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QBluetoothUuid Class

The QBluetoothUuid class generates a UUID for each Bluetooth service. More...

Header: #include <QBluetoothUuid>
qmake: QT += bluetooth
Since: Qt 5.2
Inherits: QUuid

Public Types

enum CharacteristicType { AerobicHeartRateLowerLimit, AerobicHeartRateUpperLimit, AerobicThreshold, Age, ..., WindChill }
enum DescriptorType { CharacteristicExtendedProperties, CharacteristicUserDescription, ClientCharacteristicConfiguration, ServerCharacteristicConfiguration, ..., UnknownDescriptorType }
enum ProtocolUuid { Sdp, Udp, Rfcomm, Tcp, ..., L2cap }
enum ServiceClassUuid { ServiceDiscoveryServer, BrowseGroupDescriptor, PublicBrowseGroup, SerialPort, ..., ContinuousGlucoseMonitoring }

Public Functions

QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::ProtocolUuid uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicType uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(quint16 uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(quint32 uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(quint128 uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(const QString &uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(const QBluetoothUuid &uuid)
QBluetoothUuid(const QUuid &uuid)
int minimumSize() const
quint16 toUInt16(bool *ok = nullptr) const
quint32 toUInt32(bool *ok = nullptr) const
quint128 toUInt128() const
bool operator!=(const QBluetoothUuid &other) const
QBluetoothUuid & operator=(const QBluetoothUuid &other)
bool operator==(const QBluetoothUuid &other) const
  • 18 public functions inherited from QUuid

Static Public Members

QString characteristicToString(QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicType uuid)
QString descriptorToString(QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType uuid)
QString protocolToString(QBluetoothUuid::ProtocolUuid uuid)
QString serviceClassToString(QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid uuid)
  • 10 static public members inherited from QUuid

Additional Inherited Members

  • 4 public variables inherited from QUuid

Detailed Description

The QBluetoothUuid class generates a UUID for each Bluetooth service.

Member Type Documentation

enum QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicType

This enum is a convienience type for Bluetooth low energy service characteristics class UUIDs. Values of this type will be implicitly converted into a QBluetoothUuid when necessary. The detailed type descriptions can be found on bluetooth.org.

Constant Value Description
QBluetoothUuid::AerobicHeartRateLowerLimit 0x2a7e The lower limit of the heart rate where the user improves his endurance while exercising.
QBluetoothUuid::AerobicHeartRateUpperLimit 0x2a84 The upper limit of the heart rate where the user improves his endurance while exercising.
QBluetoothUuid::AerobicThreshold 0x2a7f This characteristic states the first metabolic threshold.
QBluetoothUuid::Age 0x2a80 This characteristic states the age of the user.
QBluetoothUuid::AnaerobicHeartRateLowerLimit 0x2a81 The lower limit of the heart rate where the user enhances his anaerobic tolerance while exercising.
QBluetoothUuid::AnaerobicHeartRateUpperLimit 0x2a82 The upper limit of the heart rate where the user enhances his anaerobic tolerance while exercising.
QBluetoothUuid::AnaerobicThreshold 0x2a83 This characteristic states the second metabolic threshold.
QBluetoothUuid::AlertCategoryID 0x2a43 Categories of alerts/messages.
QBluetoothUuid::AlertCategoryIDBitMask 0x2a42 Categories of alerts/messages.
QBluetoothUuid::AlertLevel 0x2a06 The level of an alert a device is to sound. If this level is changed while the alert is being sounded, the new level should take effect.
QBluetoothUuid::AlertNotificationControlPoint 0x2a44 Control point of the Alert Notification server. Client can write the command here to request the several functions toward the server.
QBluetoothUuid::AlertStatus 0x2a3f The Alert Status characteristic defines the Status of alert.
QBluetoothUuid::ApparentWindDirection 0x2a73 The characteristic exposes the apparent wind direction. The apparent wind is experienced by an observer in motion. This characteristic states the direction of the wind with an angle measured clockwise relative to the observers heading.
QBluetoothUuid::ApparentWindSpeed 0x2a72 The characteristic exposes the apparent wind speed in meters per second. The apparent wind is experienced by an observer in motion.
QBluetoothUuid::Appearance 0x2a01 The external appearance of this device. The values are composed of a category (10-bits) and sub-categories (6-bits).
QBluetoothUuid::BarometricPressureTrend 0x2aa3 This characteristic exposes the trend the barometric pressure is taking.
QBluetoothUuid::BatteryLevel 0x2a19 The current charge level of a battery. 100% represents fully charged while 0% represents fully discharged.
QBluetoothUuid::BloodPressureFeature 0x2a49 The Blood Pressure Feature characteristic is used to describe the supported features of the Blood Pressure Sensor.
QBluetoothUuid::BloodPressureMeasurement 0x2a35 The Blood Pressure Measurement characteristic is a variable length structure containing a Flags field, a Blood Pressure Measurement Compound Value field, and contains additional fields such as Time Stamp, Pulse Rate and User ID as determined by the contents of the Flags field.
QBluetoothUuid::BodyCompositionFeature 0x2a9b This characteristic describes the available features in the BodyCompositionMeasurement characteristic.
QBluetoothUuid::BodyCompositionMeasurement 0x2a9c This characteristic describes the body composition such as muscle percentage or the body water mass.
QBluetoothUuid::BodySensorLocation 0x2a38 The Body Sensor Location characteristic describes the location of a sensor on the body (e.g.: chest, finger or hand).
QBluetoothUuid::BootKeyboardInputReport 0x2a22 The Boot Keyboard Input Report characteristic is used to transfer fixed format and length Input Report data between a HID Host operating in Boot Protocol Mode and a HID Service corresponding to a boot keyboard.
QBluetoothUuid::BootKeyboardOutputReport 0x2a32 The Boot Keyboard Output Report characteristic is used to transfer fixed format and length Output Report data between a HID Host operating in Boot Protocol Mode and a HID Service corresponding to a boot keyboard.
QBluetoothUuid::BootMouseInputReport 0x2a33 The Boot Mouse Input Report characteristic is used to transfer fixed format and length Input Report data between a HID Host operating in Boot Protocol Mode and a HID Service corresponding to a boot mouse.
QBluetoothUuid::CSCFeature 0x2a5c The CSC (Cycling Speed and Cadence) Feature characteristic is used to describe the supported features of the Server.
QBluetoothUuid::CSCMeasurement 0x2a5b The CSC Measurement characteristic (CSC refers to Cycling Speed and Cadence) is a variable length structure containing a Flags field and, based on the contents of the Flags field, may contain one or more additional fields as shown in the tables below.
QBluetoothUuid::CurrentTime 0x2a2b The Current Time characteristic shows the same information as the ExactTime256 characteristic and information on timezone, DST and the method of update employed.
QBluetoothUuid::CyclingPowerControlPoint 0x2a66 The Cycling Power Control Point characteristic is used to request a specific function to be executed on the receiving device.
QBluetoothUuid::CyclingPowerFeature 0x2a65 The CP Feature characteristic is used to report a list of features supported by the device.
QBluetoothUuid::CyclingPowerMeasurement 0x2a63 The Cycling Power Measurement characteristic is a variable length structure containing a Flags field, an Instantaneous Power field and, based on the contents of the Flags field, may contain one or more additional fields as shown in the table below.
QBluetoothUuid::CyclingPowerVector 0x2a64 The Cycling Power Vector characteristic is a variable length structure containing a Flags fieldand based on the contents of the Flags field, may contain one or more additional fields as shown in the table below.
QBluetoothUuid::DatabaseChangeIncrement 0x2a99  
QBluetoothUuid::DateOfBirth 0x2a85 This characteristic states the user's date of birth.
QBluetoothUuid::DateOfThresholdAssessment 0x2a86  
QBluetoothUuid::DateTime 0x2a08 The Date Time characteristic is used to represent time.
QBluetoothUuid::DayDateTime 0x2a0a The Day Date Time characteristic presents the date, time and day of the week.
QBluetoothUuid::DayOfWeek 0x2a09 The Day of Week characteristic describes the day of the week (Monday - Sunday).
QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorValueChanged 0x2a7d This characteristic is related to the Environmental Sensing Service.
