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Qt for Android

Qt for Android enables you to run Qt 5 applications on devices with Android v4.1 (API level 16) or later. All Qt modules (essential and add-on) are supported except Qt WebEngine, Qt Serial Port, and the platform-specific ones (Qt Mac Extras, Qt Windows Extras, and Qt X11 Extras).

The following list summarizes what you can do with Qt for Android:

  • Run Widget and QML applications on the device or emulator.
  • Support for native Android style with Qt Quick Controls.
  • Handle Multimedia content in your Qt Quick 2 applications.
  • Get sensor readings and react to the changes.
  • Retrieve current position data using satellite and network information.
  • Connect and exchange data with Bluetooth and NFC-enabled devices.
  • Integrate Java code into your application using Qt Android Extras.
  • Develop secure applications using OpenSSL library.
  • Create Android Services
  • Create and deploy Application Package (APK) using Qt Creator.

The following topics provide more details about how to use Qt for Android:

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