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Enable frustum culling for the FrameGraph. More...

Import Statement: import Qt3D.Render 2.0
Since: Qt 5.7


Detailed Description

A FrustumCulling type enables frustum culling of the drawable entities based on the camera view and Geometry bounds of the entities. If FrustumCulling is present in the FrameGraph, only the entities whose Geometry bounds intersect with the camera frustum, i.e. the view of the camera, are drawn. If FrustumCulling is not present, all drawable entities will be drawn. The camera is selected by a CameraSelector frame graph node in the current hierarchy. Frustum culling can save a lot of GPU processing time when the rendered scene is complex.

See also CameraSelector.

Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded