Provides custom styling for TabView. More...
Import Statement: | import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 |
Since: | Qt 5.1 |
TabView { id: frame anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 4 Tab { title: "Tab 1" } Tab { title: "Tab 2" } Tab { title: "Tab 3" } style: TabViewStyle { frameOverlap: 1 tab: Rectangle { color: styleData.selected ? "steelblue" :"lightsteelblue" border.color: "steelblue" implicitWidth: Math.max(text.width + 4, 80) implicitHeight: 20 radius: 2 Text { id: text anchors.centerIn: parent text: styleData.title color: styleData.selected ? "white" : "black" } } frame: Rectangle { color: "steelblue" } } }
[read-only] control : TabView |
The ScrollView this style is attached to.
frame : Component |
This defines the tab frame.
frameOverlap : int |
This property holds the amount of overlap there are between individual tab buttons and the frame.
leftCorner : Component |
This defines the left corner.
rightCorner : Component |
This defines the right corner.
tab : Component |
This defines the tab. You can access the tab state through the styleData
property, with the following properties:
readonly property int styleData.index | This is the current tab index. |
readonly property bool styleData.selected | This is the active tab. |
readonly property string styleData.title | Tab title text. |
readonly property bool styleData.nextSelected | The next tab is selected. |
readonly property bool styleData.previousSelected | The previous tab is selected. |
readonly property bool styleData.pressed | The tab is being pressed. (since QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3) |
readonly property bool styleData.hovered | The tab is being hovered. |
readonly property bool styleData.enabled | The tab is enabled. (since QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2) |
readonly property bool styleData.activeFocus | The tab button has keyboard focus. |
readonly property bool styleData.availableWidth | The available width for the tabs. |
readonly property bool styleData.totalWidth | The total width of the tabs. (since QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2) |
tabBar : Component |
This defines the tab bar background.
tabOverlap : int |
This property holds the amount of overlap there are between individual tab buttons.
tabsAlignment : int |
This property holds the horizontal alignment of the tab buttons. Supported values are:
tabsMovable : bool |
This property holds whether the user can move the tabs. Tabs are not movable by default.