QBluetoothUuid::DeviceName 0x2a00 The Device Name characteristic contains the name of the device.
QBluetoothUuid::DewPoint 0x2a7b This characteristic states the dew point in degree Celsius.
QBluetoothUuid::DSTOffset 0x2a0d The DST Offset characteristic describes the offset employed by daylight-saving time.
QBluetoothUuid::Elevation 0x2a6c The Elevation characteristic states the elevation above/below sea level.
QBluetoothUuid::EmailAddress 0x2a87 This characteristic states the email of the user.
QBluetoothUuid::ExactTime256 0x2a0c The Exact Time 256 characteristic describes the data, day and time with an accuracy of 1/256th of a second.
QBluetoothUuid::FatBurnHeartRateLowerLimit 0x2a88 The lower limit of the heart rate where the user maximizes the fat burn while exercising.
QBluetoothUuid::FatBurnHeartRateUpperLimit 0x2a89 The upper limit of the heart rate where the user maximizes the fat burn while exercising.
QBluetoothUuid::FirmwareRevisionString 0x2a26 The value of this characteristic is a UTF-8 string representing the firmware revision for the firmware within the device.
QBluetoothUuid::FirstName 0x2a8a This characteristic exposes the user's first name.
QBluetoothUuid::FiveZoneHeartRateLimits 0x2a8b This characteristic contains the limits between the heart rate zones for the 5-zone heart rate definition.
QBluetoothUuid::Gender 0x2a8c This characteristic states the user's gender.
QBluetoothUuid::GlucoseFeature 0x2a51 The Glucose Feature characteristic is used to describe the supported features of the Server. When read, the Glucose Feature characteristic returns a value that is used by a Client to determine the supported features of the Server.
QBluetoothUuid::GlucoseMeasurement 0x2a18 The Glucose Measurement characteristic is a variable length structure containing a Flags field, a Sequence Number field, a Base Time field and, based upon the contents of the Flags field, may contain a Time Offset field, Glucose Concentration field, Type-Sample Location field and a Sensor Status Annunciation field.
QBluetoothUuid::GlucoseMeasurementContext 0x2a34  
QBluetoothUuid::GustFactor 0x2a74 The characteristic states a factor of wind speed increase between average wind speed in maximum gust speed.
QBluetoothUuid::HardwareRevisionString 0x2a27 The value of this characteristic is a UTF-8 string representing the hardware revision for the hardware within the device.
QBluetoothUuid::MaximumRecommendedHeartRate 0x2a91 This characteristic exposes the maximum recommended heart rate that limits exertion.
QBluetoothUuid::HeartRateControlPoint 0x2a39  
QBluetoothUuid::HeartRateMax 0x2a8d This characteristic states the maximum heart rate a user can reach in beats per minute.
QBluetoothUuid::HeartRateMeasurement 0x2a37  
QBluetoothUuid::HeatIndex 0x2a7a This characteristic provides a heat index in degree Celsius.
QBluetoothUuid::Height 0x2a8e This characteristic states the user's height.
QBluetoothUuid::HIDControlPoint 0x2a4c The HID Control Point characteristic is a control-point attribute that defines the HID Commands when written.
QBluetoothUuid::HIDInformation 0x2a4a The HID Information Characteristic returns the HID attributes when read.
QBluetoothUuid::HipCircumference 0x2a8f This characteristic states the user's hip circumference in meters.
QBluetoothUuid::Humidity 0x2a6f The characteristic states the humidity in percent.
QBluetoothUuid::IEEE1107320601RegulatoryCertificationDataList 0x2a2a The value of the characteristic is an opaque structure listing various regulatory and/or certification compliance items to which the device claims adherence.
QBluetoothUuid::IntermediateCuffPressure 0x2a36 This characteristic has the same format as the Blood Pressure Measurement characteristic.
QBluetoothUuid::IntermediateTemperature 0x2a1e The Intermediate Temperature characteristic has the same format as the Temperature Measurement characteristic.
QBluetoothUuid::Irradiance 0x2a77 This characteristic states the power of electromagnetic radiation in watt per square meter.
QBluetoothUuid::Language 0x2aa2 This characteristic contains the language definition based on ISO639-1.
QBluetoothUuid::LastName 0x2a90 This characteristic states the user's last name.
QBluetoothUuid::LNControlPoint 0x2a6b The LN Control Point characteristic is used to request a specific function to be executed on the receiving device.
QBluetoothUuid::LNFeature 0x2a6a The LN Feature characteristic is used to report a list of features supported by the device.
QBluetoothUuid::LocalTimeInformation 0x2a0f  
QBluetoothUuid::LocationAndSpeed 0x2a67 The Location and Speed characteristic is a variable length structure containing a Flags field and, based on the contents of the Flags field, may contain a combination of data fields.
QBluetoothUuid::MagneticDeclination 0x2a2c The characteristic contains the angle on the horizontal plane between the direction of the (Geographic) True North and the Magnetic North, measured clockwise from True North to Magnetic North.
QBluetoothUuid::MagneticFluxDensity2D 0x2aa0 This characteristic states the magnetic flux density on an x and y axis.
QBluetoothUuid::MagneticFluxDensity3D 0x2aa1 This characteristic states the magnetic flux density on an x, y and z axis.
QBluetoothUuid::ManufacturerNameString 0x2a29 The value of this characteristic is a UTF-8 string representing the name of the manufacturer of the device.
QBluetoothUuid::MeasurementInterval 0x2a21 The Measurement Interval characteristic defines the time between measurements.
QBluetoothUuid::ModelNumberString 0x2a24 The value of this characteristic is a UTF-8 string representing the model number assigned by the device vendor.
QBluetoothUuid::Navigation 0x2a68 The Navigation characteristic is a variable length structure containing a Flags field, a Bearing field, a Heading field and, based on the contents of the Flags field.
QBluetoothUuid::NewAlert 0x2a46 This characteristic defines the category of the alert and how many new alerts of that category have occurred in the server device.
QBluetoothUuid::PeripheralPreferredConnectionParameters 0x2a04  
QBluetoothUuid::PeripheralPrivacyFlag 0x2a02  
