Provides custom styling for TreeView. More...
Import Statement: | import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 |
Since: | Qt 5.5 |
Inherits: |
activateItemOnSingleClick : bool |
Activates items on single click.
Its default value is false
alternateBackgroundColor : color |
The alternate background color.
backgroundColor : color |
The background color.
branchDelegate : Component |
This property defines a delegate to draw the branch indicator.
In the branch delegate you have access to the following special properties:
headerDelegate : Component |
Delegate for header. This delegate is described in TreeView.headerDelegate.
highlightedTextColor : color |
The text highlight color, used within selections.
indentation : int |
The amount each level is indented relatively to its parent level.
itemDelegate : Component |
Delegate for item. This delegate is described in TreeView.itemDelegate.
rowDelegate : Component |
Delegate for row. This delegate is described in TreeView.rowDelegate.
textColor : color |
The text color.