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Obsolete Members for QColorDialog

The following members of class QColorDialog are obsolete. They are provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using them in new code.

Static Public Members

(obsolete) QRgb getRgba(QRgb initial = 0xffffffff, bool *ok = nullptr, QWidget *parent = nullptr)
  • 1 static public member inherited from QObject

Member Function Documentation

[static] QRgb QColorDialog::getRgba(QRgb initial = 0xffffffff, bool *ok = nullptr, QWidget *parent = nullptr)

Pops up a modal color dialog to allow the user to choose a color and an alpha channel (transparency) value. The color+alpha is initially set to initial. The dialog is a child of parent.

If ok is non-null, *a ok is set to true if the user clicked OK, and to false if the user clicked Cancel.

If the user clicks Cancel, the initial value is returned.

Use QColorDialog::getColor() instead, passing the QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel option.

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