QBluetoothUuid::PnPID 0x2a50 The PnP_ID characteristic returns its value when read using the GATT Characteristic Value Read procedure.
QBluetoothUuid::PollenConcentration 0x2a75 The characteristic exposes the pollen concentration count per cubic meter.
QBluetoothUuid::PositionQuality 0x2a69 The Position Quality characteristic is a variable length structure containing a Flags field and at least one of the optional data.
QBluetoothUuid::Pressure 0x2a6d The Pressure characteristic states the value of a pressure sensor.
QBluetoothUuid::ProtocolMode 0x2a4e The Protocol Mode characteristic is used to expose the current protocol mode of the HID Service with which it is associated, or to set the desired protocol mode of the HID Service.
QBluetoothUuid::Rainfall 0x2a78 This characteristic exposes the rainfall in meters.
QBluetoothUuid::ReconnectionAddress 0x2a03 The Information included in this page is informative. The normative descriptions are contained in the applicable specification.
QBluetoothUuid::RecordAccessControlPoint 0x2a52 This control point is used with a service to provide basic management functionality for the Glucose Sensor patient record database.
QBluetoothUuid::ReferenceTimeInformation 0x2a14  
QBluetoothUuid::Report 0x2a4d The Report characteristic is used to exchange data between a HID Device and a HID Host.
QBluetoothUuid::ReportMap 0x2a4b Only a single instance of this characteristic exists as part of a HID Service.
QBluetoothUuid::RestingHeartRate 0x2a92 This characteristic exposes the lowest heart rate a user can reach.
QBluetoothUuid::RingerControlPoint 0x2a40 The Ringer Control Point characteristic defines the Control Point of Ringer.
QBluetoothUuid::RingerSetting 0x2a41 The Ringer Setting characteristic defines the Setting of the Ringer.
QBluetoothUuid::RSCFeature 0x2a54 The RSC (Running Speed and Cadence) Feature characteristic is used to describe the supported features of the Server.
QBluetoothUuid::RSCMeasurement 0x2a53 RSC refers to Running Speed and Cadence.
QBluetoothUuid::SCControlPoint 0x2a55 The SC Control Point characteristic is used to request a specific function to be executed on the receiving device.
QBluetoothUuid::ScanIntervalWindow 0x2a4f The Scan Interval Window characteristic is used to store the scan parameters of the GATT Client.
QBluetoothUuid::ScanRefresh 0x2a31 The Scan Refresh characteristic is used to notify the Client that the Server requires the Scan Interval Window characteristic to be written with the latest values upon notification.
QBluetoothUuid::SensorLocation 0x2a5d The Sensor Location characteristic is used to expose the location of the sensor.
QBluetoothUuid::SerialNumberString 0x2a25 The value of this characteristic is a variable-length UTF-8 string representing the serial number for a particular instance of the device.
QBluetoothUuid::ServiceChanged 0x2a05  
QBluetoothUuid::SoftwareRevisionString 0x2a28 The value of this characteristic is a UTF-8 string representing the software revision for the software within the device.
QBluetoothUuid::SportTypeForAerobicAnaerobicThresholds 0x2a93 This characteristic is used to preset the various Aerobic and Anaerobic threshold characteristics based on the to-be-performed sport type.
QBluetoothUuid::SupportedNewAlertCategory 0x2a47 Category that the server supports for new alert.
QBluetoothUuid::SupportedUnreadAlertCategory 0x2a48 Category that the server supports for unread alert.
QBluetoothUuid::SystemID 0x2a23 If the system ID is based of a Bluetooth Device Address with a Company Identifier (OUI) is 0x123456 and the Company Assigned Identifier is 0x9ABCDE, then the System Identifier is required to be 0x123456FFFE9ABCDE.
QBluetoothUuid::Temperature 0x2a6e The value of this characteristic states the temperature in degree Celsius.
QBluetoothUuid::TemperatureMeasurement 0x2a1c The Temperature Measurement characteristic is a variable length structure containing a Flags field, a Temperature Measurement Value field and, based upon the contents of the Flags field, optionally a Time Stamp field and/or a Temperature Type field.
QBluetoothUuid::TemperatureType 0x2a1d The Temperature Type characteristic is an enumeration that indicates where the temperature was measured.
QBluetoothUuid::ThreeZoneHeartRateLimits 0x2a94 This characteristic contains the limits between the heart rate zones for the 3-zone heart rate definition.
QBluetoothUuid::TimeAccuracy 0x2a12  
QBluetoothUuid::TimeSource 0x2a13  
QBluetoothUuid::TimeUpdateControlPoint 0x2a16  
QBluetoothUuid::TimeUpdateState 0x2a17  
QBluetoothUuid::TimeWithDST 0x2a11  
QBluetoothUuid::TimeZone 0x2a0e  
QBluetoothUuid::TrueWindDirection 0x2a71 The characteristic states the direction of the wind with an angle measured clockwise relative to (Geographic) True North. A wind coming from the east is given as 90 degrees.
QBluetoothUuid::TrueWindSpeed 0x2a70 The characteristic states the wind speed in meters per seconds.
QBluetoothUuid::TwoZoneHeartRateLimits 0x2a95 This characteristic contains the limits between the heart rate zones for the 2-zone heart rate definition.
QBluetoothUuid::TxPowerLevel 0x2a07 The value of the characteristic is a signed 8 bit integer that has a fixed point exponent of 0.
QBluetoothUuid::UnreadAlertStatus 0x2a45 This characteristic shows how many numbers of unread alerts exist in the specific category in the device.
QBluetoothUuid::UserControlPoint 0x2a9f  
QBluetoothUuid::UserIndex 0x2a9a This characteristic states the index of the user.
QBluetoothUuid::UVIndex 0x2a76 This characteristic exposes the UV index.
QBluetoothUuid::VO2Max 0x2a96 This characteristic exposes the maximum Oxygen uptake of a user.
QBluetoothUuid::WaistCircumference 0x2a97 This characteristic states the user's waist circumference in meters.
QBluetoothUuid::Weight 0x2a98 This characteristic exposes the user's weight in kilograms.
QBluetoothUuid::WeightMeasurement 0x2a9d This characteristic provides weight related data such as BMI or the user's weight.
QBluetoothUuid::WeightScaleFeature 0x2a9e This characteristic describes the available data in the WeightMeasurement characteristic.
QBluetoothUuid::WindChill 0x2a79 This characteristic states the wind chill in degree Celsius

