The Sensor element serves as a base type for sensors. More...
Import Statement: | import QtSensors 5.11 |
Since: | QtSensors 5.0 |
Inherited By: |
Accelerometer, Altimeter, AmbientLightSensor, AmbientTemperatureSensor, Compass, DistanceSensor, Gyroscope, HolsterSensor, HumiditySensor, IRProximitySensor, LidSensor, LightSensor, Magnetometer, OrientationSensor, PressureSensor, ProximitySensor, RotationSensor, TapSensor, and TiltSensor |
The Sensor element serves as a base type for sensors.
This element wraps the QSensor class. Please see the documentation for QSensor for details.
This element cannot be directly created. Please use one of the sub-classes instead.
This property holds a value to indicate if the sensor is active.
Please see QSensor::active for information about this property.
This property holds a value to indicate if the sensor should remain running when the screen is off.
Please see QSensor::alwaysOn for information about this property.
This property holds the data rates that the sensor supports.
Please see QSensor::availableDataRates for information about this property.
This property holds the mode that affects how the screen orientation changes reading values.
Please see QSensor::axesOrientationMode for information about this property.
This QML property was introduced in QtSensors 5.1.
This property holds the size of the buffer.
Please see QSensor::bufferSize for information about this property.
This QML property was introduced in QtSensors 5.1.
This property holds a value to indicate if the sensor is busy.
Please see QSensor::busy for information about this property.
This property holds a value indicating if the sensor has connected to a backend.
Please see QSensor::connectedToBackend for information about this property.
This property holds the current orientation that is used for rotating the reading values.
Please see QSensor::currentOrientation for information about this property.
This QML property was introduced in QtSensors 5.1.
This property holds the data rate that the sensor should be run at.
Please see QSensor::dataRate for information about this property.
The property holds the most efficient buffer size.
Please see QSensor::efficientBufferSize for information about this property.
This QML property was introduced in QtSensors 5.1.
This property holds the backend identifier for the sensor.
Please see QSensor::identifier for information about this property.
This property holds the maximum buffer size.
Please see QSensor::maxBufferSize for information about this property.
This QML property was introduced in QtSensors 5.1.
This property holds the output range in use by the sensor.
Please see QSensor::outputRange for information about this property.
This property holds a list of output ranges the sensor supports.
Please see QSensor::outputRanges for information about this property.
reading : SensorReading |
This property holds the reading class.
Please see QSensor::reading for information about this property.
See also QML Reading types.
This property indicates whether duplicate reading values should be omitted.
Please see QSensor::skipDuplicates for information about this property.
This QML property was introduced in QtSensors 5.1.
This property holds the angle used for rotating the reading values in the UserOrientation mode.
Please see QSensor::userOrientation for information about this property.
This QML property was introduced in QtSensors 5.1.
Start retrieving values from the sensor. Returns true if the sensor was started, false otherwise.
Please see QSensor::start() for information.
Stop retrieving values from the sensor.
Please see QSensor::stop() for information.