Contains information about an in-app transaction. More...
Import Statement: | import QtPurchasing 1.0 |
Since: | QtPurchasing 1.0 |
Transaction contains information about a transaction in the external app store and is usually provided as a result of calling purchase() on a product. When the purchase flow has ended, whether it's successful or not, either the product's onPurchaseSucceeded or onPurchaseFailed handler will be called with a transaction object as argument.
Transaction cannot be created directly in QML, but is only provided as an argument to the purchase handlers in the products.
errorString : string |
This property holds a string describing the error if the transaction failed due to an error. The contents of the error string is platform-specific.
See also failureReason and status.
This property holds the reason for the failure if the transaction failed.
See also errorString.
orderId : string |
This property holds a unique identifier for this transaction. This value may be an empty string if no transaction was registered (for example for canceled purchases).
This property holds the status of the transaction.
This property holds the timestamp of the transaction. The timestamp can be invalid if there is no valid transaction, for example if the user canceled the purchase.
See also orderId.
Call this when the application has finished performing all necessary reactions to the purchase. If the purchase succeeded, the application should store the information about the transaction in a safe way before finalizing it. All transactions should be finalized.