This enum was introduced or modified in Qt 5.4.

enum QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType

Descriptors are attributes that describe Bluetooth Low Energy characteristic values.

This enum is a convienience type for descriptor class UUIDs. Values of this type will be implicitly converted into a QBluetoothUuid when necessary. The detailed type specifications can be found on bluetooth.org.

Constant Value Description
QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicExtendedProperties 0x2900 Descriptor defines additional Characteristic Properties. The existence of this descriptor is indicated by the QLowEnergyCharacteristic::ExtendedProperty flag.
QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicUserDescription 0x2901 Descriptor provides a textual user description for a characteristic value.
QBluetoothUuid::ClientCharacteristicConfiguration 0x2902 Descriptor defines how the characteristic may be configured by a specific client.
QBluetoothUuid::ServerCharacteristicConfiguration 0x2903 Descriptor defines how the characteristic descriptor is associated with may be configured for the server.
QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicPresentationFormat 0x2904 Descriptor defines the format of the Characteristic Value.
QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicAggregateFormat 0x2905 Descriptor defines the format of an aggregated Characteristic Value.
QBluetoothUuid::ValidRange 0x2906 descriptor is used for defining the range of a characteristics. Two mandatory fields are contained (upper and lower bounds) which define the range.
QBluetoothUuid::ExternalReportReference 0x2907 Allows a HID Host to map information from the Report Map characteristic value for Input Report, Output Report or Feature Report data to the Characteristic UUID of external service characteristics used to transfer the associated data.
QBluetoothUuid::ReportReference 0x2908 Mapping information in the form of a Report ID and Report Type which maps the current parent characteristic to the Report ID(s) and Report Type (s) defined within the Report Map characteristic.
QBluetoothUuid::EnvironmentalSensingConfiguration 0x290b Descriptor defines how multiple trigger settings descriptors are combined. Therefore this descriptor works together with the EnvironmentalSensingTriggerSetting descriptor to define the conditions under which the associated characteristic value can be notified.
QBluetoothUuid::EnvironmentalSensingMeasurement 0x290c Descriptor defines the additional information for the environmental sensing server such as the intended application, sampling functions or measurement period and uncertainty.
QBluetoothUuid::EnvironmentalSensingTriggerSetting 0x290d Descriptor defines under which conditions an environmental sensing server (ESS) should trigger notifications. Examples of such conditions are certain thresholds being reached or timers having expired. This implies that the ESS characteristic supports notifications.
QBluetoothUuid::UnknownDescriptorType 0x0 The descriptor type is unknown.

This enum was introduced or modified in Qt 5.4.

enum QBluetoothUuid::ProtocolUuid

This enum is a convienience type for Bluetooth protocol UUIDs. Values of this type will be implicitly converted into a QBluetoothUuid when necessary.

