkan debug output (VK_EXT_debug_report ) redirection to qDebug.
This enum was introduced or modified in Qt 5.10.
The Flags type is a typedef for QFlags<Flag>. It stores an OR combination of Flag values.
Constructs a new instance.
Note: No Vulkan initialization is performed in the constructor.
Note: current() will return nullptr
once the instance is destroyed.
Returns the requested Vulkan API version against which the application expects to run, or a null version number if setApiVersion() was not called before create().
See also setApiVersion().
Initializes the Vulkan library and creates a new or adopts and existing Vulkan instance.
Returns true if successful, false on error or when Vulkan is not supported.
When successful, the pointer to this QVulkanInstance is retrievable via the static function current().
The Vulkan instance and library is available as long as this QVulkanInstance exists, or until destroy() is called.
The VkInstance is always created with the flag VK_INSTANCE_CREATE_ENUMERATE_PORTABILITY_BIT_KHR set. This means that Vulkan Portability physical devices get enumerated as well.
Destroys the underlying platform instance, thus destroying the VkInstance (when owned). The QVulkanInstance object is still reusable by calling create() again.
Returns the QVulkanDeviceFunctions object that exposes the device level core Vulkan command set and is guaranteed to be functional cross-platform.
Note: The Vulkan functions in the returned object must only be called with device or a child object (VkQueue, VkCommandBuffer) of device as their first parameter. This is because these functions are resolved via vkGetDeviceProcAddr in order to avoid the potential overhead of internal dispatching.
Note: The returned object is owned and managed by the QVulkanInstance. Do not destroy or alter it.
Note: The object is cached so calling this function with the same device again is a cheap operation. However, when the device gets destroyed, it is up to the application to notify the QVulkanInstance by calling resetDeviceFunctions().
The functions from the core Vulkan 1.0 API will be available always. When it comes to higher Vulkan versions, such as, 1.1 and 1.2, the QVulkanDeviceFunctions object will try to resolve the core API functions for those as well, but if the Vulkan physical device at run time has no support for those, calling any such unsupported function will lead to unspecified behavior. To properly enable support for Vulkan versions higher than 1.0, an appropriate instance API version may need to be set by calling setApiVersion() before create(). In addition, applications are expected to check the physical device's apiVersion in VkPhysicalDeviceProperties.
See also functions() and resetDeviceFunctions().
Returns the Vulkan error code after an unsuccessful create(), VK_SUCCESS
The value is typically the return value from vkCreateInstance() (when creating a new Vulkan instance instead of adopting an existing one), but may also be VK_NOT_READY
if the platform plugin does not support
Returns the enabled instance extensions, if create() was called and was successful. The requested extensions otherwise.
See also setExtensions().
Returns the requested flags.
See also setFlags().
Returns the corresponding QVulkanFunctions object that exposes the core Vulkan command set, excluding device level functions, and is guaranteed to be functional cross-platform.
Note: The returned object is owned and managed by the QVulkanInstance. Do not destroy or alter it.
The functions from the core Vulkan 1.0 API will be available always. When it comes to higher Vulkan versions, such as, 1.1 and 1.2, the QVulkanFunctions object will try to resolve the core API functions for those as well, but if the Vulkan instance implementation at run time has no support for those, calling any such unsupported function will lead to unspecified behavior. In addition, to properly enable support for Vulkan versions higher than 1.0, an appropriate instance API version may need to be set by calling setApiVersion() before create(). To query the Vulkan implementation's instance-level version, call supportedApiVersion().
See also deviceFunctions() and supportedApiVersion().
Resolves the Vulkan function with the given name.
For core Vulkan commands prefer using the function wrappers retrievable from functions() and deviceFunctions() instead.
Installs a filter function that is called for every Vulkan debug message. When the callback returns true
, the message is stopped (filtered out) and will not appear on the debug output.
Note: Filtering is only effective when NoDebugOutputRedirect is not set. Installing filters has no effect otherwise.
Note: This function can be called before create().
See also removeDebugOutputFilter().
