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TimerInfo Class

Header: #include <TimerInfo>
qmake: QT += core

Public Functions

TimerInfo(int timerId, int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)

Public Variables

int interval
int timerId
Qt::TimerType timerType

Detailed Description

This struct represents information about a timer: timerId, interval, and timerType.

See also registeredTimers().

Member Function Documentation

TimerInfo::TimerInfo(int timerId, int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)

Constructs a TimerInfo struct with the given timerId, interval, and timerType.

Member Variable Documentation

int TimerInfo::interval

The timer's interval.

int TimerInfo::timerId

The timer's unique id.

Qt::TimerType TimerInfo::timerType

The timer's type

See also Qt::TimerType.

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