Constant Value Description
QBluetoothUuid::Sdp 0x0001 SDP protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Udp 0x0002 UDP protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Rfcomm 0x0003 RFCOMM protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Tcp 0x0004 TCP protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::TcsBin 0x0005 Telephony Control Specification UUID
QBluetoothUuid::TcsAt 0x0006 Telephony Control Specification AT UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Att 0x0007 Attribute protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Obex 0x0008 OBEX protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Ip 0x0009 IP protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Ftp 0x000A FTP protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Http 0x000C HTTP protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Wsp 0x000E WSP UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Bnep 0x000F Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Upnp 0x0010 Extended Service Discovery Profile UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Hidp 0x0011 Human Interface Device Profile UUID
QBluetoothUuid::HardcopyControlChannel 0x0012 Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile UUID
QBluetoothUuid::HardcopyDataChannel 0x0014 Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile UUID
QBluetoothUuid::HardcopyNotification 0x0016 Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Avctp 0x0017 Audio/Video Control Transport Protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Avdtp 0x0019 Audio/Video Distribution Transport Protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::Cmtp 0x001B Common ISDN Access Profile
QBluetoothUuid::UdiCPlain 0x001D UDI protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::McapControlChannel 0x001E Multi-Channel Adaptation Protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::McapDataChannel 0x001F Multi-Channel Adaptation Protocol UUID
QBluetoothUuid::L2cap 0x0100 L2CAP protocol UUID

See also QBluetoothServiceInfo::ProtocolDescriptorList.

enum QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid

This enum is a convienience type for Bluetooth service class and profile UUIDs. Values of this type will be implicitly converted into a QBluetoothUuid when necessary. Some UUIDs refer to service class ids, others to profile ids and some can be used as both. In general, profile UUIDs shall only be used in a QBluetoothServiceInfo::BluetoothProfileDescriptorList attribute and service class UUIDs shall only be used in a QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceClassIds attribute. If the UUID is marked as profile and service class UUID it can be used as a value for either of the above service attributes. Such a dual use has historical reasons but is no longer permissible for newer UUIDs.

The list below explicitly states as what type each UUID shall be used. Bluetooth Low Energy related values starting with 0x18 were introduced by Qt 5.4

Constant Value Description
QBluetoothUuid::ServiceDiscoveryServer 0x1000 Service discovery server UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::BrowseGroupDescriptor 0x1001 Browser group descriptor (service)
QBluetoothUuid::PublicBrowseGroup 0x1002 Public browse group service class. Services which have the public browse group in their browse group list are discoverable by the remote devices.
QBluetoothUuid::SerialPort 0x1101 Serial Port Profile UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::LANAccessUsingPPP 0x1102 LAN Access Profile UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::DialupNetworking 0x1103 Dial-up Networking Profile UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::IrMCSync 0x1104 Synchronization Profile UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::ObexObjectPush 0x1105 OBEX object push service UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::OBEXFileTransfer 0x1106 File Transfer Profile (FTP) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::IrMCSyncCommand 0x1107 Synchronization Profile UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::Headset 0x1108 Headset Profile (HSP) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::AudioSource 0x110a Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::AudioSink 0x110b Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::AV_RemoteControlTarget 0x110c Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::AdvancedAudioDistribution 0x110d Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::AV_RemoteControl 0x110e Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::AV_RemoteControlController 0x110f Audio/Video Remote Control Profile UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::HeadsetAG 0x1112 Headset Profile (HSP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::PANU 0x1115 Personal Area Networking Profile (PAN) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::NAP 0x1116 Personal Area Networking Profile (PAN) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::GN 0x1117 Personal Area Networking Profile (PAN) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::DirectPrinting 0x1118 Basic Printing Profile (BPP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::ReferencePrinting 0x1119 Related to Basic Printing Profile (BPP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::BasicImage 0x111a Basic Imaging Profile (BIP) UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::ImagingResponder 0x111b Basic Imaging Profile (BIP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::ImagingAutomaticArchive 0x111c Basic Imaging Profile (BIP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::ImagingReferenceObjects 0x111d Basic Imaging Profile (BIP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::Handsfree 0x111e Hands-Free Profile (HFP) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::HandsfreeAudioGateway 0x111f Hands-Free Audio Gateway (HFP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::DirectPrintingReferenceObjectsService 0x1120 Basic Printing Profile (BPP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::ReflectedUI 0x1121 Basic Printing Profile (BPP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::BasicPrinting 0x1122 Basic Printing Profile (BPP) UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::PrintingStatus 0x1123 Basic Printing Profile (BPP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::HumanInterfaceDeviceService 0x1124 Human Interface Device (HID) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::HardcopyCableReplacement 0x1125 Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile (HCRP) (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::HCRPrint 0x1126 Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile (HCRP) (service)
QBluetoothUuid::HCRScan 0x1127 Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile (HCRP) (service)
QBluetoothUuid::SIMAccess 0x112d SIM Access Profile (SAP) UUID (service and profile)
QBluetoothUuid::PhonebookAccessPCE 0x112e Phonebook Access Profile (PBAP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::PhonebookAccessPSE 0x112f Phonebook Access Profile (PBAP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::PhonebookAccess 0x1130 Phonebook Access Profile (PBAP) (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::HeadsetHS 0x1131 Headset Profile (HSP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::MessageAccessServer 0x1132 Message Access Profile (MAP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::MessageNotificationServer 0x1133 Message Access Profile (MAP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::MessageAccessProfile 0x1134 Message Access Profile (MAP) UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::GNSS 0x1135 Global Navigation Satellite System UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::GNSSServer 0x1136 Global Navigation Satellite System Server (UUID) (service)
QBluetoothUuid::Display3D 0x1137 3D Synchronization Display UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::Glasses3D 0x1138 3D Synchronization Glasses UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::Synchronization3D 0x1139 3D Synchronization UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::MPSProfile 0x113a Multi-Profile Specification UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::MPSService 0x113b Multi-Profile Specification UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::PnPInformation 0x1200 Device Identification (DID) UUID (service & profile)
QBluetoothUuid::GenericNetworking 0x1201 Generic networking UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::GenericFileTransfer 0x1202 Generic file transfer UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::GenericAudio 0x1203 Generic audio UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::GenericTelephony 0x1204 Generic telephone UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::VideoSource 0x1303 Video Distribution Profile (VDP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::VideoSink 0x1304 Video Distribution Profile (VDP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::VideoDistribution 0x1305 Video Distribution Profile (VDP) UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::HDP 0x1400 Health Device Profile (HDP) UUID (profile)
QBluetoothUuid::HDPSource 0x1401 Health Device Profile Source (HDP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::HDPSink 0x1402 Health Device Profile Sink (HDP) UUID (service)
QBluetoothUuid::GenericAccess 0x1800 Generic access service for Bluetooth Low Energy devices UUID (service). It contains generic information about the device. All available Characteristics are readonly.
QBluetoothUuid::GenericAttribute 0x1801  
QBluetoothUuid::ImmediateAlert 0x1802 Immediate Alert UUID (service). The service exposes a control point to allow a peer device to cause the device to immediately alert.
QBluetoothUuid::LinkLoss 0x1803 Link Loss UUID (service). The service defines behavior when a link is lost between two devices.
QBluetoothUuid::TxPower 0x1804 Transmission Power UUID (service). The service exposes a device’s current transmit power level when in a connection.
QBluetoothUuid::CurrentTimeService 0x1805 Current Time UUID (service). The service defines how the current time can be exposed using the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT).
QBluetoothUuid::ReferenceTimeUpdateService 0x1806 Reference Time update UUID (service). The service defines how a client can request an update from a reference time source from a time server.
QBluetoothUuid::NextDSTChangeService 0x1807 Next DST change UUID (service). The service defines how the information about an upcoming DST change can be exposed.
QBluetoothUuid::Glucose 0x1808 Glucose UUID (service). The service exposes glucose and other data from a glucose sensor for use in consumer and professional healthcare applications.
QBluetoothUuid::HealthThermometer 0x1809 Health Thermometer UUID (service). The Health Thermometer service exposes temperature and other data from a thermometer intended for healthcare and fitness applications.
QBluetoothUuid::DeviceInformation 0x180a Device Information UUID (service). The Device Information Service exposes manufacturer and/or vendor information about a device.
QBluetoothUuid::HeartRate 0x180d Heart Rate UUID (service). The service exposes the heart rate and other data from a Heart Rate Sensor intended for fitness applications.
QBluetoothUuid::PhoneAlertStatusService 0x180e Phone Alert Status UUID (service). The service exposes the phone alert status when in a connection.
QBluetoothUuid::BatteryService 0x180f Battery UUID (service). The Battery Service exposes the state of a battery within a device.
QBluetoothUuid::BloodPressure 0x1810 Blood Pressure UUID (service). The service exposes blood pressure and other data from a blood pressure monitor intended for healthcare applications.
QBluetoothUuid::AlertNotificationService 0x1811 Alert Notification UUID (service). The Alert Notification service exposes alert information on a device.
QBluetoothUuid::HumanInterfaceDevice 0x1812 Human Interface UUID (service). The service exposes the HID reports and other HID data intended for HID Hosts and HID Devices.
QBluetoothUuid::ScanParameters 0x1813 Scan Parameters UUID (service). The Scan Parameters Service enables a GATT Server device to expose a characteristic for the GATT Client to write its scan interval and scan window on the GATT Server device.
QBluetoothUuid::RunningSpeedAndCadence 0x1814 Runnung Speed and Cadence UUID (service). The service exposes speed, cadence and other data from a Running Speed and Cadence Sensor intended for fitness applications.
QBluetoothUuid::CyclingSpeedAndCadence 0x1816 Cycling Speed and Cadence UUID (service). The service exposes speed-related and cadence-related data from a Cycling Speed and Cadence sensor intended for fitness applications.
QBluetoothUuid::CyclingPower 0x1818 Cycling Speed UUID (service). The service exposes power- and force-related data and optionally speed- and cadence-related data from a Cycling Power sensor intended for sports and fitness applications.
QBluetoothUuid::LocationAndNavigation 0x1819 Location Navigation UUID (service). The service exposes location and navigation-related data from a Location and Navigation sensor intended for outdoor activity applications.
QBluetoothUuid::EnvironmentalSensing 0x181a Environmental sensor UUID (service). The service exposes data from an environmental sensor for sports and fitness applications.
QBluetoothUuid::BodyComposition 0x181b Body composition UUID (service). The service exposes data about the body composition intended for consumer healthcare applications.
QBluetoothUuid::UserData 0x181c User Data UUID (service). The User Data service provides user-related data such as name, gender or weight in sports and fitness environments.
QBluetoothUuid::WeightScale 0x181d Weight Scale UUID (service). The Weight Scale service exposes weight-related data from a scale for consumer healthcare, sports and fitness applications.
QBluetoothUuid::BondManagement 0x181e Bond Management UUID (service). The Bond Management service enables user to manage the storage of bond information on Bluetooth devices.
QBluetoothUuid::ContinuousGlucoseMonitoring 0x181f Continuous Glucose Monitoring UUID (service). The Continuous Glucose Monitoring service exposes glucose data from a monitoring sensor for use in healthcare applications.

