Define a variety of samples and parameters to be used for SoundInstance. More...
Import Statement: | import QtAudioEngine 1.1 |
Since: | Qt 5.0 |
Inherits: |
Sound can be accessed through QtAudioEngine::AudioEngine::sounds with its unique name and must be defined inside AudioEngine or be added to it using AudioEngine.addSound() if Sound is created dynamically.
Rectangle { color:"white" width: 300 height: 500 AudioEngine { id:audioengine AudioSample { name:"explosion01" source: "explosion-01.wav" } AudioSample { name:"explosion02" source: "explosion-02.wav" } Sound { name:"explosion" playType: Sound.Random PlayVariation { sample:"explosion01" minPitch: 0.8 maxPitch: 1.1 } PlayVariation { sample:"explosion02" minGain: 1.1 maxGain: 1.5 } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { audioengine.sounds["explosion"].play(); } } }
attenuationModel : string |
This property specifies which attenuation model this sound will apply.
category : string |
This property specifies which AudioCategory this sound belongs to.
name : string |
This property holds the name of Sound, must be unique among all sounds and only defined once.
playType : enumeration |
This property holds the playType. It can be one of:
The default value is Random.
addPlayVariation(PlayVariation playVariation) |
Adds the given playVariation to sound. This can be used when the PlayVariation is created dynamically:
import QtAudioEngine 1.1 AudioEngine { id: engine Component.onCompleted: { var playVariation = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtAudioEngine 1.1; PlayVariation {}', engine); playVariation.sample = "sample"; playVariation.minPitch = 0.8 playVariation.maxPitch = 1.1 var sound = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtAudioEngine 1.1; Sound {}', engine); sound.name = "example"; sound.addPlayVariation(playVariation); engine.addSound(sound); } }
QtAudioEngine::SoundInstance newInstance() |
Returns a new SoundInstance.
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position, velocity, direction, adjusted gain and pitch.
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position, velocity, adjusted gain and pitch. Direction is set to
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position, adjusted gain and pitch. Direction and velocity are all set to
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position, velocity, direction and adjusted gain.
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position, velocity and adjusted gain. Direction is set to "0,0,0"
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position and adjusted gain. Direction and velocity are all set to "0,0,0"
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position, velocity and direction.
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position and velocity. Direction is set to "0,0,0"
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with specified position. Direction and velocity are all set to "0,0,0"
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with the adjusted gain and pitch. Position, direction and velocity are all set to
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing with the adjusted gain. Position, direction and velocity are all set to "0,0,0"
Creates a new SoundInstance and starts playing. Position, direction and velocity are all set to "0,0,0"