Returns true if create() was successful and the instance is valid.
Returns the enabled instance layers, if create() was called and was successful. The requested layers otherwise.
See also setLayers().
[since 5.15]
void QVulkanInstance::presentAboutToBeQueued(QWindow *window)This function should be called by the application's renderer before queuing a present operation for window.
While on some platforms this will be a no-op, some may perform windowing system dependent synchronization. For example, on Wayland this will add send a wl_surface.frame request in order to prevent the driver from blocking for minimized windows.
This function was introduced in Qt 5.15.
This function should be called by the application's renderer after queuing a present operation for window.
While on some platforms this will be a no-op, some may perform windowing system dependent synchronization. For example, on X11 this will update _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER
Removes a filter function previously installed by installDebugOutputFilter().
Note: This function can be called before create().
See also installDebugOutputFilter().
Invalidates and destroys the QVulkanDeviceFunctions object for the given device.
This function must be called when a VkDevice, for which deviceFunctions() was called, gets destroyed while the application intends to continue running, possibly creating a new logical Vulkan device later on.
There is no need to call this before destroying the QVulkanInstance since clean up is then performed automatically.
See also deviceFunctions().
Specifies the highest Vulkan API version the application is designed to use.
By default vulkanVersion is 0, which maps to Vulkan 1.0.
Note: This function can only be called before create() and has no effect if called afterwards.
Note: Be aware that Vulkan 1.1 changes the behavior with regards to the Vulkan API version field. In Vulkan 1.0 specifying an unsupported vulkanVersion led to failing create() with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
, as was mandated by the specification. Starting with Vulkan 1.1, the specification disallows this, the driver must accept any
version without failing the instance creation.
Application developers are advised to familiarize themselves with the apiVersion
notes in the Vulkan
See also apiVersion() and supportedApiVersion().
Specifies the list of additional instance extensions to enable. It is safe to specify unsupported extensions as well because these get ignored when not supported at run time.
Note: The surface-related extensions required by Qt (for example, VK_KHR_win32_surface
) will always be added automatically, no need to include them in this list.
Note: VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
is added automatically.
Note: This function can only be called before create() and has no effect if called afterwards.
See also extensions().
Configures the behavior of create() based on the provided flags.
Note: This function can only be called before create() and has no effect if called afterwards.
See also flags().
Specifies the list of instance layers to enable. It is safe to specify unsupported layers as well because these get ignored when not supported at run time.
Note: This function can only be called before create() and has no effect if called afterwards.
See also layers().
Makes QVulkanInstance adopt an existing VkInstance handle instead of creating a new one.
Note: existingVkInstance must have at least VK_KHR_surface
and the appropriate WSI-specific VK_KHR_*_surface
extensions enabled. To ensure debug output redirection is functional,
is needed as well.
Note: This function can only be called before create() and has no effect if called afterwards.
See also vkInstance().
Returns the version of instance-level functionality supported by the Vulkan implementation.
In practice this is either the value returned from vkEnumerateInstanceVersion, if that function is available (with Vulkan 1.1 and newer), or 1.0.
Applications that want to branch in their Vulkan feature and API usage based on what Vulkan version is available at run time, can use this function to determine what version to pass in to setApiVersion() before calling create().
Note: This function can be called before create().
See also setApiVersion().
Returns the list of supported instance-level extensions.
Note: This function can be called before create().
Returns the list of supported instance-level layers.
Note: This function can be called before create().
Returns true if the queue family with queueFamilyIndex within the physicalDevice supports presenting to window.
Call this function when examining the queues of a given Vulkan device, in order to decide which queue can be used for performing presentation.
VkSurfaceKHR QVulkanInstance::surfaceForWindow(QWindow
*window)Creates or retrieves the already existing VkSurfaceKHR
handle for the given window.
Returns the Vulkan surface handle or 0 when failed.
Returns the VkInstance handle this QVulkanInstance wraps, or nullptr
if create() has not yet been successfully called and no
existing instance has been provided via setVkInstance().
See also setVkInstance().