Member Function Documentation


Constructs a new null Bluetooth UUID.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::ProtocolUuid uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID from the protocol uuid.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID from the service class uuid.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicType uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID from the characteristic type uuid.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.4.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID from the descriptor type uuid.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.4.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(quint16 uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID from the 16 bit uuid.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(quint32 uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID from the 32 bit uuid.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(quint128 uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID from the 128 bit uuid.

Note that uuid must be in big endian order.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(const QString &uuid)

Creates a QBluetoothUuid object from the string uuid, which must be formatted as five hex fields separated by '-', e.g., "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" where 'x' is a hex digit. The curly braces shown here are optional, but it is normal to include them. If the conversion fails, a null UUID is created. See QUuid::toString() for an explanation of how the five hex fields map to the public data members in QUuid.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(const QBluetoothUuid &uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID that is a copy of uuid.

QBluetoothUuid::QBluetoothUuid(const QUuid &uuid)

Constructs a new Bluetooth UUID that is a copy of uuid.


Destroys the Bluetooth UUID.

[static] QString QBluetoothUuid::characteristicToString(QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicType uuid)

Returns a human-readable and translated name for the given characteristic type represented by uuid.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.4.

See also QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicType.

[static] QString QBluetoothUuid::descriptorToString(QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType uuid)

Returns a human-readable and translated name for the given descriptor type represented by uuid.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.4.

See also QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType.

int QBluetoothUuid::minimumSize() const

Returns the minimum size in bytes that this UUID can be represented in. For non-null UUIDs 2, 4 or 16 is returned. 0 is returned for null UUIDs.

See also isNull(), toUInt16(), toUInt32(), and toUInt128().

[static] QString QBluetoothUuid::protocolToString(QBluetoothUuid::ProtocolUuid uuid)

Returns a human-readable and translated name for the given protocol represented by uuid.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.4.

See also QBluetoothUuid::ProtocolUuid.

[static] QString QBluetoothUuid::serviceClassToString(QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid uuid)

Returns a human-readable and translated name for the given service class represented by uuid.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.4.

See also QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid.

quint16 QBluetoothUuid::toUInt16(bool *ok = nullptr) const

Returns the 16 bit representation of this UUID. If ok is passed, it is set to true if the conversion is possible, otherwise it is set to false. The return value is undefined if ok is set to false.

quint32 QBluetoothUuid::toUInt32(bool *ok = nullptr) const

Returns the 32 bit representation of this UUID. If ok is passed, it is set to true if the conversion is possible, otherwise it is set to false. The return value is undefined if ok is set to false.

quint128 QBluetoothUuid::toUInt128() const

Returns the 128 bit representation of this UUID.

bool QBluetoothUuid::operator!=(const QBluetoothUuid &other) const

Returns true if other is not equal to this Bluetooth UUID, otherwise false.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.7.

QBluetoothUuid &QBluetoothUuid::operator=(const QBluetoothUuid &other)

Copy-assignment operator.

bool QBluetoothUuid::operator==(const QBluetoothUuid &other) const

Returns true if other is equal to this Bluetooth UUID, otherwise false.

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